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单词 serve
释义 serve verb¹ 1give sb food or drink给予食物或饮料adverb | verb + serve | preposition | phrases adverb➤immediately立即端上◆pour the sauce over the pasta and serve immediately.把调味汁浇到意大利面上后就立刻上桌。verb + serve➤be ready to可以上桌◆cover and chill the salad until ready to serve.将色拉加盖冷藏后再上桌。preposition➤to款待◆they served a wonderful meal to more than 50 delegates.他们用一顿可口饭菜款待了 50 多位代表。➤with用⋯款待;与⋯搭配一同上桌◆the delegates were served with a wonderful meal.代表们受到款待,吃了一餐美味佳肴。◆serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans.羔羊肉要配新鲜的马铃薯和青菜豆一起享用。phrases➤dinner is served晚餐已备好◆'dinner is served!' katie announced.“开饭了!”凯蒂大声通报。➤serve sth chilled, serve sth cold, serve sth hot冷食;热食◆the quiche can be served hot or cold.蛋奶火腿蛋糕既可以凉吃,也可以热食。serve verb² 2work工作adverb | verb + serve | preposition | phrases adverb➤faithfully, loyally, well忠诚地/忠心地/周到地侍候◆she served the family faithfully for many years (= as a servant).她忠心耿耿地伺候这家人许多年。➤better更好地服务◆let us know how we can better serve your needs.请对我们的服务提出宝贵意见。➤currently目前任职◆she is currently serving as special adviser to the american ambassador.她目前的工作是美国大使的特别顾问。➤previously先前供职verb + serve➤continue to继续供职preposition➤as以⋯为职业◆i shall continue to serve as a trustee.我将继续履行受托人的职责。➤in在⋯供职◆she served in the medical corps.她在医疗队工作。◆to serve in the army / military / navy在陆军/军队/海军服役➤on在⋯工作◆i currently serve on the board of directors.我目前是董事会成员。◆to serve on the committee / jury / panel是委员会/陪审团/专家组成员➤under在⋯手下任职◆he served under president reagan in the 1980s.20 世纪 80 年代他在里根总统手下任职。phrases➤if memory serves you, if memory serves (you) correctly, if memory serves you right如果没记错◆if memory serves me right, we arrived on june 22, which was a tuesday.如果没记错,我们是 6 月 22 日星期二到的。➤serve in a... capacity, serve in this/that capacity以⋯身分工作◆she has served in an advisory capacity for a number of groups.她以顾问的身分为许多组织工作过。➤serve on active duty (especially name) 战时服役◆he served on active duty in the us marine corps.他战时在美国海军陆战队服役。➤serve with distinction业绩卓异◆he served with distinction in the first world war.第一次世界大战期间他立下战功。serve verb³ 3be useful有用adverb | preposition adverb➤merely, only, simply只能起⋯作用◆this only served to complicate the situation further.这只是使得局面更加复杂。➤mainly, mostly, primarily主要用作◆the declaration served primarily as a propaganda piece.宣言主要起宣传作用。➤well对⋯好用◆this strategy has always served him well.这个策略他屡试不爽。preposition➤as用作◆the texts ultimately serve as springboards for the artists' imagination.这些文稿最终成为激发艺术家想像力的助力跳板。 serve /sɜːv; name sɜːrv/ verb 1. [transitive] to provide an area or a group of people with a product or service (向某地区或群体)提供产品(或服务)◆these firms serve local markets. 这些企业供应本地市场。◆the town is well served with buses and major road links. 这个小镇有众多公交线路,通往主干公路也很方便。 2. [transitive] to deal with people, especially customers, and give them what they need (向顾客)提供服务◆we are looking for ways to serve our customers better and faster. 我们正在寻求更好更快地向顾客提供服务的途径。◆the website will focus on serving the needs of small business customers. 这个网站将着力于满足小企业顾客的需要。 3. [intransitive, transitive] to give sb food or drink, for example at a restaurant 端上,摆出(食物或饮料)◆breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m. 上午 7 时至 10 时供应早餐。 4. [intransitive, transitive] (especially bre) to help a customer or sell them sth in a shop/store 接待;侍候;招待◆are you being served? 有人接待您吗?◆there was only one person serving behind the counter. 柜枱后面只有一个人负责接待。 5. [intransitive, transitive] to spend a period of time in a particular job, especially a senior one, or training for a job 供职;实习◆she served a one-year apprenticeship. 她当了一年见习生。◆he has served as chairman since 2004. 他自 2004 年以来一直担任董事长一职。 (law 法律) [transitive] to give sb an official document or instruction, especially one that orders them to appear in court 把…送达;送交◆to serve a writ/summons on sb 把令状/传票送达某人◆to serve sb with a writ/summons/notice 向某人送达令状/传票/通知 ●serve notice (on/upon sb) (that …) (law 法律) to officially inform sb, often in writing, that you will do sth or that they must do sth 正式通知(某人)◆a landlord is required to serve notice on a tenant of a proposed rent increase. 