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单词 outburst
释义 outburst nounadjective | preposition adjective➤sudden突然的爆发▸➤spontaneous自然的迸发▸➤occasional偶然的发作◆her occasional outbursts of temper她偶有的勃然大怒➤little轻微的发作◆sorry for that little outburst earlier.抱歉刚才有些情绪失控。➤angry, furious, violent愤怒的爆发;猛烈的爆发▸➤emotional, hysterical, passionate情感的爆发;歇斯底里的发作;激情的迸发preposition➤outburst against对⋯的发作◆a player was cautioned for his angry outburst against the referee.一名队员因对裁判大发脾气而受到警告。➤outburst of⋯的发作◆an outburst of anger / laughter / temper / violence突然一阵大怒/大笑/发火/暴力行为outburst /aʊtbɜːst; name aʊtbɜːrst/ [countable] a sudden strong expression of an emotion, especially anger; a sudden increase in a particular activity or attitude(尤指愤怒的)迸发,爆发;(活动的)激增;(态度的)激化◆he was alarmed by her violent outburst.她暴跳如雷,令他惊恐万状。◆this outburst of racism manifested itself most in the suburbs.这波种族主义情绪的突然高涨在郊区表现得最为突出。ⓘ outburst is used most frequently to talk about negative feelings such as anger, violence, hatred, annoyance and rage. it is also used to describe sudden increases in political or social behaviour. * outburst 最常指负面情绪的爆发,搭配的词有 anger、violence、hatred、annoyance 和 rage 等,还用来描述政治或社会行为的激增◆an outburst of militancy / nationalism / patriotism / racism好战/民族主义/爱国主义/种族主义情绪的高涨outburst/ˈaʊtbɜ:st ||; ˈaυtˌbɝst/noun [c] a sudden expression of a strong feeling, especially anger (情感的)爆发(尤指愤怒): ◇afterwards, she apologized for her outburst. 事后,她为自己大发脾气道歉。 outburstsee ⇨ angry 10 out·burst /`atˏbɜst; ˈaʊtbɜːst/n [c]when someone suddenly shows a strong emotion, especially anger [感情的]爆发[尤指愤怒]:◇an angry outburst 勃然大怒




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