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单词 lead
释义 lead1noun¹ 1example set by sb榜样adjective | verb + lead | preposition adjective➤moral (especially bre) 道德榜样verb + lead➤give, take树立榜样;带头◆the government should give a lead in tackling racism.政府应该带头破除种族偏见。➤follow效法preposition➤lead in⋯方面的榜样◆we should follow their lead in banning chemical weapons.我们应该效仿他们的做法,禁止化学武器。➤lead on在⋯方面的领先◆corporations that have chosen to take the lead on the privacy issue选择在隐私问题上先行一步的公司lead1noun² 2position ahead of other people最前列adjective | verb + lead | preposition adjective➤big, clear, comfortable, commanding, good, healthy, huge, significant, sizeable, solid, strong, substantial遥遥领先;轻松的领先;稳稳领先◆for the time being, china has a solid lead over india.中国暂时还稳稳领先于印度。➤narrow, slight, slim, small微弱的领先优势;小幅度领先➤two-game, three-length, ten-point, etc.两局、3 个身位、10 分等的领先优势▸➤overall总体上的领先▸➤early初期的领先地位verb + lead➤be in, gain, have处于领先地位;取得优先地位◆she has a narrow lead over the other runners.她稍稍领先于其他赛跑选手。➤go into, move into, take逐渐取得/开始取得/取得领先地位◆they took an early lead.他们开始时处于领先位置。➤build, build up, establish确立领先地位◆the team has now built up a commanding lead.这支队伍现在已经遥遥领先。➤hold, keep, maintain, retain保持领先地位▸➤lose丧失领先地位▸➤regain, retake重获领先地位;再度领先◆they regained the lead with only a few minutes left to play.他们在比赛还剩下最后几分钟时再度领先。➤put sb/sth (back) into使⋯(重新)领先◆that game puts her back into the lead.那一局使她重新领先。➤extend, increase, open, open up, widen扩大领先优势;巩固领先优势;开创领先局面◆houston increased their lead to 13-7.休斯敦队将领先优势扩大到了 13 比 7。◆he had opened up a small lead over his opponent.他已经开创了一个略微领先于对手的局面。➤give使占优势preposition➤in the lead, into the lead处于/进入领先地位◆we were struggling to stay in the lead.我们正在奋力争取保持领先优势。➤lead over领先于◆this win gives the team a two-point lead over their closest rival.本场获胜使这支队伍比成绩最接近的对手领先了两分。lead1noun³ 3main part in a play, show, etc.主角adjective | verb + lead | lead + noun adjective➤romantic浪漫爱情片的主角▸➤female, male女主角;男主角verb + lead➤play担任主角◆her big break came when she was chosen to play the lead in a broadway musical.她被选中饰演一部百老汇音乐剧的主角,从此她走红了。➤sing主唱◆she sings lead on four tracks.她主唱了 4 首曲子。lead + noun➤character, role主要人物;主角的角色▸➤actor, actress, dancer, singer, vocalist, vocals男主演;女主演;领舞;主唱歌手;主打演唱➤guitar, guitarist首席吉他手lead1noun⁴ 4clue迹象adjective | verb + lead | preposition adjective➤good, promising, solid有用的/有希望的/可靠的线索◆some promising leads are already emerging.已经出现了一些很有希望的迹象。◆they have several solid leads in their investigation.他们的调查有了好几条可靠的线索。➤new新线索▸➤possible可能的线索◆the police are following every possible lead.警方不放过任何一条可能的线索。➤false假线索◆it turned out to be a false lead.结果发现那是一条虚假线索。verb + lead➤have有线索➤find, get发现/得到线索◆did you find any leads when you searched it?你搜索后找到什么线索了吗?◆at last we got a lead on the mccreary case.我们终于得到了一条麦克里里案件的线索。➤follow, pursue追踪/追查线索▸➤give提供线索preposition➤lead as to关于⋯的线索◆he said that he has a lead as to where dylan may be.他说他有一条关于迪伦下落的线索。➤lead on⋯的线索◆leads on the murderer's identity谋杀案凶手身分的线索lead2verb¹ 1show the way引路adverb | verb + lead | preposition | phrases adverb➤away, back, on, out引走;领回;继续引路;领出◆'lead on!' said casey.“继续带路!”凯西说。verb + lead➤help (to)帮助带路◆five people helping to lead a convoy of aid are feared dead.为救援车队带路的 5 个人恐已遇难。➤allow sb to, let sb让某人带路◆let me lead the way.我来带路。preposition➤along, down, into, out of, through, to, etc.沿着⋯带路、顺着⋯带路、带入、带出、带领穿过、带往等◆she led them along a dark corridor to a small room.她领他们穿过黑暗的走廊来到一个小房间。phrases➤lead the way带路◆you lead the way and we'll follow.你带路,我们跟着你。lead2verb² 2go to a place去某处adverb | preposition adverb➤directly径直通向▸➤back, down, up通回;向下通向;向上通向◆an old track led back through the woods.一条旧日的小道穿过树林通了回来。➤nowhere, somewhere (often figurative) 无任何结果;有结果◆often there are discoveries which lead nowhere.有些发现往往无果而终。preposition➤from从⋯通向▸➤onto通向⋯上◆the glass doors lead out onto a rooftop garden.那些玻璃门通向一个屋顶花园。