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单词 notice/not notice
释义 notice/not notice1 to notice someone or something2 to not notice something3 good at noticing things4 something that is easy to notice5 to make people notice yourelated wordspay or get attention 注意或被注意 attention,not pay any attention to someone or something 不注意某人或某事物 ignore,see alsorealize,see,1. to notice someone or something 注意到某人或某事物 notice /ˈnəʊtɪs, ˈnəʊtəs/ [intransitive/transitive verb not in progressive] to realize that something is there or that something is happening, when you see it, hear it, or feel it 注意到;看到;听到;察觉到 ‘julie's home.’ ‘yes, i noticed her bicycle outside.’ “朱莉回家了。”“是的,我看到她的自行车停在外面了。” do you notice anything different about my hair? 你注意到我的头发有什么不同吗?notice (that) as she was about to leave, she noticed that the kitchen window was open. 她正要出门,发现厨房的窗户是开着的。 dominic took a huge slice of cake, hoping no one would notice. 多米尼克拿了一大块蛋糕,他希望不会有人看到。 i noticed that he was rather quiet during dinner. 我注意到吃饭时他的话不多。notice how/when/where etc did you notice what he was wearing? 你注意到他穿着什么衣服吗?/ she was worried that her boss would notice how long she had been gone. 她担心老板会察觉到她走了有多长时间。notice somebody doing something i was about to leave when i noticed someone coming up the driveway. 我正要出门,发现车道上有人走过来。 can see/can tell /kən ˈsiː, kən ˈtel/ [verb phrase] to know that something is true, because you notice signs that show you this 看出 can see/can tell (that) we could tell that she had been crying. 我们能看出她哭过。 i can see you're not really enjoying this. 我看得出你不是很喜欢这个。 i see /aɪ ˈsiː/ [verb phrase] spoken say this to mention something that you have noticed 【口】我注意到 i see (that) i see that the new de niro movie is playing this weekend. 我注意到德尼罗的新影片将于这个周末放映。 i see you've been working out. 我注意到你最近在健身。 spot /spɒtǁspɑːt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to see something or someone that is difficult to notice, or something or someone that no one else notices 发现;发觉;看出[指难以发现或别人没有发现的事] i'm glad you spotted the mistake before it was too late. 我很高兴你及时发现了那个错误。 if you spot mom and dad coming, warn me. 如果你看到爸爸妈妈来了就事先告诉我。 i dropped my keys in the grass, but luckily jim spotted them. 我把钥匙掉落在草地上,幸好吉姆发现了。spot somebody doing something police finally caught up with serrano when he was spotted eating in an upper east side restaurant. 塞拉诺被人发现在上东区一家餐厅就餐,警方终于将他捉拿归案。difficult/easy to spot she won't be difficult to spot -- she's got pink hair and weighs about 300 pounds. 她不难找—她有一头粉红色的头发;体重在300磅左右。 become aware/conscious /bɪˌkʌm əˈweəʳ, ˈkɒnʃəsǁ-ˈkɑːn-/ [verb phrase] to gradually begin to notice something 渐渐注意到;开始意识到 become aware/conscious (that) i slowly became aware that i was the only woman in the bar. 我慢慢地注意到酒吧里只有我一个女人。 he became conscious that everyone in the room had suddenly gotten quiet. 他发现房间里大家一下子安静了下来。become aware/conscious of it wasn't until after the game that he became aware of the bruises on his legs. 比赛结束以后,他才意识到自己腿上有瘀伤。 she became conscious of a growing amount of hostility between them. 她开始意识到他们之间的嫌隙越积越深。 catch somebody's eye /ˌkætʃ somebodyˈs ˈaɪ/ [verb phrase] if something or someone catches your eye, you notice them and like them because they are interesting, attractive, or unusual 吸引某人的目光,吸引某人的注意 i was walking through the market when a beautiful dress caught my eye. 我走在市场里,一条漂亮的连衣裙吸引了我的目光。 wright caught the eye of filmmaker spike lee, who featured him in a jeans commercial. 赖特被电影制作人斯派克·李看中,叫他拍了一个牛仔裤广告。 detect /dɪˈtekt/ [transitive verb] to notice something that is difficult to see, hear etc, especially because it is very small, faint, or unclear 察觉到[难以看见、听见的事物,尤因其很小、很微弱或很模糊] marlowe detected a faint smell of perfume as he entered the room. 