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单词 earnings
释义 earnings nounadjective | ... of earnings | verb + earnings | earnings + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤high, record, strong高收入;创纪录的收入;极高的收入▸➤low, meagre/meager低收入;微薄的收入▸➤average平均收入▸➤annual, hourly, quarterly, weekly年收入;时薪;季度收益;周薪➤first-quarter, second-quarter, etc.第一季度、第二季度等收入➤expected, future, projected期望的/未来的/预计的收入◆the company's projected earnings for the next twelve months公司未来 12 个月的预计收入➤reported账面收入➤total总收入➤average平均收入▸➤gross, pre-tax, taxable毛收入;税前收入;需纳税收入▸➤after-tax, net税后收入;净收入◆her net earnings last year were $15 000.她去年的纯收入是 1.5 万英镑。➤real实际收入◆blue-collar workers saw their real earnings diminish.蓝领工人的实际收入在减少。➤export, investment出口/投资收入➤company, corporate公司收入➤career, lifetime职业/终身收入◆her win in australia has taken her career earnings through the million-dollar barrier.在澳大利亚的胜利使她的职业生涯收入突破了百万美元大关。➤lost (law法律) 收入损失◆damages awarded for lost earnings收入损失补偿➤immoral (= by working as a prostitute) (bre, law法律) 不道德的收入(指卖淫收入)◆he was jailed for six months in june for living off immoral earnings.他因为靠不道德收入为生于 6 月份被判 6 个月监禁。... of earnings➤level收入水平◆levels of earnings are still rising.收入水平仍在提高。verb + earnings➤have有收入◆people with a university education tend to have higher earnings.受过大学教育的人收入往往比较高。➤generate产生收益◆earnings generated by investing your income将收入进行投资获得的收益➤calculate, estimate计算/估计收入▸➤declare申报收入◆you must declare all earnings to authorities.你必须向当局申报所有收入。➤tax对收入课税➤boost, increase, lift, push, raise提高收益;增加收入◆the show has pushed her earnings past $2 million a year.演出使她的年收入超过 200 万美元。➤announce, post, report (all business商业) 宣布/公布/报告收入◆the company reported earnings of $2.9 million.公司报告收入 290 万美元。earnings + noun➤estimate, forecast, projection盈利估算;收入预期◆his 2008 earnings estimate of 73 cents a share2008 年,他的收入预计为每股 73 美分。➤target收入目标➤announcement盈利公告◆the second-quarter earnings announcement第二季度的盈利公告➤growth收入增长➤shortfall收入差额◆an earnings shortfall might point to problems with our forecasting abilities.收入的减损或许能指明我们的预测能力所存在的问题。preposition➤earnings from来自于⋯的收入◆chile's earnings from exports rose by 2%.智利的出口收入增加了 2%。➤earnings of⋯的收入◆annual earnings of £20 0002 万英镑的年收入phrases➤ten times, twenty times, etc. earnings * 10 倍、20 倍等的收入◆the stock trades at about 40 times earnings.这只股票以 40 倍收入的价格买卖。➤growth in earnings收入的增长◆the growth in average earnings over the last ten years过去 10 年以来平均收入的增长➤loss of earnings收入的损失◆she is also claiming compensation for loss of earnings.她还要求赔偿收入损失。➤revenue and earnings, revenues and earnings收入和利润◆long-term increases in corporate revenues and earnings公司收入和利润的长期增长  ➡ note at per cent (for more verbs)  ➡ topic at business earnings /ɜːnɪŋz; name ɜːrn-/ noun [plural] 1.the money that you earn for the work that you do; the money that people earn in a particular industry or during a particular time 工资;薪水;收入◆she has earnings of $60 000 per year. 她的年薪是 6 万元。◆compensation for loss of earnings caused by the accident 对因事故造成的收入损失所给予的赔偿⨁ annual / hourly / weekly earnings每年/每小时/每周的收入 ⨁ gross / net / pre-tax / taxable earnings毛/净/税前/应税收入 ⨁ high / low earnings高/低收入 2.the profit that a country, a company, an industry or an investment makes 赢利;利润;收益◆germany's earnings from exports rose by 2%. 德国的出口收益上升了 2%。◆the company has reduced its 2011 earnings forecast. 这家公司已降低了其 2011 年的收益预测。  ➡  see note at income ⨁ annual / full-year / quarterly earnings年度/全年/季度赢利 ⨁ expected / strong earnings预期/强劲的收益 ⨁ corporate / export / operating earnings公司/出口/营运收益 ⨁ to boost / grow / have / report earnings提高/增加/赚取/报告利润 average earnings ◇ core earnings ◇ headline earnings ◇ loss of earnings ◇ retained earnings ◇ statement of earnings ◇ undistributed earnings ☞ earnings☞ income/earnings/revenue earnings [plural] money that a person earns from their work薪水;工资◆there has been a definite rise in average earnings for factory workers.工厂工人的平均收入有了明显增加。◆she received compensation for loss of earnings caused by the accident.她得到了由于事故造成收入损失的赔偿。  ➡ see also earnings → profit , earn → make 3 note 辨析 income or earnings?a person's earnings are money that they have earned for doing a job. they do not include unearned income which the person did nothing to earn, such as interest on a savings account at a bank. an income is typically seen as a regular amount that you can rely on. earnings are whatever sb manages to earn and may vary from month to month or year to year. * earnings 指工作所得的报酬,不包括非劳动所得 (unearned income),例如银行存款的利息等。income 一般看作是可靠的固定收入,earnings 则可能是非固定收入。 earnings [plural] (finance金融) the profit that a company makes利润;收益;盈利◆the company's earnings per share have fallen to 29p.该公司的每股收益下降到了 29 便士。◆whisky accounts for a large percentage of scotland's export earnings.威士忌占苏格兰出口利润的比例很大。  ➡ see also earnings → income earnings/ˈɜ:nɪŋz ||; ˈɝnɪŋz/noun [pl] the money that a person earns by working 收入: ◇average earnings have increased by 5%. 平均收入增加了5%。 earningssee ⇨ earn 8 earn·ings /`ɜnɪŋz; ˈɜːnɪŋz/n [plural 复数]money that you earn by working 薪水,工资:◇average earnings in europe have risen by 3%. 欧洲的平均工资涨了 3%。




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