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单词 promote
释义 promote verb¹ 1encourage sth促进adverb | verb + promote | preposition | phrases adverb➤strongly强烈支持◆human rights are strongly promoted by all our members.人权得到了我们所有成员的大力推进。➤actively, directly积极/直接推动▸➤indirectly间接推动➤effectively, successfully有效/成功推动▸➤deliberately, intentionally有意支持◆they claimed that the authorities had deliberately promoted the violence.他们声称当局刻意助长了暴力。verb + promote➤aim to, seek to, try to意欲推进;试图提倡▸➤help (to)帮助促进◆basketball stars have helped promote the sport overseas.篮球明星们帮助推动了篮球运动在海外的发展。➤be designed to旨在促进◆measures designed to promote economic growth旨在促进经济增长的措施➤be likely to很有可能促进▸➤serve to有助于促进◆bonus payments to staff serve to promote commitment to the company.向员工发放奖金有助于促进他们对公司尽职尽责。➤tend to有助于促进preposition➤through通过⋯促进◆young people's awareness of the issues is promoted through publicity material.通过发放宣传材料,年轻人对这一问题加深了了解。phrases➤a campaign to promote sth, a scheme to promote sth (bre) 推进⋯的运动/方案▸➤be aimed at promoting sth旨在推动⋯▸➤be widely promoted得到广泛的推动▸➤efforts to promote sth, measures to promote sth促进⋯的努力/措施promote verb² 2advertise sth做广告adverb | preposition adverb➤aggressively, heavily, vigorously积极推广;大力推广◆the new products have been very heavily promoted.新产品得到了大力推广。➤widely广泛推广preposition➤as宣传为⋯◆the country is now being promoted as a travel destination.正在把该国推为旅游目的地。➤through通过⋯推销◆the company's products have been promoted mainly through advertising in newspapers.该公司的产品主要通过在报纸上做广告来推销。promote /prəməʊt; name -moʊt/ verb 1. [transitive] to help sth to happen or develop 促进;推动◆policies to promote competition in the industry 促进行业内部竞争的政策 2.(marketing 营销) [intransitive, transitive] to help sell a product, service, etc. or make it more popular by advertising it or offering it at a special price 促销;推销◆promoting new products and getting them accepted in the marketplace is expensive. 推销新产品并且让市场接受新产品是费用高昂的事。◆the area is being promoted as a tourist destination. 这个地区正被推广为旅游点。◆the supermarket chain has been promoting aggressively. 超市连锁店一直在进行声势浩大的促销活动。 (hr 人力资源) [transitive] (often be promoted) to move sb to a more senior job in an organization 提升;晋升◆she worked hard and was soon promoted. 她努力工作,不久就得到晋升了。◆he has been promoted to assistant manager of the department. 他已晋升为这个部门的助理经理。 syn upgrade opp demote (finance 金融) [transitive] to move a company to a higher position within a particular system, such as a stock exchange index (在股票交易所等系统中,公司位置的)晋升◆the company's shares have been promoted to the ftse all-share index. 这家公司的股票已晋升到《金融时报》全股指数之列。 syn upgrade opp demote ☞ promote promote verbpromote ♦︎ foster ♦︎ further ♦︎ advance ♦︎ spurthese words all mean to help sth to develop or succeed.这些词均表示促进、增进。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to promote / foster / further / advance understanding (of sth)◆to promote / further / advance sb's interests / career◆to promote / further / advance a cause◆to promote / foster / spur development / growth◆to promote / foster awareness (of sth)◆to further / advance knowledge◆to actively / directly / deliberately / intentionally / energetically promote / foster sth■ promote [transitive] (rather formal) to help sth to happen or develop促进;推动◆these measures are designed to promote economic growth.这些措施的目的是促进经济增长。◆basketball stars from the us have helped promote the sport in italy and spain.美国的篮球明星促进了这项运动在意大利和西班牙的发展。◆the church tries to promote racial harmony.教会努力促进种族和谐。