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单词 remind/make sb remember
释义 remind/make sb remember1 to make someone remember something that they must do2 to make someone remember something they have forgotten3 when something makes you remember something from the past4 to make you remember unpleasant experiences from the pastrelated wordsto make you think of another similar person or thing 使你想起另一个相似的人或物 like or similar (3),see alsoremember,forget,1. to make someone remember something that they must do 使人记起必须做的事 remind /rɪˈmaɪnd/ [transitive verb] to make someone remember something they must do or something they need to know 提醒 i'd love to have lunch next wednesday, but you'll have to remind me. 我很乐意下周三去吃午饭,可你得到时提醒我。remind somebody about something pauline phoned to remind you about the party. 保利娜打电话来提醒你聚会的事。remind somebody to do something remind me to buy some batteries for my walkman, ok? 提醒我要买一些供随身听用的电池,好吗?remind somebody (that) i just want to remind you that your assignments must be completed by friday. 我正要提醒你,你的功课要在星期五之前完成。remind somebody how/what/when write down a few notes to remind yourself what you want to say. 写下几条笔记提醒你自己该说什么。that reminds me say this when someone says or does something that makes you remember to do something 【口】那提醒我 spoken oh that reminds me - i'm supposed to take cheryl to the airport tomorrow. 噢,这倒提醒了我,明天我应该送谢里尔到机场去的。 reminder /rɪˈmaɪndəʳ/ [countable noun] a written note or something that someone says that reminds you about something you have forgotten or ignored, especially something that you must do 起提醒作用的东西 the dentist's office sent you a reminder about your appointment next week. 牙医诊所寄来便条,提醒你下周按约定的时间去看牙。 finally, a reminder that the school concert will be on december 17. 最后提醒你一下,学校音乐会将于12月17日举行。 don't forget /ˌdəʊnt fəʳˈget/ spoken say this to tell someone to remember something that you think they might forget 【口】别忘了 don't forget your keys. 别忘了钥匙。don't forget to do something don't forget to mail that letter, will you? 别忘了寄那封信,好吗?don't forget (that) don't forget that my mother's coming to visit this weekend. 别忘了我妈妈这个周末要来作客。2. to make someone remember something they have forgotten 提醒某人记起已忘记的事 jog somebody's memory /ˌdʒɒg somebodyˈs ˈmeməriǁˌdʒɑːg-/ [verb phrase] if a particular detail about someone or something jogs someone's memory, it makes them remember someone or something that they have forgotten 唤起某人的记忆,帮助某人想起 police hope the sketch will jog someone's memory and help identify the gunman. 警方希望这张素描能唤起某人的记忆,帮忙辨认出那个枪手。jog sb's memory about something about what he said jogged my memory about an article i had read the month before. 他的话使我回忆起上个月我读到过的一篇文章。 refresh somebody's memory /rɪˌfreʃ somebodyˈs ˈmeməri/ [verb phrase] to look at photographs, written information etc in order to help you remember facts or details that you already know but may have forgotten 唤起某人的记忆,使某人重新想起 before the exam he read through his notes once more to refresh his memory. 考试前他再看了一遍笔记来提醒一下自己。 if you can't remember where you were on june 15, mr ball, maybe these photos will refresh your memory. 鲍尔先生,假如你想不起6月15日你在哪儿的话,这几张照片也许能帮助你回想起来。 prompt /prɒmptǁprɑːmpt/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to remind someone, especially an actor in a play, what words to say when they have forgotten what they should say 给[尤指演员]提词 his job is to prompt the actors when they forget their lines. 他的工作是在演员忘记台词时给他们作提示。 most of the children knew their lines so the director didn't need to prompt very much. 多数孩子都记住了台词,所以导演无需经常作提示。 prompt [countable noun] he managed to say the whole speech without a single prompt. 他没要人提一个词就把整段台词都说出来了。3. when something makes you remember something from the past 某事使你回忆起过去的事 remind somebody of /rɪˈmaɪnd somebody ɒv/ [verb phrase] to make someone remember a person, thing, or time from the past 使某人回想起 the perfume always reminded him of his mother. 这种香水总使他回忆起他的母亲。 walking across the field reminded me of the happy summers i'd spent on my grandparents’ farm. 走过田野让我回想起以前在祖父母的农场上度过的快乐的夏天。that reminds me of somebody/something say this when someone says or does something that makes you remember someone or something 【口】那使我想起某人/某事物 spoken that reminds me of a joke i heard last week. 那使我想起了上星期听到的一个笑话。 