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单词 service
释义 service noun¹ 1system that provides sth the public needs公共服务系统adjective | verb + service | service + verb | service + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤efficient, excellent, good, valuable高效的公共服务机构;良好的公共服务体系;重要的公共服务机构▸➤adequate完备的公共服务系统▸➤bad, inadequate, poor, terrible糟糕的公共服务机构;不完备的公共服务系统▸➤complete, comprehensive, full全面的公共服务体系;完善的公共服务系统▸➤standard标准的公共服务系统▸➤basic基础公共服务系统➤free免费公共服务➤premium优质公共服务➤personalized (especially name) , specialized个性化/专业化公共服务◆specialized services for the deaf and hard of hearing为耳聋者或重听者提供的专业化公共服务➤backup, support备份/支持系统▸➤ambulance (especially bre) , emergency, fire (bre) , police (bre) , rescue (especially bre) 救护车服务系统;应急服务机构;消防队;公安机关;紧急救援服务◆a passer-by called the emergency services (= the ambulance / fire / police service). (bre) 一个路人拨打了紧急救险服务电话。➤essential必需的公共服务◆essential services (= the supply of water, gas, electricity) will be maintained.生活必需的水、气、电将维持供应。➤vital (especially bre) 关键的服务◆paramedics who provide a vital service to the public向公众提供重要服务的护理人员➤public公用事业▸➤available提供的公共服务◆find out what services are available in your area.查一查你们那儿有些什么公共服务。➤internet, online, web, web-based因特网服务;网络服务◆an online dating service在线婚介服务➤broadband, dial-up, high-speed, wireless宽带/拨号/高速/无线服务◆wireless internet services无线因特网服务➤download下载服务◆the studio launches its own digital music download service next month.这个工作室将于下月推出自己的数字音乐下载服务。➤messaging消息传递服务◆i typed my password into my instant messaging service.我输入密码进入即时信息服务功能。➤phone, telephone电话服务➤satellite卫星服务➤subscription订阅服务▸➤advisory, consulting, counselling/counseling咨询服务▸➤health, health-care, medical, etc.卫生、保健、医疗等服务▸➤customs, diplomatic, foreign, library, postal, prison, probation, prosecution, social海关;外交部门;图书馆;邮政业务;监狱管理机构;缓刑服务组织;检查机关;社会福利部门◆she works for the social services.她为社会福利部门工作。➤information, news, wire (especially name) 信息部门;新闻机构;有线服务▸➤banking, financial银行/金融服务机构▸➤intelligence, secret, security情报机关;特工部门;安全机构▸➤dating, escort婚姻介绍/社交陪伴服务verb + service➤offer (sb), provide (sb with)(向某人)提供服务◆we offer a comprehensive service to home buyers.我们为购房者提供全面的服务。➤operate, run管理/经营公共事业▸➤maintain维持公共服务事业▸➤guarantee保障公共服务系统▸➤improve改善公共服务系统➤launch启动公共服务▸➤expand, extend扩大/拓展公共服务◆we need to expand this valuable service to other cities.我们需要把这项有用的公共服务拓展到其他城市。➤axe, cut, cut back, cut back on, suspend精简/削减/减少/缩减/暂停公共服务◆this government has systematically cut back public services since it took office.这一届政府自上台以来系统削减了公共服务。➤restore恢复服务系统➤access, make use of, use使用公共设施;利用公共服务◆the new system will enable people to access the service more easily.这个新系统将使人们更方便地使用公共设施。◆people who use the health-care service享受医疗服务的人们➤complain about投诉公共服务service + verb➤improve公共服务改善▸➤deteriorate服务质量下降service + noun➤provider服务提供者◆internet service providers因特网服务运营商➤business, company服务公司◆a financial services company金融服务公司➤organization (especially name) 公共服务机构◆social service organizations社会福利机构➤economy, industry, sector服务经济/行业/部门➤pack (computing计算机) (软件)补丁包preposition➤service for为⋯提供的公共服务◆mental health services for young people为年轻人提供的心理健康服务➤service to给⋯的公共服务◆the company provides products and services to customers in 145 countries.公司为 145 个国家的消费者提供产品和服务。phrases➤goods and services, products and services商品和服务;产品和服务service noun² 2work of serving a customer为顾客服务的工作adjective | verb + service | service + noun adjective➤efficient, excellent, first-class, good, professional, quality高效的/出色的/一流的/优良的/专业的/优质的服务▸➤bad, poor, terrible糟糕的/差劲的/恶劣的服务▸➤prompt, quick迅速的/快捷的服务▸➤slow迟缓的服务▸➤friendly, personal友善的/个性化的服务▸➤customer客户服务▸➤after-sales (especially bre) 售后服务◆we offer excellent after-sales service on all our goods.