➤to通向⋯◆a path leading from the village to the old church从村庄通向古老教堂的小道lead2verb³ 3cause致使adverb | verb + lead | preposition adverb➤normally, usually通常导致▸➤inevitably, inexorably, invariably不可避免地导致;无一例外地导致◆industrialization inevitably led to the expansion of the urban working class.工业化不可避免地导致了城市工薪阶层人数的增长。➤certainly, likely, undoubtedly肯定/很可能/无疑导致◆it will almost certainly lead to disaster.这几乎肯定会导致一场灾难。◆such actions would most likely lead to the decline of rural communities.这样的行动极有可能会导致乡村社区的衰落。➤not necessarily不一定导致◆the use of soft drugs does not necessarily lead to a progression to hard drugs.吸食软毒品不一定会发展成要吸食硬毒品。➤automatically必然引起◆business success does not automatically lead to financial success.商业成功不一定会赚钱。➤naturally自然导致◆discussion of a client's tax affairs will lead naturally into consideration of investment options.讨论客户的税务情况自然会引向对投资选择的考虑。➤in turn转而导致◆these measures in turn led to an increased opportunity for independent music production.这些措施转而导致独立音乐制作机会的增加。➤directly直接导致▸➤indirectly间接导致▸➤eventually, finally, ultimately最终导致verb + lead➤can, may, might, must可能导致;也许导致;必定导致➤can easily, can only容易/只能导致◆sugar and fat can easily lead to obesity.糖和脂肪很容易导致肥胖。➤may well, might well很可能导致◆the carbon tax might well lead to a doubling of prices for fossil fuels.碳排放税很可能会导致化石燃料价格翻倍。➤appear to, seem to似乎要导致▸➤be expected to, be likely to, tend to预计会/很可能会/趋向于导致◆worrying about your weight is more likely to lead to low self-esteem.对体重的担心更有可能导致自尊心低下。➤be bound to必然导致preposition➤to导致⋯◆the events that led eventually to war最终引发战争的事件lead /liːd/ verb (led, led /led/) 1. [intransitive, transitive] to be the best at sth; to be in first place 最擅长于;处于领先地位◆they have a reputation for leading the market with creative advertising ideas. 他们因富有创意的广告构思在市场上处于领先地位而闻名。◆we have led the field in magazine publishing for many years. 我们在杂志出版领域领先了许多年。 2. [transitive] to be in control of sth; to be the leader of sth 控制;掌管;领导;率领◆daniel snell leads the marketing team. 丹尼尔 • 斯奈尔领导营销队伍。 ●lead from the frontto take an active part in what you are telling or persuading others to do 带头;带动;引导◆good managers lead from the front. 优秀经理人带领下属走在最前。 ●lead to sthto have sth as a result 导致;造成(后果)◆we are hoping that the contacts we made at the trade show will lead to future business. 我们希望在交易会上的接触将会带来生意。●lead up to sthto be an introduction to or the cause of sth 是…的先导;是导致…的原因◆the weeks leading up to the sales conference are always busy. 临近销售会议的几个星期总是很忙的。lead /liːd/ noun1. [singular] the position ahead of everyone else in a competition or race; the amount that sb/sth is ahead (竞赛中的)领先地位◆hyundai is determined to maintain its lead in a competitive industry. 现代公司决心要保持自己在竞争性行业中的领先地位。◆we have the highest market share and we need to look at ways to stay in the lead. 我们的市场占有率最高,我们需要研究保持这种优势的方法。◆they have now lost their market lead. 他们现在已失去市场的领先地位。◆they have a lead of 12% of market share over their closest competitor. 他们的市场占有率比最大的竞争对手领先 12%。⨁ to have / increase / lose / maintain / take a lead处于/提高/失去/保持/获得领先地位 2. (usually used as an adjective 通常用作形容词) the most important person, product, etc. 最重要的(人、产品等)◆the lead engineer on the project 这个工程的首席工程师◆two of its lead products failed in clinical trials. 其中两个主要产品在临床试验中失败了。3. [singular] an example or action for people to copy or follow 实例;范例;榜样◆if one bank raises interest rates, all the others will follow their lead. 如果一家银行提高利率,所有其他银行都会效法。◆they have taken the lead in attracting younger consumers. 他们已带头吸引年轻的消费者。 4.(marketing 营销) [countable] a piece of information that may help you find new customers (有助于找到新客户的)线索◆we offer quality information to help you generate business leads. 我们提供高品质的资讯以帮助你找到商机。◆i prefer not to source leads from the web. 我不愿意从网路中寻找线索。