马洛走进房间时闻到了隐隐约约的香水味。 she wasn't moving or responding, but he detected a slow heartbeat. 她不动,也没有反应,但是他感觉到有慢慢的心跳。 do i detect a note of sarcasm in your voice? 我怎么觉得你的话里带有点讽刺? the system is so sensitive that it can detect changes in temperature as small as 0.003 of a degree. 这个系统非常灵敏,0.003度这么小的温度变化也能测得出来。 detection /dɪˈtekʃən/ [uncountable noun] a geiger counter is designed for the detection of minute differences in radio activity. 盖革计数器是用来探测辐射能中的微小差别的。 note /nəʊt/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to notice a fact or detail and remember it, because it tells you something about a person or because it might be useful to you in the future 注意,留意[某情况或细节] i noted her habit of looking at the floor whenever i asked her a question. 我留意到她有个习惯,我每次问她问题时,她都看着地板。note how/when etc he chatted to her, noting how her face reddened every time ian's name was mentioned. 他跟她聊着,注意到每次提起伊恩的名字,她都要脸红。note that note that the compound is more stable at high temperatures. 注意,这种化合物在高温下更稳定。could/can not help but note that i couldn't help but note that jenny doesn't phone or call around to see you anymore. 我不可能注意不到,珍妮不再打电话给你,也不来看你了。it should be noted that it should be noted that the witness did not recognize the defendant. 应该注意的是,证人并没有认出被告。 observe /əbˈzɜːʳv/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal to notice something as a result of watching or studying it closely 【正式】看出,观察到 i didn't observe anything out of the ordinary about her behaviour that day. 我没看出她那天的表现有什么反常。observe that psychologists observed that the mice became more aggressive when they were put in smaller cages. 心理学家观察到,老鼠关在较小的笼子里时变得更具攻击性。 observation /ˌɒbzəʳˈveɪʃənǁˌɑːb-/ [uncountable noun] i have learned much about child psychology from the observation of by observing my own children. 通过观察自己的孩子,我对儿童心理了解了很多。 perceive /pəʳˈsiːv/ [transitive verb not in progressive] formal to notice something, especially something that is difficult to notice 【正式】察觉到;注意到[尤指难以发现的事物] although jane thought her father seemed anxious and uneasy, susan did not perceive any change in his looks or ways. 虽然简觉得她父亲显得焦虑不安,但苏珊却没察觉到他的表情或态度有什么变化。perceive (that) the prime minister will only resign if he perceives there is no other way out of the crisis. 首相只会在觉得已经无法摆脱危机的时候才会辞职。 if they perceive that a military challenge threatens their country's interests, they will not hesitate to fight. 他们一旦发现国家的利益受到了军事威胁,就会豪不犹豫地奋起反击。2. to not notice something 没有注意到某事物 not notice /nɒt ˈnəʊtə̇s/ [verb phrase not in progressive] ‘does alex like your new hairstyle?’ ‘he didn't even notice.’ “亚历克斯喜欢你的新发型吗?”“他甚至都没注意到。” i saw mike in town but he didn't notice me. 我在镇上看到迈克,但他没有注意到我。not notice (that) he was so wrapped up in his studying that he didn't notice that the phone was ringing. 他在专心致志地学习,没有注意到电话铃响了。 she didn't notice her jewelry box was missing until after the police had left. 警察走了之后,她才发现她的珠宝盒不见了。not notice how/who/what etc we were so busy we didn't notice how late it was. 我们忙得都没有注意到时间已经很晚了。 miss /mɪs/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to not notice something because it is difficult to see 错过,没看到[因难以看到] she missed the exit and had to turn around. 她错过了出口,只得转回来。 jo spotted a mistake that everyone else had missed. 乔发现了一个别人都没注意到的错误。 it's easy to miss the entrance - the sign is hidden behind a tree. 入口很容易错过—门牌隐藏在一棵树的后面。 overlook /ˌəʊvəʳˈlʊk/ [transitive verb not in progressive] to not notice something because you have not been careful enough 没有注意到;忽略;遗漏[因为不够细心] they found some important evidence that the police had overlooked. 