我们对所有的商品提供高品质的售后服务。➤room客房送餐服务◆if you would like a meal in your room, please call room service.如果您想在房间里用餐,请拨打客房送餐服务电话。◆we ordered room service.我们订了客房送餐服务。verb + service➤deliver sth (to sb), give (sb), offer (sb), provide (sb with)(向某人)提供服务;给予(某人)服务◆our main concern is to provide quality customer service.我们关注的主要是向顾客提供优质服务。➤get, receive得到/接受服务▸➤improve改善服务▸➤guarantee保证服务◆we guarantee first-class service.我们保证服务一流。➤complain about投诉服务◆i complained about the poor service.我就劣质服务提出投诉。service + noun➤job (name) 服务性工作➤worker (name) 服务业从业人员◆retail and food service workers零售和食品服务业从业人员service noun³ 3working for a country, company, etc.为国家或公司工作adjective | verb + service | service + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤meritorious, outstanding值得赞许的/杰出的服务▸➤faithful忠诚的服务▸➤long长期的服务▸➤active现役◆he died on active service.他在服役期间死亡。➤military, national, selective (name) 兵役;选择性兵役制▸➤domestic家政服务◆a job in domestic service家政服务工作➤civil, community, public行政部门;社区服务部门;公共服务部门◆a public-service announcement公共服务通告◆public-service broadcasting公共服务广播➤voluntary (especially bre) 志愿服务▸➤jury (especially bre) 陪审员工作◆available for jury service可以担任陪审员verb + service➤do服役◆all 18-year-old males are required to do a year's military service.所有 18 岁男性公民必须服一年兵役。➤see (especially bre) 服役◆he saw service during the first world war.他参加过一战。➤begin, enter开始服役◆the aircraft entered service with the swedish air force in 1997.这架飞机 1997 年开始在瑞典空军投入使用。➤leave结束服役➤take sth out of使⋯暂停使用◆the ship has been taken out of service for extensive cleaning.这条船要进行全面清洁,已暂停使用。service + noun➤member, personnel军人;服兵役人员◆retired military service members退役军人➤record服役记录◆his military service record during the vietnam war他在越战期间的服役记录preposition➤service to为⋯的服务◆service to the community社区服务phrases➤conditions of service工作条件▸➤in the service of your country, in the service of god为国家工作;侍奉上帝service noun⁴ 4work done for sb; help given to sb所做的工作;给予的帮助adjective | verb + service | service + noun | preposition adjective➤great, invaluable, valuable巨大的/无价的/宝贵的帮助▸➤professional专业服务verb + service➤be of, do sb, perform, render给予帮助;帮助某人;(为某人)效劳◆may i be of service to you?我可以帮忙吗?◆you have done us a great service.你给了我们很大的帮助。◆payment for services rendered所提供服务的报酬➤offer (sb), provide (sb with)主动(向某人)提供服务;(为某人)提供服务◆she offered her services as a babysitter.她主动提出帮忙照看孩子。➤sell提供有偿服务◆they sold their services to a major airline.他们向一家大型航空公司提供有偿服务。➤advertise宣传所提供的服务◆a plastic surgeon advertising his services on the internet在因特网上宣传其业务的整形外科医生➤need, seek需要/寻求服务◆to seek the services of an attorney寻求法律人士的帮助service + noun➤charge, fee服务费preposition➤at your service听候差遣◆the cabin staff are at your service throughout the flight.飞行期间客舱乘务员随时为您服务。➤services of⋯的服务◆we need the services of a good lawyer.我们需要一位好律师的帮助。➤service to对⋯的帮助◆he was given an award for his services to the disabled.他因帮助残疾人受到嘉奖。service noun⁵ 5the services the armed forces武装部队adjective | verb + the services adjective➤armed武装力量verb + the services➤go into, join服兵役;参军◆most of the boys went straight into the services.多数男孩子直接服兵役去了。service noun⁶ 6 (especially bre) bus, train, etc.公共汽车;火车adjective | verb + service | preposition adjective➤efficient, good, reliable有效的/良好的/可靠的交通服务▸➤fast快速的交通服务▸➤frequent, regular频繁的/定时的班次▸➤direct, non-stop (especially name) 直达班次▸➤full全面的交通服务▸➤limited, reduced有限的/削减的公交服务◆we will be operating a reduced service while engineering work takes place.施工期间我们将减少车次。◆there is a limited service on these bus routes.这些线路上的公交班次不多。➤scheduled计划班次◆changes to scheduled services对计划班次的变更➤bus, car, coach, ferry, rail, subway, taxi, train, tram, tube, underground (bre) 公交班次;汽车服务;长途汽车班次;渡轮服务;铁路车次;地铁班次;出租车服务;有轨电车交通verb + service➤lay on, offer (sb), provide (sb with)(为某人)提供服务◆bus companies are planning to lay on extra services.