⨁ to follow up / generate / have / source leads追踪/找到/有/寻找线索 ⨁ business / customer / sales leads商业/顾客/销售线索 (insurance 保险) [countable] the group (syndicate) of lloyd's underwriters that accepts the most responsibility for an insurance policy 保险牵头人(为某保险单承担主要保险责任的劳氏保险财团/辛迪加)☞ lead☞ leadlead /liːd/ noun 1➤take the lead in a race在赛跑中领先➤have a narrow lead over sb稍微领先某人一点the lead ♦︎ the foreground ♦︎ the forefront ♦︎ the fore ♦︎ the cutting edge ♦︎ the frontthese are all words for a position ahead of everyone else in a race, a competition, an area of activity, the development of sth or a line of people.这些词语均表示在比赛、竞争、活动、发展或队列中的领先地位。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆the foreground / forefront / cutting edge / front of sth◆in the lead / foreground / forefront◆at the forefront / fore / cutting edge / front◆to come / bring sth to the forefront / fore■ the lead li:d--> [singular] the position ahead of everyone else in a race, game or competition(比赛或竞争中的)领先地位◆the democrats now appear to be in the lead.民主党人现在看来占有优势。◆she took the lead in the second lap.她在第二圈时跑在了前头。◆as expected, kicking king went straight into the lead.不出所料,赛马踢王从一开始就获得了领先地位。◆redkal's penalty gave norway the lead.雷德卡尔的点球使挪威队处于领先地位。■ the foreground "fo:graund"fo:rg---> [singular] (rather formal) the part of a view or picture that is nearest to you when you look at it; an important position that is noticed by people(景物或图画的)前景;瞩目地位;重要位置◆the figure in the foreground is the artist's mother.图画前景中的人是画家的母亲。◆interest rates will be very much in the foreground of their election campaign.利率很可能将是他们竞选的重点问题。opp the background → environment ■ the forefront "fo:frvnt"fo:rf---> [singular] an important or leading position in a particular group or activity(在群体或活动中的)重要(或主要)地位;最前列◆women have always been at the forefront of the green movement.妇女总是站在环境保护运动的最前列。◆the latest protest has brought prison conditions to the forefront of public attention.最近这次抗议活动使监狱的环境问题成了公众关注的焦点。◆the court case was constantly in the forefront of my mind (= i thought about it all the time).这起诉讼案件一直萦绕在我的心头。ⓘ the forefront is always used in the phrase at/in/to the forefront of sth. * the forefront 总是用于短语 at/in/to the forefront of sth 中。■ the fore --> [singular] (rather formal) a position in which sb/sth is noticed by people or considered important显要地位;重要作用;突出位置◆ (bre) she has always been to the fore at moments of crisis.危急时刻她总是挺身而出。◆ (name) she has always been at the fore at moments of crisis.危急时刻她总是挺身而出。◆the problem has come very much to the fore again in recent months.近几个月来这个问题又成了热点。ⓘ people or things are to the fore in british english, but at the fore in american english; the fore is always used in the phrase be to/at the fore or come/bring sth to the fore.表示人或事物处于显要地位,在英式英语中用 to the fore,在美式英语中则用 at the fore。the fore 总是用于短语 be to/at the fore 或 come/bring sth to the fore 中。note 辨析 forefront or fore? the forefront is usually followed by of; the fore is not. if you need to say which group or activity sb/sth is important in, use the forefront of sth; if you do not need to say which group or activity, because sb/sth has just become important generally in the public mind, use the fore. * the forefront 通常后接 of,the fore 则不接。表示某人或某事物在哪个群体或活动中很重要,用 the forefront of sth ;如某人或某事物在公众心目中已普遍变得重要,不必说出是哪个群体或活动时,则用 the fore。■ the cutting edge --> [singular] the newest, most advanced stage in the development of sth, especially in science, technology or art(尤指科学、技术或艺术发展的)尖端,最前沿,领先阶段◆we are working at the cutting edge of computer technology.我们工作在计算机技术的最前沿。◆at the time it was on the cutting edge of modern style.那时它正引领着现代时尚的潮流。■ the front --> [singular] the position which is furthest forward in a line or group of people(一排或一群人的)前部◆he was always at the front of the line at dinner time.吃饭排队时他总是排头位。◆the kids pushed straight to the front.孩子们迳直挤到前头去了。 opp the back ⓘ the back is the position furthest from the front. * the back 指距离前部最远的位置◆we could only get seats at the back (= of the room).我们只有后排的位子可以坐了。◆i found some old photos at the back of the drawer.我在抽屉的后部发现了几张老照片。◆ (bre) there's room for three people in the back (= of a car).轿车的后排座位能坐三个人。