make somebody think of /ˌmeɪk somebody ˈθɪŋk ɒv/ [verb phrase] to remind someone of a person, experience, or time in your life 使某人想起 i hate that smell - it makes me think of when i was in the hospital. 我很讨厌那气味,它使我想起我在医院里的时候。 all this stuff just makes me think of dan - i should get rid of it. 这东西总使我想到丹,我应该把它弄走。 baked beans always made her think of that first camping trip. 烘豆子总让她想起那第一次野营之旅。 bring/call to mind /ˌbrɪŋ, ˌkɔːl tə ˈmaɪnd/ [verb phrase] if events or experiences bring to mind something or call to mind something, they remind you of past events or experiences because they are very similar to them [事件或经历]使回忆起,使回想起 the case calls to mind the 1997 killing of a ten-year-old girl in upstate new york. 这案子使人回想起1997年发生在纽约北部的一名十岁小女孩被杀案。 his account vividly brings to mind the descriptions of battles in homer. 他的描述生动得使人联想起荷马史诗中描写的那些战争场面。 be a reminder /biː ə rɪˈmaɪndəʳ/ [verb phrase] to remind you of someone or something from the past, especially in a way that makes you sad 使想起[过去的某人或某事物,尤令人难过的] the town wanted to forget the war but the destroyed bridge was a painful reminder. 小镇上的人希望忘却战争,但那座被摧毁的桥却总会引起痛苦的回忆。be a reminder of she kept all his letters as a reminder of their time together. 她保存着他所有的来信,作为他们在一起度过的时光的留念。be a constant reminder the scar across his forehead was a constant reminder of the accident. 他额头上的那道疤痕时常让人想起那次事故。 bring back memories/take somebody back /ˌbrɪŋ bæk ˈmeməriz, ˌteɪk somebody ˈbæk/ [verb phrase] if something brings back memories or takes you back, it reminds you of a particular and often pleasant event or experience from your past that you thought you had forgotten 唤起某人的记忆,使人回忆起过去的时光[常指令人愉快的事或经历] these old pictures really bring back some memories. 这些旧照片确实使人想起了一些美好的往事。 it's years since i heard any beatles’ music - it really takes me back. 我好多年没听到披头士的音乐了,他们的歌的确使我想起了往昔。bring back memories of something the order and discipline of the job brought back memories of his army days. 这份工作的规则和纪律让他回忆起在军队里的时光。take somebody back to something staying in my old bedroom again takes me back to my childhood. 回到我以前的卧室使我回忆起童年时光。 evoke /ɪˈvəʊk/ [transitive verb] formal to remind someone of how they felt at a particular time in the past by producing a particular feeling, emotion, or memory in them 【正式】唤起对[过去某一时期]的回忆 the movie evokes a simpler time when life was less complicated. 这部影片唤起人们对过去那个纯朴年代的回忆,那时候的生活没那么复杂。 david hardly needed any encouragement to visit the sea, since it still evoked for him the happiest memories. 戴维几乎不需要怂恿也会去看海,因为大海至今仍能唤起他最快乐的回忆。 evocative /ɪˈvɒkətɪvǁɪˈvɑː-/ [adjective] if something such as a poem, a painting, or an image is evocative, it makes people remember a particular part of their past by producing a particular feeling, emotion, or memory in them [诗歌、画、景象等]使人想起…的;唤起回忆的 the air was full of evocative smells of flowers and freshly cut grass. 空气里充满了引起回忆的花香和新修剪的青草香味。evocative of the painting was evocative of all the sun and bright colours of provence. 这幅画使人想起了普罗旺斯的阳光和明亮色彩。 come flooding back /kʌm ˌflʌdɪŋ ˈbæk/ [verb phrase] if memories come flooding back, you suddenly remember them in a detailed way because of something that has happened [旧时的记忆]如潮般涌来,忽然涌上心头 as i began my speech all my teenage insecurities came flooding back. 我开始演讲时,少年时缺乏安全感的一切回忆忽然涌上心头。 he hadn't expected to see her, but he was surprised at how quickly memories of paris came flooding back. 他未料到会见到她,但他对巴黎的那些记忆那么快涌上心头感到惊讶。4. to make you remember unpleasant experiences from the past 使人回想起过去的不愉快经历 drag up/rake up /ˌdræg ˈʌp, ˌreɪk ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] if someone drags up or rakes up things from the past that you would prefer to forget, they start talking about them and make you remember them 提起[想要忘却的往事] drag/rake something up i said i was sorry, so i don't want you to keep raking it up again. 我已经道了歉,所以我不希望你老是重提这件事。drag/rake up something i don't know why you insist on dragging the past up every time we get together. 我不明白为什么每次我们在一起,你就要旧事重提。 open/reopen old wounds /ˌəʊpən, riˌəʊpən əʊld ˈwuːnds/ [verb phrase] if an event or course of action opens old wounds, it reminds someone of an unpleasant experience from the past 揭开旧创伤,引起不愉快的回忆 i'd prefer not to see my ex-wife - it will just open old wounds. 我还是不见前妻为好,那样只会揭开旧疮疤。 the spy trial has reopened old wounds in the immigrant community. 审判间谍一事在移民社区又引起了不愉快的回忆。




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