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单词 speculative
释义 speculative /spekjələtɪv; name also spekjəleɪtɪv/ adjective1.(about a business activity) done in the hope of making a profit but involving the risk of losing money (商业活动)投机性的,风险的◆a lot of properties have been bought as a speculative investment. 大量房地产被人买来作为风险投资。◆the shares have been the target of speculative buying. 该股票一直是投机性购买的目标。2.used to describe sb who does sth hoping to make a profit, but who risks losing money (人)投机的,冒险的◆speculative investors have been betting against the euro. 风险投资者一直做空欧元。◆selling of the yen by speculative traders 投机商抛售日元☞ speculativespeculative /spekjələtɪv, name also spekjəleɪtɪv/ (rather formal, especially written, often disapproving) based on a guess, estimate or theory that has been formed without knowing all the facts推测的;猜测的;估计的◆the report is highly speculative and should be ignored.这个报道推测的成分很大,应该不予理会。  ➡ see also speculate → say 3 note 辨析 hypothetical, notional or speculative?if you say that a figure, idea or story is speculative, you often mean that it is not reliable and you do not trust it. notional is used in more technical contexts, in order to make the best estimate you can of an amount, number or time, when you do not have the actual figures. hypothetical is used to talk about an imagined person or thing that is used as an example to illustrate a point or work out a solution to a problem. * speculative 用于描述数字、观点或新闻报道时常有不可靠、不可信的含义; notional 用于更专业的语境,在没有实际数字的情况下对数量、数目或时间作出尽可能准确的推测; hypothetical 用于以假定的人或事为例去解释一种观点或找出问题的解决办法。speculative/ˈspekjələtɪv ||; ˈspɛkjəˌletɪv/adj1. based on guessing without knowing all the facts; showing that you are trying to guess sth 推测的;猜测的: ◇a speculative look/glance 狐疑的神情╱一瞥 2. (in business 商业) done with the aim of making money but also with the risk of losing it 投机的;冒风险的: ◇speculative investment 有风险的投资 speculativesee ⇨ guess 5 speculative /`spɛkjəˏletɪv; ˈspekjlətɪv/adj




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