◆ (name) there's room for three people in back.轿车的后排座位能坐三个人。lead /liːd/ noun 2➤take the lead in a race在赛跑中领先➤have a narrow lead over sb稍微领先某人一点lead ♦︎ advantage ♦︎ edge ♦︎ the upper hand ♦︎ head startthese are all words for a situation in which you are in a better position than sb/sth that you are competing against.这些词均表示在竞争中领先的幅度或所占的优势。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a lead / an advantage / an edge / the upper hand / a head start over sb◆an edge / a head start on sb◆a lead / an advantage / an edge / the upper hand / a head start in sth◆a slight / significant lead / advantage / edge◆a big / clear lead / advantage◆a decided / competitive advantage / edge◆to have a lead / an advantage / an edge / the upper hand / a head start◆to hold (onto) / maintain a lead / an advantage / an edge◆to give sb a lead / an advantage / an edge / the upper hand / a head start◆to gain a lead / an advantage / an edge / the upper hand■ lead /liːd/ [singular] the amount or distance that sb/sth is in front of sb/sth else, in a competition or race in sport or politics(体育或政治竞争中)超前的幅度,领先的距离◆she has a narrow lead over the other runners.她比其他赛跑选手略为领先。◆they took a 3-0 lead in the first leg of the semi-final.他们在半决赛的第一场以 3:0 领先。◆the polls have given labour a five-point lead.选举计票显示工党领先五个百分点。■ advantage [singular] something that helps you to be better or more successful than sb else, especially sb you are competing against(尤指竞争中的)有利条件,有利因素,优势◆being tall gave him an advantage over the other players.他个子高,比别的运动员占优势。◆the company has an unfair advantage over its competitors.与竞争对手相比,这家公司具有一种不公平的有利因素。opp disadvantage → disadvantage ■ edge [singular] (rather informal) a slight advantage over sb/sth, especially in sport or business(体育运动或生意中的)微弱优势◆they have the edge on us.他们略胜我们一筹。◆he believes marseilles have a slight edge as they face rangers at home.他认为马赛队主场对阵流浪者队略占优势。◆the company needs to improve its competitive edge.公司需要扩大自己的竞争优势。■ the upper hand -->idioman advantage over sb/sth else which means that you are in control of a particular situation优势;上风;主导权◆maggie felt she had the upper hand.玛吉觉得自己占有优势。◆gradually their forward players began to get the upper hand.渐渐地他们的前锋开始占了上风。ⓘ the upper hand is used especially with the verbs have, hold, gain and get. * the upper hand 通常与动词 have、hold、gain 和 get 连用。■ head start [singular] an advantage that sb already has before they start doing sth(事先就有的)优势◆being able to speak french gave her a head start over the other candidates.会说法语使她比别的候选人占优势。◆we've got a real head start on the rest of the industry.我们在这个行业中一开始就遥遥领先于其他企业。lead verb 1➤lead a race/the world in cancer research在比赛中领先;在癌症研究方面走在世界前列➤lead an expedition率领探险队➤the path leads up the hill.这条小路通往山顶。lead ♦︎ be ahead of sb ♦︎ overtake ♦︎ pass ♦︎ leave sb/sth behind ♦︎ outpace ♦︎ get aheadthese words all mean to be in or move into a position which is further forward, better or more advanced than sb/sth else.这些词均表示处于首位或取得领先地位。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to lead / be ahead of sb / overtake sb / leave sb behind / get ahead in sth◆to lead / be ahead of / overtake a rival◆to easily overtake / outpace sb■ lead (led, led) [intransitive, transitive] to be in first place, for example in a race or competition; to be the most advanced in a particular area or activity处于首位;居于领先地位;(在某方面)最先进◆the champion is leading by 18 seconds.冠军领先了 18 秒钟。◆he led the race for eight laps until his engine blew.比赛中他有八圈一路领先,直到他的发动机爆裂。◆the department led the world in cancer research.这个系当时在癌症研究方面走在世界前列。◆the firm's solid construction standards still lead the field.该公司坚实的建筑水准在业内仍处于领先地位。opp trail → lose ■ be ahead of sb -->phraseto be further forward in space or time than sb/sth; to be in front of sb/sth, for example in a race or competition; to be better or further advanced than sb/sth(时间或空间)在⋯前面;(比赛或竞争等中)领先;占优势◆three boys were ahead of us.有三个男孩在我们前面。