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单词 seductive
释义 seductive adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be, become, look, seem, sound有诱惑力;变得有诱惑力;看上去有诱惑力;好像很有诱惑力;听起来有诱惑力adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/颇为/非常有诱惑力▸➤highly极富诱惑力➤dangerously, strangely具有危险诱惑性的;富有奇异诱惑性的▸➤almost几乎是诱惑性的◆his words had a soothing, almost seductive quality.他的话语让人感到安慰,几乎有一种诱惑性的味道。seductive/sɪˈdʌktɪv ||; sɪˈdʌktɪv/adj1. sexually attractive 诱人的;性感的: ◇a seductive smile 诱人的笑容 2. attractive in a way that makes you want to have or do sth 非常吸引人的;令人折服的: ◇a seductive argument/opinion (= one which you are tempted to agree with) 使人折服的议论╱意见 seductivesee ⇨ sexy 2 se·duc·tive /sɪ`dʌktɪv; sɪˈdʌktɪv/adj 1. sexually attractive 性感的,有魅力的 2. making something very attractive and interesting to you 诱人的,有诱惑力的:◇highly seductive advertising 非常诱人的广告




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