房东须就提高租金事宜向房客发出书面通知。  ➡  notice (3,4) ●serve sth outto continue working until a previously agreed period of time has been completed 做到期满;学到期满◆she will serve out her remaining term as a director. 她将继续担任董事直至任期结束。◆(bre) they didn't want me to serve out my notice. 他们不希望我工作到辞职通知的最后期限。☞ serveserve verb 1➤breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m.早餐供应时间从 7 点到 10 点。➤the centre serves the whole community.本中心为整个社区提供服务。serve ♦︎ feed ♦︎ nourish ♦︎ dish (sth) up ♦︎ caterthese words all mean to provide food for sb.这些词均表示提供食物。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to serve / feed / nourish sb / sth with sth◆to feed / nourish sb / sth on sth◆to serve / dish up a meal◆to be well / properly fed / nourished■ serve [transitive, intransitive] to give sb food or drink, for example at a restaurant or during a meal, especially a formal meal; (of an amount of food) to be enough for sb/sth(给某人)提供,端上(尤指正餐);(饭菜的量)够⋯吃◆breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m.早餐供应时间从 7 点到 10 点。◆serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans.羊肉配新鲜土豆和青刀豆一起上。◆this dish will serve four hungry people.这盘菜够四个饥饿的人吃。ⓘ although serve usually has an object, the object is often left out, especially in recipes or instructions for serving food.尽管 serve 通常接宾语,但其宾语常省略,尤其在食谱中或指示如何上菜时◆pour the sauce over the pasta and serve immediately.把调味汁浇在意大利面上就能立刻上桌了。◆serve chilled (= used about wine or drinks).冷藏后饮用。◆shall i serve?现在可以上菜了吗? ➡ see also serving → portion ▸ service noun [uncountable] ◆the food was good but the service was very slow.饭菜不错,但服务太慢。■ feed (fed, fed) [transitive] to give food to sb; to provide food for sb给(人)食物;养,养活(某人)◆the baby can't feed herself yet (= can't put food into her own mouth).这个女婴还不能自己吃东西。◆they've got a large family to feed.他们要养活一大家子人。◆ (rather informal) there's enough here to feed an army.这儿的东西足以养活一支军队。■ nourish /nʌrɪʃ; name nɜːrɪʃ/ [transitive] to keep a person, animal or plant alive and healthy with food抚养,滋养,养育(人、动物或植物)◆all the children were well nourished and in good physical condition.所有这些孩子都营养良好,身体健康。◆most plants are nourished by water drawn up through their roots.大多数植物靠根部吸收的水分得以生长。  ➡ see also nourishment → food ■ dish up-->■ dish sth up -->phrasal verb (rather informal) to serve food onto plates for a meal, especially a meal at home(尤指在家中用餐时)把(食物)盛到盘里◆should i dish up?我可以盛饭菜了吗?◆he gave me a glass of wine and dished up the dinner.他递给我一杯葡萄酒,并端上晚餐。■ cater /keɪtə(r)/ [intransitive, transitive] to provide food and drinks for a social event(为社交活动)提供饮食,承办酒席◆ (bre) most of our work now involves catering for weddings.我们现在的工作多半是承办婚宴。◆ (name) who will be catering the wedding?谁来承办婚宴?▸ catering noun [uncountable] ◆who did the catering for the wedding?婚宴是谁承办的?serve verb 2➤breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m.早餐供应时间从 7 点到 10 点。➤the centre serves the whole community.本中心为整个社区提供服务。  ➡ see also the entry for provide for sb另见 provide for sb 条serve ♦︎ cater for sb/sth ♦︎ cater to sb/sththese words all mean to give a group of people the things that they need or want.这些词均表示提供所需之物。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆sb / sth is well served / catered for◆to serve / cater for sb / sth adequately■ serve [transitive] (rather formal) to offer a product or service to an area or group of people(向某地或某一群体)供应产品,提供服务◆the town is well served with buses and major road links.这座城市乘坐公共汽车很方便,与干线公路的连接也很发达。◆the centre will serve the whole community.本中心将为整个社区提供服务。■ cater for sb/sth "keit@(r)-->phrasal verbto give or offer the things that a particular person or situation needs or wants满足需要;适合◆the class caters for all ability ranges.这个班对各种不同水平的人都适合。