◆he was already some way ahead of her.他在某种程度上已经领先于她。◆he's still 10 points ahead of his nearest rival.他比紧随其后的对手仍领先 10 分。◆he was always well ahead of the rest of the class.他总是遥遥领先于班上其他同学。◆his ideas were way ahead of his time.他的思想远远超前于他那个时代。opp be behind sb ■ overtake (overtook, overtaken) [intransitive, transitive] to go past a moving vehicle or person ahead of you because you are going faster than they are; to become greater in number, amount or importance than sth else超过;赶上;(在数量或重要性方面)大于,超越◆ (bre) it's dangerous to overtake on a bend.在弯道上超车会有危险。◆ (bre) he pulled out to overtake a lorry.他驶出车流以超越一辆卡车。◆later this century, nuclear energy could overtake oil as the main fuel.本世纪晚些时候,核能可能会超过石油成为主要燃料。◆we mustn't let ourselves be overtaken by our competitors.我们决不能让竞争对手超过我们。■ pass [transitive, intransitive] to overtake a vehicle or person ahead of you超过;超越◆he pulled out to pass a truck.他驶出车流以超过一辆卡车。◆it's difficult to pass on this circuit.在这条环形车道上很难超车。note 辨析 overtake or pass?in british english, both overtake and pass can be used to talk about going past sb/sth that is moving, for example, on the road or a track, although overtake is more frequent. in american english, pass is the normal word used.在英式英语中,overtake 和 pass 都可指超过公路或跑道上行进中的人或物,只不过 overtake 更常用些。在美式英语中,常用 pass 表达此义。■ leave sb/sth behind -->phrasal verb(left, left) [usually passive] to make much better progress than sb, especially in business(尤指在生意上)把⋯抛在后面,超过◆britain is being left behind in the race for new markets.英国在开拓新市场方面正被甩在后面。◆european manufacturers are afraid of getting left behind.欧洲生产商唯恐会落在后面。■ outpace /aʊtpeɪs/ [transitive] (written, especially business尤用于商业) to go, rise or improve faster than sb/sth(在速度上)超过;比⋯快◆he easily outpaced the other runners.他轻而易举地超过了其他赛跑选手。◆demand is outpacing production.需求量正在超过产量。◆market growth has continued to outpace expectations.市场增长率仍比预期的要快。■ get ahead -->phrasal verb(getting, got, got; name spoken getting, got, gotten)to make progress; to make progress faster or further than sb/sth else取得进步;走在前面;领先◆she wants to get ahead in her career.她想在事业上取得进展。◆he soon got ahead of the others in the class.他很快就在班上领先他人了。ⓘ get ahead is used especially to talk about the progress of individual people in their work or studies. * get ahead 尤指个人在工作或学习上取得进步。lead verb 2➤lead a race/the world in cancer research在比赛中领先;在癌症研究方面走在世界前列➤lead an expedition率领探险队➤the path leads up the hill.这条小路通往山顶。lead ♦︎ head ♦︎ preside ♦︎ chair ♦︎ spearhead ♦︎ captainthese words all mean to be in charge of sth or to be the leader of sth.这些词均表示负责、领导。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to lead / head / captain a team◆to lead / captain a (sports) side◆to lead / head a (political) party / the government◆to lead / head / preside over / chair a / an commission / committee / enquiry◆to lead / preside over / chair a meeting / debate◆to lead / spearhead a campaign / fight◆to head / preside over a (legal) case◆to jointly lead / head / chair sth■ lead (led, led) [transitive, intransitive] to be the leader of sth; to be in charge of sth率领;领导;主管;掌管◆who will lead the party into the next election?谁来领导这个党参加下一届选举?◆he led the first expedition to the north pole.他领导了第一次北极探险活动。◆top management should be seen to lead by example (= to set a good example for others to copy).高层管理人员应该以身作则。 ➡ see also leadership → government 2 ■ head [transitive] to be the head of sth; to be in charge of sth领导;主管;掌管◆she has been appointed to head the research team.她受命主管研究小组。◆the committee will be jointly headed by two men.该委员会将由两人共同领导。note 辨析 lead or head?these two verbs can be used in very similar ways. however, a person who heads sth is the person who has the official position of being the head of it: for example, a government is headed by a prime minister, an enquiry might be headed by a judge, etc. it is usually an individual who heads sth. sb who leads sth may also have an official position as the leader, but the verb lead emphasizes their leadership qualities. sb who leads is the person who makes the important plans and decisions, and who other people follow. a group of people, such as an organization or a country can also lead sth.