他们发现了一些被警方忽略的重要证据。 make a list of what you need to bring so you don't overlook anything. 把你要带的东西列一张清单,免得遗漏。it's easy to overlook somebody/something the hotel les tipaniers, practically hidden between two much larger hotels, is easy to overlook but worth finding. 蒂庞宾馆几乎是躲在两家更大的酒店之间,很容易被忽略,但是却值得一找。 fail to notice /ˌfeɪl tə ˈnəʊtə̇s/ [verb phrase not in progressive] written to not notice something, especially when this could have a serious result 【书面】没有注意[尤指这可能会带来严重的后果] atkinson failed to notice the car ahead of him was parked and drove straight into the back of it. 阿特金森没看到前面的那辆车是停着的,开车一头就撞上了它的后部。 they were not prepared for his second heart attack, having failed to notice the warning signs. 他们没有注意到心脏病的前兆,所以对他的第二次发作猝不及防。 there was a growing resentment among inmates which the prison authorities had either failed to notice or just ignored. 囚犯之间仇恨越来越深,可是监狱当局没有注意到,或者他们就是置之不理。 escape somebody's notice /ɪˌskeɪp somebodyˈs ˈnəʊtə̇s/ [verb phrase not in progressive] if a fact escapes somebody's notice, they do not notice it, especially when they should have noticed it 逃过某人的注意,没有引起某人的注意[尤指某人应该注意到] this problem has completely escaped his notice. 这个问题他一点都没注意到。 i'm amazed that there are so many restaurants in tucson that have completely escaped my notice over the years. 我很惊讶,图森有这么多餐厅,而多年来我却完全没有注意到。 unnoticed /ʌnˈnəʊtɪst, ʌnˈnəʊtəst/ [adverb] go/pass/escape etc unnoticed happen without anyone noticing 不被注意[悄悄]地发生等 the death of the former movie star passed unnoticed. 这位昔日的影星悄然离世。 there were a lot of people at the party, which made it easy for gary to slip away unnoticed. 晚会上有许多人,加里很容易就悄悄地溜走了。 gradual hearing loss often goes unnoticed until substantial damage is done. 渐进性听力丧失往往是在不知不觉中发生的,直到听力严重受损才会察觉。 unseen /ˌʌnˈsiːn◂/ [adverb] secretly, without being seen 悄悄地,不被看到地 the royal couple arrived unseen in an unmarked car. 这对皇室夫妇乘坐一辆没有标志的汽车悄然抵达。 he managed to creep out of the house unseen and slip out through the garden. 他设法悄悄地走出房子,从花园溜掉了。3. good at noticing things 善于注意到事物的 observant /əbˈzɜːʳvənt/ [adjective] good at noticing things 善于观察的,观察力敏锐的 men aren't very observant about things like hair or clothes. 男人对发型或衣着之类不太留意。 an observant reader has pointed out an error on page 26. 一位细心的读者指出第26页上有个错误。 she was insightful and observant, constantly surprising her parents by what she noticed. 她悟性强,观察敏锐,她所注意到的常常让父母感到惊讶。 perceptive /pəʳˈseptɪv/ [adjective] good at noticing and understanding situations or people's feelings 善于观察的;洞察力强的 i like her novels - she's so perceptive about people's relationships. 我喜欢她的小说,她非常善于观察人与人之间的关系。 he was a perceptive and sophisticated man who was sensitive to other people's weaknesses. 他洞察力强,老于世故,善于体察别人的弱点。 not miss much also not miss a trick british /not miss a thing american /nɒt mɪs ˈmʌtʃ, nɒt mɪs ə ˈtrɪk, nɒt mɪs ə ˈθɪŋ/ [verb phrase] spoken if you do not miss much or do not miss a trick or a thing, you notice a lot about what is happening and what other people are doing or feeling 【口】善于观察,什么都逃不过,无事不知 ‘i think alison and peter are getting pretty friendly with each other.’ ‘you don't miss much, do you?’ “我觉得艾莉森和彼得相处得越来越好。”“你倒是会观察啊。” he's still pretty sharp for an old man - he doesn't miss a thing. 他一把年纪了还是这么敏锐,对事情无所不知。 we tried to keep it secret from mum, but you know she doesn't miss a trick. 我们试图瞒着妈妈,但你知道,什么都瞒不过她。 eagle-eyed /ˌiːgəl ˈaɪd◂/ [adjective only before noun] an eagle-eyed person is very good at noticing everything that people do or how they behave 观察敏锐的;目光锐利的 the hotel was run by an eagle-eyed old man who knew everything about all the guests. 那旅馆是由一位目光敏锐的老人经营的,他对所有的客人都了如指掌。 two eagle-eyed reporters noticed the politician leaving a prostitute's house. 