公共汽车公司计划提供额外服务。➤operate, run经营/运营交通业务▸➤add, extend, improve增加/拓展/改善交通服务◆us airways also added service recently to the dominican republic.美国航空公司最近也增加了飞往多米尼加共和国的航班。➤suspend暂停运营▸➤axe, cut裁剪/削减交通服务▸➤restore恢复运营▸➤use使用交通服务preposition➤in service在运行◆this bus is not in service.这辆公共汽车未投入运营。➤out of service停止运营▸➤service between⋯之间的运输服务◆the company offers direct, fast and frequent services between large towns and cities.公司提供大城镇和城市间的直达、快速、多班次的运输服务。➤service from, service to⋯始发的班次;开往⋯的班次◆services from bangkok to chiang mai从曼谷至清迈的班次service noun⁷ 7religious ceremony宗教仪式adjective | verb + service | preposition adjective➤church, religious教堂礼拜;宗教仪式▸➤funeral, marriage, memorial葬礼/婚礼/追思仪式▸➤afternoon, evening, morning下午礼拜;晚祷;晨祷verb + service➤attend, go to参加礼拜;做礼拜▸➤hold举行宗教仪式preposition➤service for为⋯举行的宗教仪式◆memorial service for people killed in the attack为袭击中的遇难者举办的追思仪式service verbadverb | verb + service | phrases adverb➤fully, properly (bre) 全面/适当检修◆the car was fully serviced last month.上个月这辆车全面检修过。➤regularly定期维修◆a regularly serviced car will keep its value longer.对轿车定期保养会延长其保值时间。verb + service➤continue to继续检修phrases➤get sth serviced, have sth serviced让人检修⋯◆you should get all gas appliances regularly serviced.你应定期让人检修所有的燃气设施。service /sɜːvɪs; name sɜːrv-/ noun1. [countable, uncountable] a business whose work involves doing sth for customers but not producing goods; the work that such a business does 服务性行业(或企业、业务等)◆the development of new goods and services 新兴商品和服务项目的开发◆smith's catering services (= a company) offers the best value. 史密斯餐饮服务公司提供最物有所值的服务。◆how much does the basic phone service cost? 基础电话服务费是多少?◆we can provide a home-delivery service. 我们可以提供送货上门服务。◆there has been considerable growth in the service sector (= the part of the economy involved in this type of business). 服务业的增长相当可观。◆a service industry 服务行业⨁ to offer (sb) / provide (sb with) a service(向某人)提供服务 ⨁ to expand / guarantee / improve a service扩展/保证/改进服务 ⨁ banking / financial / marketing / security / travel services银行/金融/营销/证券/旅游服务 2. [uncountable] help and advice given to customers in hotels, restaurants, shops/stores and businesses (对顾客的)接待,服务◆the food was good but the service was very slow. 菜式很好,但是上菜速度太慢。◆10% will be added to your bill for service. 您付账时要附加 10% 的服务费。◆we are committed to providing a high quality of service to all our clients. 我们致力向所有客户提供高品质的服务。◆the training aims to improve service levels. 这项培训旨在提高服务水平。◆we guarantee excellent service. 我们保证提供优质服务。⨁ to give (sb) / offer (sb) / provide (sb with) service(向某人)提供服务 ⨁ efficient / excellent / good / quality / quick service高效的/出色的/良好的/优质的/快速的服务 ⨁ bad / poor / slow service劣质的/差劲的/迟缓的服务 3. [countable] a system that provides sth that the public needs, organized by the government or a private company 公用事业;公共服务体系◆the ambulance/bus/telephone service 救护车/公交/电话服务系统◆we want to provide a profitable postal service. 我们想提供赢利性的邮政服务体系。⨁ to offer (sb) / provide (sb with) a service(向某人)提供服务 ⨁ education / health / postal / social services 教育/医疗卫生/邮政/社会服务 ⨁ an essential / a vital service必要的/关键的服务 4. [countable] an organization or a company that provides sth for the public or does sth for the government 公用事业机构(或公司)◆a debt counselling service 债务咨询服务公司◆the diplomatic service 外交部门5. [countable, usually singular] a system of regular buses, trains, planes, etc. that goes to a particular place; a bus, train, plane, etc. that regularly goes at a particular time 班次;车次◆there is now an air service to the island. 目前已经有飞往该岛的航班。◆the 10.15 service to glasgow has been cancelled. 10 时 15 分飞往格拉斯哥的航班已经取消。