这两个动词用法非常相似,但 head 指担任正式领导职务,例如政府由首相来领导,调查可能由法官来领导,等等。head 的主语通常是某一个人。lead 也可指担任正式领导职务,但它更强调领导素质,领导者制订重要计划或作出重要决定并得到其他人的追随。lead 的主语还可以是群体,比如某个机构或国家。■ preside /prɪzaɪd/ [intransitive] (formal) to be in charge of a meeting, ceremony or official process such as a trial主持(会议、仪式、审判等);担任(会议)主席◆a tribunal, presided over by lord haskin, was established to investigate the allegations.成立了一个由哈斯金勋爵主持的特别法庭对这些指控进行调查。◆the archbishop presided at a special mass in the city's cathedral.大主教在该市主教座堂里主持了一场特殊的弥撒。■ chair [transitive] to be in charge of a meeting, discussion, or committee, telling people when they can speak担任(会议、讨论或委员会的)主席;主持(会议、讨论等)◆who's chairing the meeting?这次会议谁主持?◆lord stansfield will chair the committee.斯坦斯菲尔德勋爵将出任该委员会主席。■ spearhead /spɪəhed; name spɪrhed/ [transitive] (especially journalism尤用于新闻) to begin or lead a campaign for sth or an attack on sb/sth做⋯的先锋;带头做;领先突击◆he is spearheading a campaign for a new stadium in the town.他正发起一项运动,呼吁在城里建一座新体育场。◆gardener spearheaded britain's challenge at this year's world championships.在今年的世界锦标赛上,加德纳率英国队发起挑战。■ captain [transitive] to be the captain of a sports team or a ship担任⋯的队长(或船长)◆he played in the west indies team captained by clive lloyd.他效力于西印度队,该队队长为克莱夫 • 劳埃德。◆he told us about the ship he had captained during the war.他向我们讲述了战争期间他任船长的那艘轮船的故事。lead verb 3➤lead a race/the world in cancer research在比赛中领先;在癌症研究方面走在世界前列➤lead an expedition率领探险队➤the path leads up the hill.这条小路通往山顶。lead ♦︎ stretch ♦︎ continue ♦︎ go ♦︎ extend ♦︎ reach ♦︎ spanthese words all mean to cover the distance between two points or places.这些词均表示通往、延伸至。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to lead / stretch / continue / go / extend / reach / span beyond / across sth◆to lead / stretch / continue / go / extend / reach from sth to sth◆to stretch / continue / extend for sth■ lead (led, led) [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to connect one object or place to another; (of a road, path or door) to go in a particular direction or to a particular place(与⋯)相连,相通;(路或门)通向,通往◆disconnect the pipe leading from the top of the water tank.把与水箱顶部相通的管道断开。◆the wire led to a speaker.这根电线连接着扬声器。◆which door leads to the yard?哪扇门通向庭院?◆the track led us through a wood.我们沿着那条小道穿过了树林。■ stretch [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (of a road or area of land) to spread over a large area(道路或土地)延伸,绵延◆beyond the mountains stretches a vast desert.山峦后面是一片辽阔的沙漠。◆fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see.放眼望去,田野山丘绵延不绝。 ➡ see also stretch → stretch noun ■ continue [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to go or move further in the same direction(朝相同方向)走,移动;延伸◆the path continued over rocky ground.这条小路向前穿过一片多石的地面。◆he continued on his way.他继续往前走。▸ continuation noun [countable] ◆there are plans to build a continuation of the bypass next year.有计划在明年修建这条支路的延伸线。■ go (goes, went, gone) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (of a road, path, line, rope, etc.) to lead or stretch from one place to another(道路、线、绳子等)通向,延伸到◆i want a rope that will go from the top window to the ground.我想要一根可以从顶楼窗户垂到地面的绳子。◆where does this road go?这条路通往哪里?■ extend /ɪkstend/ [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) (rather formal) to cover a particular area or distance; to make sth reach as far as sth涉及(范围);延伸(距离);使达到◆our land extends as far as the river.我们的土地一直延伸到河边。◆we extended a rope between the two posts.我们在那两根柱子之间拉了一根绳子。 ➡ see also extent → size ■ reach [intransitive, transitive] to be big or long enough to go from one point to another point(大小或长度)足够达到◆the carpet only reached halfway across the room.