▸ promotion noun [uncountable] ◆ (formal) a society for the promotion of religious tolerance一个促进宗教包容性的团体■ foster [transitive] (rather formal, written) to encourage sth to grow and develop促进;培养;鼓励◆the club's aim is to foster better relations within the community.俱乐部的宗旨是促进社区内人们关系的和谐。◆the school has carefully fostered its progressive image.该校精心打造了一个开明进步的形象。■ further [transitive] (rather formal) to help sth to develop or succeed促进;增进◆she took the new job to further her career.为了事业的进一步发展她接受了这个新岗位。◆we are committed to furthering the interests of our members.我们承诺要增进成员的利益。■ advance [transitive] (rather formal) to help sth to develop or to succeed促进;增进◆will excavating this site advance our knowledge of history in a significant way?发掘这个古迹将在很大程度上增进我们对历史的了解吗?note 辨析 promote, foster, further or advance? foster is usually used to talk about encouraging sth which does not yet exist or is new or just starting. further and advance are used to talk about helping sth to develop more or be more successful than it already is. promote is used in both contexts. * foster 通常指培养尚未存在或初见端倪的事物。further 和 advance 指促进事物的完善和成功。promote 可用于这两种语境。■ spur (-rr-) [transitive] (written) to make sth happen faster or sooner促进,加速,刺激(某事发生)◆the agreement is essential to spurring economic growth.这项协议对于促进经济增长是至关重要的。◆an increase in the country's arsenal could spur an arms race in the region.该国增加武器装备会刺激这一地区的军备竞赛。promote [transitive] to help sell a product or service, or make an idea more popular, by advertising it or offering it at a special price(通过广告或特价)促销,推销(产品或服务);推广(观念)◆the band has gone on tour to promote their new album.乐队已开始巡演,宣传他们的新专辑。◆the area is being promoted as a tourist destination.这个地区正作为旅游点来加以宣传。promote [transitive] (rather formal) to help sth to happen or develop促进;推动◆these measures are designed to promote economic growth.这些措施的目的是促进经济增长。◆basketball stars from the us have helped promote the sport in italy and spain.美国的篮球明星促进了这项运动在意大利和西班牙的发展。◆the church tries to promote racial harmony.教会努力促进种族和谐。▸ promotion noun [uncountable] ◆ (formal) a society for the promotion of religious tolerance一个促进宗教包容性的团体promoteverb [transitive] ◆she worked hard and was soon promoted.她工作勤奋,不久就升职了。◆they were promoted to the first division last season.上个赛季他们晋级到甲级队。promoteverb [transitive] ◆she worked hard and was soon promoted.她工作勤奋,不久就升职了。◆they were promoted to the first division last season.上个赛季他们晋级到甲级队。promote/prəˈməʊt ||; prəˈmot/verb[t] 1. to encourage sth; to help sth to happen or develop 促进;促使;推动: ◇to promote good relations between countries 增进国家间的友好关系 2. promote sth (as sth) to advertise sth in order to increase its sales or make it popular 宣传,推销(以增销量或受欢迎程度): ◇the new face cream is being promoted as a miracle cure for wrinkles. 这新的面霜被宣传为一种去除皱纹的神药。 3. promote sb (from sth) (to sth) (often passive 常用于被动语态) to give sb a higher position or more important job 提升;擢升: ◇he's been promoted from assistant manager to manager. 他已由助理经理晋升为经理。 [opp] demote 反义词为demotepromotesee ⇨ advertising 1 ⇨ help 3 ⇨ job 8 pro·mote /prə`mot; prəˈməʊt/v [t] 1. to help something develop and be successful 促进,促成:◇we aim to promote understanding between cultures. 我们致力于促进各种文化之间的相互了解。 2. to advertise a product or event 推广,宣传[商品或活动]:◇the company is spending millions promoting its new software. 该公司将花费数百万元来宣传其新软件。 3. to give someone a better, more responsible position at work 提升,晋升:◇promote sb to sth ted has been promoted to senior sales manager. 泰德被提升为高级销售经理。




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