⨁ to lay on / offer / provide a service提供营运服务 ⨁ to improve / operate / run a service改进/经营运输服务 ⨁ to cancel / cut / suspend a service取消/削减/暂停营运 ⨁ a fast / frequent / good / reliable service快速的/频繁的/良好的/可靠的营运服务 6. [uncountable] the work that sb does for an organization, etc., especially when it continues for a long time or is admired very much (尤指长期、受尊重的)服务,工作,效力◆she has just celebrated 25 years' service with the company. 她刚刚庆祝了自己在公司任职 25 周年。◆the employees have good conditions of service. 员工有着良好的工作条件。7. [countable, usually plural] the particular skills or help that a person is able to offer 服务(指个人所提供的技术或帮助)◆you need the services of a good lawyer. 你需要找一位好律师帮助你。◆he offered his services as a driver. 他提供驾车服务。8. [uncountable] the use that you can get from a vehicle or machine; the state of being used 使用;使用状况◆that computer gave us very good service. 那台计算机对我们来说很好用。9. [countable] an examination of a vehicle or machine followed by any work that is necessary to keep it operating well 检修;维修;保养◆i had taken the car to the garage for a service. 我把汽车送到修理厂去保养了。◆a service engineer 维修技师 ●be of service (to sb) (formal) to be useful or helpful (对某人)有用,有帮助◆can i be of service to anyone? 有谁需要我帮忙吗?  ➡  idiom at enter ◇ advisory service ◇ answering service ◇ babysitting service ◇ business reply service ◇ civil service ◇ contract of service ◇ customer service ◇ debt service ◇ employee self service ◇ financial services ◇ food service ◇ full-service ◇ in-service ◇ internal revenue service ◇ marketing services ◇ public service ◇ room service ◇ self-service ◇ valet service ◇ wire service service /sɜːvɪs; name sɜːrv-/ verb [transitive] (finance 金融) service a debt/loan to pay interest on money that has been borrowed 支付债务利息◆the company can no longer service its debts. 那家公司已无力支付其债务利息。 (finance 金融) service a loan to collect and manage the regular payments made to pay back a loan 偿还贷款◆the mortgage providers service over 350 000 loans a year. 抵押贷款公司每年提供抵押贷款有 35 万多笔。  ➡  loan servicing 3. (formal) to do sth for people or provide them with help or with sth they need, such as shops/stores, or a transport system 提供服务◆the department services the international sales force. 这个部门为国际销售人员提供服务。◆the city is serviced by six international airlines. 有六家国际航空公司为该城市提供营运服务。  ➡  serve examine a vehicle or machine and repair it if necessary so that it continues to work correctly 维修;保养◆we need to have the vans serviced. 我们必须把这些货车送去检修一下。service /sɜːvɪs; name sɜːrv-/ adjective [only before noun] used only by people who work in a building or who are delivering sth to a building 供工作人员(或送货人)使用的◆a service elevator 服务用电梯◆the service entrance 工作人员入口 ▸ servicing noun [uncountable] ◆debt servicing 偿还债务◆like any other type of equipment, it requires regular servicing. 和其他类型的设备一样,它也需要定期维修保养。☞ service☞ service☞ service service nounservice ♦︎ agency ♦︎ office ♦︎ bureau ♦︎ ministrythese are all words for an organization or company that provides sth for the public or does sth for the government.这些词均表示公共事业机构或政府机构。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to do sth through a service / an agency / an office / a bureau◆a government / federal / public / state service / agency / office / bureau / ministry◆a / an local / employment / press / information / intelligence / security / advisory service / agency / office / bureau◆a / an private / international / counselling / police / recruitment / travel service / agency / office◆a / an independent / outside / commercial / news service / agency / bureau■ service [countable] an organization, company or department that provides sth for the public or does sth for the government公共事业机构(或公司、部门)◆she works for the prison service.她在监狱管理机构工作。