这块地毯只够铺半间屋子。◆is the cable long enough to reach the power supply?电缆的长度够得着电源吗?■ span (-nn-) [transitive] to stretch right across sth, from one side to the other横跨;跨越◆a series of bridges span the river.一系列桥梁横跨河面。◆the roof was spanned by curved ribs of steel.屋顶上架着钢制肋拱。▸ span noun [countable] ◆the bridge crosses the river in a single span.那条河上的桥是单跨桥。lead /liːd/ [singular] an example or action for people to copy实例;范例;榜样◆if one bank raises interest rates, others will follow their lead.要是有一家银行提高利率,其他银行就会效法。◆intellectuals took the lead in criticism of the government.知识分子带头批评政府。◆you go first, i'll take my lead from you.你领头,我来照做。lead /liːd/ [singular] the amount or distance that sb/sth is in front of sb/sth else, in a competition or race in sport or politics(体育或政治竞争中)超前的幅度,领先的距离◆she has a narrow lead over the other runners.她比其他赛跑选手略为领先。◆they took a 3-0 lead in the first leg of the semi-final.他们在半决赛的第一场以 3:0 领先。◆the polls have given labour a five-point lead.选举计票显示工党领先五个百分点。lead(led, led) [intransitive, transitive] to be in first place, for example in a race or competition; to be the most advanced in a particular area or activity处于首位;居于领先地位;(在某方面)最先进◆the champion is leading by 18 seconds.冠军领先了 18 秒钟。◆he led the race for eight laps until his engine blew.比赛中他有八圈一路领先,直到他的发动机爆裂。◆the department led the world in cancer research.这个系当时在癌症研究方面走在世界前列。◆the firm's solid construction standards still lead the field.该公司坚实的建筑水准在业内仍处于领先地位。opp trail → lose lead(led, led) [transitive, intransitive] to be the leader of sth; to be in charge of sth率领;领导;主管;掌管◆who will lead the party into the next election?谁来领导这个党参加下一届选举?◆he led the first expedition to the north pole.他领导了第一次北极探险活动。◆top management should be seen to lead by example (= to set a good example for others to copy).高层管理人员应该以身作则。 ➡ see also leadership → government 2 lead(led, led) [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to connect one object or place to another; (of a road, path or door) to go in a particular direction or to a particular place(与⋯)相连,相通;(路或门)通向,通往◆disconnect the pipe leading from the top of the water tank.把与水箱顶部相通的管道断开。◆the wire led to a speaker.这根电线连接着扬声器。◆which door leads to the yard?哪扇门通向庭院?◆the track led us through a wood.我们沿着那条小道穿过了树林。lead /liːd/ (led, led) [transitive] to be the reason why sb does or thinks sth, especially as part of a process of understanding sth使得出(观点);引导◆what led you to this conclusion?你是如何得出这个结论的?◆what we found leads us to suspect that more people may be involved.我们发现的情况使我们怀疑也许有更多的人卷入其中。◆the situation is far worse than we had been led to believe.情况比我们听信的要糟糕得多。lead /liːd/ [countable] (bre) a leash拴狗链;拴狗带◆dogs must be kept on a lead in the park.公园里狗必须系上拴狗带。lead /liːd/ [countable] the main part in a play or film; the person who plays this part(戏剧或电影的)主角,扮演主角的演员◆who is playing the lead?谁是主演?◆i always dreamed of becoming the lead singer in a band.过去我一直梦想成为乐队的主唱。ⓘ lead is usually used in the phrases play the lead, the male/female/romantic lead and the lead role/actor/singer. * lead 通常用于短语 play the lead (扮演主角)、the male/female/romantic lead (男主角;女主角;爱情剧主角)和 the lead role/actor/singer (主角;扮演主角的演员;主唱)中。lead(led, led) [transitive, intransitive] to go with or go in front of sb in order to show them the way or to make them go in the right direction带路;领路;引领◆she led the horse back into the stable.她把那匹马牵回了马厩。◆firefighters led the survivors to safety.消防员将幸存者带到了安全的地方。◆if you lead, i'll follow.你领头,我会跟着。opp follow → follow 1 lead /liːd/ [countable] (bre) a cord电线;导线◆we'll have to use an extension lead (= an extra length of electric wire, because the existing wire is not long enough).我们得用延长线。