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单词 specific
释义 specific adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be具体◆can you be a little more specific in your instructions?你的指示能再具体些吗?adverb➤fairly, rather, very相当具体;非常具体▸➤highly极为具体◆highly specific instructions were issued.作出了一系列极为明确的指示。➤culturally, historically文化上/历史上独特◆these values are culturally specific, not naturally given.这些价值观具有文化特征,并非天然形成。preposition➤about在⋯方面明确◆she was very specific about the type she wanted.对自己想要哪种类型她十分明确。➤to⋯特有的◆these heart issues are specific to women.这些心脏问题是妇女独有的。 specific /spəsɪfɪk/ adjective-specific (used with a noun 与名词连用) done, made, produced, etc. for the purpose or people mentioned; connected with the thing mentioned 特定的;明确的◆we have a full range of industry- and market-specific products. 我们拥有全系列的适合不同产业和不同市场的产品。2. [usually before noun] (about a tax) calculated at a fixed amount for each unit of the goods, using number, weight or volume, rather than on the value of the goods (指税收)从量的◆in the uk, tobacco is taxed as a specific duty per unit of quantity. 在英国,烟草按单位数量征收从量税。  ➡  ad valorem ⨁ specific duty / tariff / tax从量关税;从量税 ☞ specificspecificgiving all the details clearly and carefully明确的;具体的◆i gave you specific instructions.我明确告诉过你怎么做的。◆'i'd like your help tomorrow.' 'can you be more specific (= tell me exactly what you want)?'“我想让你明天来帮我。”“你能不能说得具体些?”ⓘ specific is often used in the same way as precise; it is frequently used in order to ask sb to be more precise, to complain that sb has not been precise, or to insist that you have been precise (for example, when sb has ignored your instructions). * specific 常与 precise 的用法相同,常用于要求某人更明确些,或抱怨某人不够明确,或坚称自己说得已经很清楚了。specific /spəsɪfɪk/ [usually before noun] connected with one particular thing or type of thing, especially one that is very well defined and different from others in important details(尤指因界定清楚、重要细节不同而)特定的◆each debate will focus on a specific political issue.每场辩论将聚焦一个特定的政治问题。◆the money was collected for a specific purpose.收取这笔钱是有特定用途的。▸ specifically adverb◆a magazine aimed specifically at working women专门面向职业妇女的杂志note 辨析 particular or specific?a particular person, group or thing is that one and not a different one: john, not mary; the french, not the germans; that book, not this one. a specific group or thing is a particular one in all its details, not a general group or type of which this is one example: school children with learning difficulties, not school children in general; the issue of long-term unemployment in declining industrial centres, not the issue of unemployment in general. * particular 指人、团体或事情是此非彼,如约翰,不是玛丽;法国人,不是德国人;那本书,不是这本书。specific 指团体或事物是独特的,而不是普遍的,如学习上有困难的学生,不是一般的学生;衰落的工业区的长期失业问题,不是一般的失业问题。specific/spəˈsɪfɪk ||; spɪˈsɪfɪk/adj1. specific (about sth) detailed or exact 具体的;确切的;明确的: ◇you must give the class specific instructions on what they have to do. 你必须给班上学生明确的指示该做些什么。◇can you be more specific about what the man was wearing? 你能不能说具体一点,那男人究竟穿什么衣服? 2. particular; not general 特定的;独特的: ◇everyone has been given a specific job to do. 每个人都获帕特定的工作。 ➔specifically /-kli ||; -kḷɪ/ adv a play written specifically for radio 专门为电台撰写的剧本 specific• ⇨ be more specific/be more explicit spe·cif·ic /spɪ`sɪfɪk; spɪˈsɪfɪk/adj 1. used to talk about a particular thing, person, time etc 具体的,特定的:◇there are three specific types of treatment. 特定的疗法有三种。◇specific issues to discuss 需要讨论的具体问题 2. detailed and exact 详细的,明确的,确切的:◇can you be more specific? 你可以说得更确切一些吗?




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