◆the news was reported on the bbc world service last night.这则新闻是昨晚由英国广播公司国际广播电台报道的。ⓘ service is often used in the names of government departments. * service 常用于政府部门的名称中◆ (bre) the diplomatic service外交部◆ (name) the foreign service外交部■ agency /eɪdʒənsi/ [countable] a business or organization that provides a particular service, especially on behalf of other businesses or organizations; (especially in the us) a government department that provides a particular service服务机构;(尤指)代理机构;(美国)政府专门机构◆he works for an advertising agency.他在一家广告公司工作。◆international aid agencies are caring for many of the refugees.国际援助事务所在对许多难民进行援助。◆the central intelligence agency中央情报局■ office [countable] (usually in compounds通常用于构成复合词) a room or building used for a particular purpose, especially to provide information or a service办事处;(尤指)问讯处,服务处◆you should be able to get a map at the local tourist office.你在当地旅游办事处应该能够拿到一张地图。◆there was a long wait at the ticket office.在售票处等待了很长时间。ⓘ office is used in the names of some british government departments. * office 用于英国一些政府部门的名称中◆the foreign office外交部◆the home office内政部◆the office of fair trading公平贸易局■ bureau /bjʊərəʊ; name bjʊroʊ/ [countable] an office or organization that provides information on a particular subject; (in the us) a government department or part of a government department(提供某方面信息的)办事处,办公室,机构;(美国政府的)局,处,科◆she works for an employment bureau.她在一家职业介绍所工作。◆the federal bureau of investigation联邦调查局■ ministry [countable](in the uk) a government department that has a particular area of responsibility(英国政府的)部◆the ministry of defence has issued the following statement.国防部发表了下述声明。◆a ministry spokesperson defended the measures.部门发言人为这些措施辩解。service [countable] a religious ceremony, either as part of the regular worship of a particular church or community, or to mark a particular occasion宗教礼仪;礼拜仪式◆he always attends morning service.他总是参加晨祷。◆a special service of praise and thanksgiving was held in the cathedral.主教堂里举行了赞美和感恩的特别仪式。service [countable] a system that provides sth that the public needs, organized by the government or a private company公共服务系统;公共事业◆a free bus service to and from the venue is available.有免费的公交车往返该场地。◆the postal service here is rather unreliable.这里的邮政服务相当不可靠。◆the government aims to improve public services, especially education.政府致力于改善公共服务事业,尤其是教育。◆essential services (= the supply of water, gas and electricity) will be maintained.生活必需的水、燃气和电将维持供应。◆ (bre) a massive operation was launched by the emergency services (= the police, fire and ambulance services).治安、消防和救护等应急服务机构发动了一场大规模的行动。ⓘ in american english these are usually referred to together as the first responders.在美式英语中,这些应急服务机构通常统称为 first responders。 service [countable, usually plural] (rather formal) the particular skills or help that a person is able to offer(提供技能或帮助的)服务◆i think you are going to need the services of a good lawyer.我觉得你需要找一位好律师来帮你。◆i offered my services as a babysitter for the evening.我主动提出晚上帮忙看孩子。service [countable, usually plural] a business whose work involves doing sth for customers but not producing goods服务性企业;服务业◆they are offering special incentives to the financial services sector.他们给予金融业特别的激励措施。◆the service industries were most affected by the recession.服务业受经济衰退影响最大。ⓘ services is often used in the plural after an adjective or noun. * service 常用复数形式,跟在形容词或名词后面◆computer / catering / financial / insurance / marketing / freight / accommodation services电脑业;餐饮业;金融业;保险业;营销业;货运业;住宿服务 service is not usually used alone; when it does not follow an adjective or noun in this way, it is generally followed by a word like company, industry or sector. * service 通常不单独用,除了跟在形容词或名词后之外,也可以放在 company、industry、sector 等词的前面。