note 辨析 cord, flex or lead? cord is used especially in american english, although it is also used in british english, especially in connection with telephones. flex and lead are both used only in british english and usually you can use either. however, flex is used more to talk about a shorter cord on a smaller piece of equipment such as a kettle, iron or lamp. lead is used more to talk about a longer cord, especially an extension lead that can be used on various different pieces of equipment. * cord 虽然也用于英式英语,但尤用于美式英语,尤指电话线。flex 和 lead 两词仅用于英式英语,通常可通用。但是 flex 较多指连接小型装置如水壶、熨斗或枱灯等较短的导线。lead 较多指较长的电线,尤用于可连接很多种不同装置的 extension lead。lead¹/li:d ||; lid/verb (past tense past participle led /led ||; lɛd/) 1. [t] to go with or in front of a person or animal to show the way or to make him/her/it go in the right direction 引领(人或动物);领路: ◇the teacher led the children out of the hall and back to the classroom. 老师领着孩子们从礼堂出来回到教室。◇she led the horse into its stable. 她把那匹马牵进马jiu4去。◇the receptionist led the way to the boardroom. 接待员带路来到会议室。◇to lead sb by the hand 牵着某人的手在前面引路you usually guide a tourist or somebody who needs special help to guide visitors around oxford he guided the blind woman to her seat. if you direct somebody, you explain with words how to get somewhere could you direct me to the nearest post office, please? 给游客或需要特别帮助的人领路通常用guide:to guide visitors around oxford带领访客四处参观牛津 · he guided the blind woman to her seat.他把那个失明的女人领到她的座位上。给某人指路则用direct:could you direct me to the nearest post office, please? 请问去最近的邮局怎么走? 2. [i] (used about a road or path) to go to a place (指路或小径)通向: ◇i don't think this path leads anywhere. 我认为这条路是走不通的。 3. [i] lead to sth to have sth as a result 导致: ◇eating too much sugar can lead to all sorts of health problems. 糖吃得太多会引起各种各样的健康问题。 4. [t] lead sb to do sth to influence what sb does or thinks 影响(某人的行为或思想): ◇he led me to believe he really meant what he said. 他使我相信他说的是当真的。 5. [t] to have a particular type of life 过某种生活: ◇they lead a very busy life. 他们过着忙碌的生活。◇to lead a life of crime 过着犯罪的生活 6. [i,t] to be winning or in first place in front of sb 领先: ◇hingis is leading by two games to love. 辛吉斯以局数二比零领先。◇hingis is leading williams by two games to love. 辛吉斯以局数二比零领先威廉斯。 7. [i,t] to be in control or the leader of sth 率领;领导 · ◇who is going to lead the discussion? 谁来主持讨论? lead sb astray to make sb start behaving or thinking in the wrong way (把某人)引入歧途,带上邪路 lead up to sth to be an introduction to or cause of sth 引向;导致lead²/li:d ||; lid/noun1. the lead [sing] the first place or position in front of other people or organizations 领先地位: ◇the french athlete has gone into the lead. 法国选手已经领先其他选手。◇who is in the lead ? 现在谁领先?◇britain has taken the lead in developing computer software for that market. 英国在为那个市场开发计算机软件方面处于领先地位。 2. [sing] the distance or amount by which sb/sth is in front of another person or thing 领先的距离或数量: ◇the company has a lead of several years in the development of the new technology. 这家公司在开发这项新技术方面领先数年。 3. [c] the main part in a play, show or other situation 主角: ◇who's playing the lead in the new film? 这部新影片的主角是谁演的?◇jill played a lead role in getting the company back into profit. 公司得以转亏为盈,吉尔发挥了主要作用。 4. [c] a piece of information that may help to give the answer to a problem 线索: ◇the police are following all possible leadsto track down the killer. 警方正循着所有线索追缉凶手。 5. [c] a long chain or piece of leather that is connected to the collar around a dog's neck and used for keeping the dog under control (用来牵狗的)铁链,皮带: ◇all dogs must be kept on a lead. 狗一律得用皮带拴住。 6. [c] a piece of wire that carries electricity to a piece of equipment 导线 ☞picture at cable 见cable插图 follow sb's example/lead→followlead³/led ||; lɛd/noun1. [u] (symbol pb) a soft heavy grey metal. lead is used in pipes, roofs, etc. 铅 2. [c,u] the black substance inside a pencil that makes a mark when you write 铅笔心 ☞picture at stationery 见stationery插图 leadsee ⇨ in charge of 1 ⇨ leader 2 ⇨ take 6     • • •• ⇨ follow suit/follow sb's lead• ⇨ play the lead• ⇨ show the way/lead the way• ⇨ top story/lead story☞ lead¹☞ lead²☞ lead³




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