两个眼尖的记者注意到那位政治家正走出一家妓院。 have eyes in the back of your head /hæv ˌaɪz ɪn ðə bæk əv jɔːʳ ˈhed/ [verb phrase] if someone has eyes in the back of their head, they notice everything that is happening around them, even when they do not seem to be paying attention 脑后长眼睛,眼观六路[指知道四周发生的一切] when you're looking after a two year old, you need to have eyes in the back of your head. 照顾一个两岁的小孩,真得多长一双眼睛才行。 powers of observation /ˌpaʊəʳz əv ɒbzəʳˈveɪʃən ǁ-ɑːb-/ [noun phrase] how good someone is at noticing things 观察力 keith would make a good detective -- he has excellent powers of observation. 基思会成为一名好侦探—他有很强的观察力。 her drawings displayed astonishing powers of observation. 她的绘画显示了她惊人的观察力。4. something that is easy to notice 容易注意的事物 obvious /ˈɒbviəsǁˈɑːb-/ [adjective] a fact that is obvious is easy to see or realize 明显的,显而易见的 she tried to look grateful, but her disappointment was obvious. 她想表示出感激的样子,但是失望之情却溢于言表。it is obvious (to somebody) that it's obvious that paul is in love with liz. 显然保罗爱上莉兹了。! it was obvious to everyone that gina was lying. 人人都能看出吉娜在撒谎。 obviously [adverb] the doctor said he wants ann to come back for further tests and she's obviously very worried. 医生说他希望安回去作进一步检查,安显然很担心。 noticeable /ˈnəʊtɪsəbəl, ˈnəʊtəsəbəl/ [adjective] easy to notice 容易注意到的;明显的 after two days there was a noticeable improvement in his health. 两天之后,他的身体明显好转。 the new supermarket has had a noticeable effect on people's shopping habits. 新的超级市场明显改变了人们的购物习惯。it is noticeable that it was noticeable that no one at the party was under 40. 显而易见,聚会上没有人在40岁以下。 noticeably [adverb] the upper branches of the tree are noticeably lighter in color. 上面的树枝颜色明显浅一些。 conspicuous /kənˈspɪkjuəs/ [adjective] formal someone or something that is conspicuous is very easy to notice, especially because they look very different from everyone or everything around them 【正式】显眼的,醒目的[尤因与众不同] it was a small country town, and lauren looked very conspicuous in her fashionable new york clothes. 这是一个乡村小镇,劳伦穿着时尚的纽约服饰,显得与众不同。 conspicuously [adverb] richmond was conspicuously absent from the nba all-star game on sunday. 美国职业篮球联赛星期天举行的全明星赛上,里士满缺席,因而引起了注意。 eye-catching /ˈaɪ ˌkætʃɪŋ/ [adjective] eye-catching colours, designs, patterns etc are bright, attractive, and unusual, so everyone notices them [色彩、设计、图案等]抢眼的,惹人注意的 an eye-catching ad 抢眼的广告 the posters come in several eye-catching designs. 这些广告画有好几种抢眼的设计。 stand out /ˌstænd ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] if something stands out, it is easy to notice because it looks very different from everything around it 突出,显眼 a yellow background will make the black lettering stand out. 黄色的背景可以把黑色的字衬托出来。 joanna, a six-foot-three redhead, stood out in her small iowa farm community like a palm tree in a cornfield. 乔安娜,身高六英尺三英寸,长了一头红发,在艾奥瓦州的那个农场小社区里显得很突出,犹如鹤立鸡群。stand out against the dark shapes of the trees stood out against the evening sky. 傍晚的天空把黑漆漆的树影衬托出来。 you can't miss it /juː ˌkɑːnt ˈmɪs ɪtǁ-ˌkænt-/ spoken say this when you are telling someone how to get to a place that is very easy to find or to notice 【口】你不会看不到的 their house has a pink door. you can't miss it. 他们的房子有一道粉红色的门,你不会看不到的。5. to make people notice you 使别人注意你 get attention/attract attention /ˌget əˈtenʃən, əˌtrækt əˈtenʃən/ [verb phrase] to try to make someone notice you, by doing something that they will notice 吸引注意力 young children sometimes behave badly simply in order to get attention. 有时候小孩子捣蛋只是为了吸引注意力。get/attract somebody's attention phil was trying to attract the waiter's attention. 菲尔是想引起服务员的注意。




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