service [transitive, usually passive] to examine a vehicle or machine and repair it if necessary so that it continues to work correctly检修;维护;保养◆we need to have the car serviced.我们得把车送去检修一下了。◆gas appliances should be regularly serviced.燃气器具应该定期检修。 ➡ see also service , servicing → repair noun service [countable, uncountable] an examination of a vehicle or machine followed by any work that is necessary to keep it operating well(车辆或机器的)检修,维修,保养◆i've taken the car in for a service.我把车送去检修了。◆we offer excellent after-sales service on all our goods.我们对所有商品均提供优质售后服务。 ➡ see also service → maintain verb 2 service [countable] an organization, company or department that provides sth for the public or does sth for the government公共事业机构(或公司、部门)◆she works for the prison service.她在监狱管理机构工作。◆the news was reported on the bbc world service last night.这则新闻是昨晚由英国广播公司国际广播电台报道的。ⓘ service is often used in the names of government departments. * service 常用于政府部门的名称中◆ (bre) the diplomatic service外交部◆ (name) the foreign service外交部service [uncountable] the work that sb does for an organization, especially when it continues for a long time or is admired very much(尤指长期、受到敬重的)工作,效劳,服务◆she has just celebrated 25 years' service with the company.她刚刚庆祝在公司任职 25 周年。◆the employees have good conditions of service.员工有良好的工作条件。servicenoun [uncountable] ◆the food was good but the service was very slow.饭菜不错,但服务太慢。servicenoun [uncountable] ◆the food was good but the service was very slow.饭菜不错,但服务太慢。service¹/ˈsɜ:vɪs ||; ˈsɝvɪs/noun1. [c] a system or organization that provides the public with sth that it needs; the job that an organization does 为公众提供日常生活所需的系统或组织;公用事业: ◇there is a regular bus service to the airport. 有一条定期开往机场的公共汽车路线。◇the postal service 邮政服务◇the national health service 国民保健制度 ☞look at the civil service. 参看the civil service。 2. [c,u] a business whose work involves doing sth for customers but not producing goods; the work that such a service does 服务业(为顾客服务但不生产商品的行业);服务: ◇financial/banking/insurance services 金融业;银行业;保险业◇the service sector (= the part of the economy involved in this type of business) 服务部门◇a service industry 服务业 3. [u] (also the services [pl]) the armed forces; the army, navy or air force; the work done by the people in them 武装部队(陆军、海军或空军);兵役: ◇they both joined the services when they left school. 他们俩毕业后都参军了。◇do you have to do military service in your country? 你们国家要服兵役吗? 4. [u] [c] work done for sb; help given to sb 服务;贡献;帮助: ◇he left the police force after thirty years' service. 他在警察部队服务了三十年,然后离开了。 5. [u] the work or the quality of work done by sb when serving a customer (对顾客的)服务,服务素质: ◇i enjoyed the meal but the service was terrible. 我喜欢那里的食物,但服务很差劲。◇is service included in the bill? 账单是否已把服务费计算在内?◇a 10% service charge will be added to your bill. 账单里要加10%服务费。 6. [c] the checks, repairs, etc that are necessary to make sure that a machine is working properly (机器等的)检查,检修: ◇we take our car for a service every six months. 我们每半年将车子送去检修一次。 7. [c] a religious ceremony, usually including prayers, singing, etc 宗教仪式;礼拜: ◇a funeral service 葬礼 8. [c] (in tennis and similar sports) the first hit of the ball at the start of play; a player's turn to serve(7) (网球及类似体育运动的)发球(权) 9. services [pl] a place at the side of a motorway where there is a petrol station, a shop, toilets, a restaurant, etc (高速公路旁的)服务站(设有加油站、商店、厕所、餐厅等)service²/ˈsɜ:vɪs ||; ˈsɝvɪs/verb [t] to examine and, if necessary, repair a car, machine, etc 检查,检修(汽车、机器等): ◇all cars should be serviced at regular intervals. 所有汽车都该定期检修。 servicesee ⇨ help 6 ⇨ pray 3 ⇨ provide/supply 3 ⇨ repair 1,3☞ service¹☞ service²




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