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单词 swelling
释义 swelling nounadjective | verb + swelling | swelling + verb adjective➤painful, severe痛苦的/严重的肿块◆there is severe swelling of the glands.腺体严重肿胀。➤slight轻微的肿胀verb + swelling➤cause引起肿胀➤prevent防止肿胀▸➤reduce减轻肿胀swelling + verb➤occur肿胀出现▸➤go down, subside肿胀消失/消退swelling [uncountable, countable] the condition of being swollen (= larger or rounder than normal); a place on your body that has become swollen because of illness or injury(因病或因伤导致的)肿胀;肿胀处;浮肿处◆use ice to reduce the swelling.用冰敷消肿。◆the fall left her with a painful swelling above her eye.她摔了一跤,眼睛上方磕了个包,疼得很。 ➡ see also swell → swell swelling/ˈswelɪŋ ||; ˈswɛlɪŋ/noun1. [c] a place on your body that is bigger or fatter than usual because of an injury or illness 肿或肿胀的部位: ◇i've got a nasty swelling under my eye. 我眼睛底下肿得厉害。 2. [u] the process of becoming swollen 肿(胀): ◇the disease often causes swelling of the ankles and knees. 这种病常会引致踝肿和膝肿。 swell·ing /`swɛlɪŋ; ˈswelɪŋ/n [c,u]an area on your body that becomes bigger than usual because of injury or illness [身体上因受伤或疾病而引起的]肿块,肿胀处:◇a swelling on the knee 膝盖上的肿块




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