ⓘ cater for sb/sth is used to talk about either the wide range of things that is offered or particular things that are offered. * cater for sb/sth 用于表示所提供东西的种类多样,或用于表示提供特定物品◆to cater for all / a wide range of ages / tastes / abilities / interests适合不同年龄/爱好/水平/兴趣的人◆to cater for individual preferences / children with special needs满足个人的喜好/有特殊需求的孩子■ cater to sb/sth "keit@(r)-->phrasal verb (sometimes disapproving) to give or offer the things that a particular type of person wants满足(某种)需要;迎合◆they only publish novels which cater to the mass market.他们只出版迎合大众市场的小说。ⓘ organizations typically cater to the mass market, tourists, an elite or local tastes. * cater to 通常与 the mass market、tourists、an elite 和 local tastes 搭配。note 辨析 cater for sb/sth or cater to sb/sth?if you cater for sb/sth, you provide the things that they need; if you cater to sb/sth you give them what they want. * cater for sb/sth 表示向人们提供所需的东西,cater to sb/sth 表示向人们提供想要的东西。serve [transitive] (rather formal) to be useful to sb in achieving sth or in providing what is needed or wanted对⋯有用;能满足⋯的需要◆these experiments serve no useful purpose.这些实验没有任何实际意义。◆his linguistic ability served him well in his chosen profession.他的语言能力对他所选择的职业大有帮助。serve [transitive, intransitive] to give sb food or drink, for example at a restaurant or during a meal, especially a formal meal; (of an amount of food) to be enough for sb/sth(给某人)提供,端上(尤指正餐);(饭菜的量)够⋯吃◆breakfast is served between 7 and 10 a.m.早餐供应时间从 7 点到 10 点。◆serve the lamb with new potatoes and green beans.羊肉配新鲜土豆和青刀豆一起上。◆this dish will serve four hungry people.这盘菜够四个饥饿的人吃。ⓘ although serve usually has an object, the object is often left out, especially in recipes or instructions for serving food.尽管 serve 通常接宾语,但其宾语常省略,尤其在食谱中或指示如何上菜时◆pour the sauce over the pasta and serve immediately.把调味汁浇在意大利面上就能立刻上桌了。◆serve chilled (= used about wine or drinks).冷藏后饮用。◆shall i serve?现在可以上菜了吗? ➡ see also serving → portion ▸ service noun [uncountable] ◆the food was good but the service was very slow.饭菜不错,但服务太慢。serve [transitive] (rather formal) to offer a product or service to an area or group of people(向某地或某一群体)供应产品,提供服务◆the town is well served with buses and major road links.这座城市乘坐公共汽车很方便,与干线公路的连接也很发达。◆the centre will serve the whole community.本中心将为整个社区提供服务。serve/sɜ:v ||; sɝv/verb1. [t] to give food or drink to sb during a meal; to take an order and then bring food or drink to sb in a restaurant, bar, etc (在餐馆、酒吧等里)端上食物,上菜: ◇breakfast is served from 7.30 to 9.00 am. 早餐供应时间由早上7时30分到9时。 2. [t] (used about an amount of food) to be enough for a certain number of people (指一份食物)可供某数目的人用: ◇according to the recipe, this dish serves four. 按照食谱,这道菜可供四个人吃。 3. [i,t] (in a shop) to take a customer's order; to give help, sell goods, etc (在商店里)接待顾客 · ◇there was a long queue of people waiting to be served. 人们大排长龙等着接待。 4. [i,t] to be useful or suitable for a particular purpose 适合某种用途: ◇the judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others. 法官说,这惩罚将对别人起警告作用。◇it's an old car but it will serve our purposefor a few months. 这是一辆旧车,但还可以为我们派几个月用场。 5. [i,t] to perform a duty or provide a service for the public or for an organization (为公众或机构)履行义务,提供服务: ◇during the war, he served in the army. 战争期间,他在陆军服役。◇she became a nurse because she wanted to serve the community. 她当了护士,因为她想要为社会服务。 6. [t] to spend a period of time in prison as punishment. 在狱中服刑: ◇he is currently serving a ten-year sentencefor fraud. 他因欺诈罪被判十年徒刑,现正在狱中服刑。 7. [i,t] (in tennis and similar sports) to start play by hitting the ball (网球及类似的体育运动)发球 first come, first served→first²serve sb right used when sth unpleasant happens to sb and you do not feel sorry for him/her because you think it is his/her own fault (表示对某人的不幸不予同情)应由某人承担,活该: ◇‘i feel sick.’ ‘it serves you right for eating so much.’ “我想吐。”“你吃那么多,活该。” servesee ⇨ food 4 ⇨ give 2 ⇨ prison 4 ⇨ provide/supply 2 ⇨ sell 1☞ serve¹☞ serve²




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