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单词 polite
释义 polite adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, seem, sound有礼貌;好像很客气;听起来有礼貌▸➤remain保持礼貌adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常礼貌▸➤perfectly, scrupulously, unfailingly礼数周到;十分客气;一贯有礼貌➤overly (especially name) 过于礼貌◆an overly polite smile过于礼貌的微笑➤coolly冷淡客气◆his manner was coolly polite and impersonal.他的态度冷淡客气,公事公办。preposition➤to对⋯有礼貌◆she was scrupulously polite to him.她对他极其客气。 polite adjectivepolite ♦︎ civil ♦︎ gracious ♦︎ respectful ♦︎ courteous ♦︎ gentlemanly ♦︎ deferentialthese words all describe sb who behaves in a way that shows good manners and respect.这些词均表示有礼貌的、恭敬的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆polite / civil / gracious / respectful / courteous / deferential to sb◆a polite / civil / respectful / courteous / gentlemanly manner◆a polite / gracious / respectful / gentlemanly way◆a polite / gracious / courteous / gentlemanly man◆a polite / gracious / courteous smile◆polite / courteous behaviour◆extremely / perfectly polite / civil / courteous■ polite (usually approving) having or showing good manners and respect for the feelings of others; socially correct but not always sincere有礼貌的;客气的;客套的◆please be polite to our guests.请礼貌待客。◆in western culture, it is polite to maintain eye contact during conversation.在西方文化中,与人交谈时要一直注视对方,这样才礼貌。◆we all stood around making polite conversation.我们都站在那儿寒暄。◆the performance was greeted with polite applause.这场演出得到了礼节性的掌声。opp rude , impolite → rude  ➡ see also politeness → respect noun ▸ politely adverb◆the receptionist smiled politely.接待员礼貌地微笑着。■ civil polite in a formal way, but possibly not friendly有礼貌的;客气的◆the less time i have to spend being civil to him the better!我巴不得我必须跟他客套的时间越短越好!opp uncivil ⓘ the opposite of civil is uncivil, but this is not very frequent. * civil 的反义词是 uncivil,但不常用。  ➡ see also civility → respect noun ▸ civilly adverb◆she greeted him civilly but with no sign of affection.她礼貌地向他打招呼,但没有一丝爱意。■ gracious /greɪʃəs/ (rather formal, approving) kind, polite and generous, especially to sb of a lower social position(尤指对社会地位较低者)和蔼有礼的,宽厚的◆lady caroline was gracious enough to accept our invitation.卡罗琳夫人很赏脸,接受了我们的邀请。◆he has not yet learned how to be gracious in defeat.他还没有学会怎样豁达地面对失败。opp ungracious ⓘ the opposite of gracious is ungracious, but this is not very frequent. * gracious 的反义词是 ungracious,但不常用。  ➡ see also grace → respect noun ▸ graciously adverb◆she graciously accepted our invitation.她善意地接受了我们的邀请。■ respectful (rather formal, approving) showing or feeling respect表示敬意的;尊敬的◆we were brought up to be respectful of authority.我们从小就学会了尊重权威。◆we all stood in respectful silence.我们都默默地站着,以示敬意。opp disrespectful → rude  ➡ see also respect → respect noun , respect → respect verb ▸ respectfully adverb◆he listened respectfully.他恭敬地听着。■ courteous /kɜːtiəs; name kɜːrtiəs/ (approving) polite and showing respect, especially to people who you do not know(尤指对不熟悉的人)有礼貌的,恭敬的◆the hotel staff were friendly and courteous.旅馆服务人员友善又有礼。◆i wrote him a short letter and received a courteous reply.我给他写了封短信,然后收到了他客气的回信。opp discourteous → rude  ➡ see also courtesy → respect noun ▸ courteously adverb◆'i don't think we have met,' said the chairman courteously.“我们好像没有见过面。”主席客气地说道。■ gentlemanly (approving) (of a man) behaving very well and showing very good manners; like a gentleman(男人)彬彬有礼的,绅士风度的◆so far, the election campaign has been a very gentlemanly affair.到目前为止,竞选活动风气良好。■ deferential /defərenʃl/ (rather formal, especially written) behaving in a way that shows that you respect sb/sth, especially to sb you think is of a higher social position(尤指对社会地位较高者)尊重的,遵从的◆older people tend to be more deferential to medical authorities.年长者往往对医学权威更尊重。▸ deference /defərəns/ noun [uncountable] ◆the women wore veils in deference to the customs of the country.这些妇女遵从该国习俗戴着面纱。polite (usually approving) having or showing good manners and respect for the feelings of others; socially correct but not always sincere有礼貌的;客气的;客套的◆please be polite to our guests.请礼貌待客。◆in western culture, it is polite to maintain eye contact during conversation.在西方文化中,与人交谈时要一直注视对方,这样才礼貌。◆we all stood around making polite conversation.我们都站在那儿寒暄。◆the performance was greeted with polite applause.这场演出得到了礼节性的掌声。opp rude , impolite → rude  ➡ see also politeness → respect noun ▸ politely adverb◆the receptionist smiled politely.接待员礼貌地微笑着。polite/pəˈlaɪt ||; pəˈlaɪt/adj having good manners and showing respect for others 有礼貌的;客气的: ◇the assistants in that shop are always very helpful and polite. 那家商店的店员总是非常乐意为顾客服务,而且很有礼貌。◇he gave me a polite smile. 他礼貌地对我笑了一笑。 [opp] impolite or impertinent 反义词为impolite或 impertinent➔politely adv ➔politeness noun [u]polite1 words for describing someone who is polite2 careful not to upset or embarrass someone3 behaving in a very polite and formal way4 polite behaviour5 words for describing children who behave politely and well6 polite, confident, and relaxed, but in an insincere wayrelated wordsoppositerude,see alsonice,kind,friendly,behave,1. words for describing someone who is polite 描述有礼貌的人的词语 polite /pəˈlaɪt/ [adjective] someone who is polite follows the rules of social behaviour and shows respect for other people and their feelings 有礼貌的 he seemed a very polite young man. 他看上去是个很有礼貌的年轻人。 a polite request 礼貌的请求it is polite to do something i didn't really care what she thought about the book, but i thought it would be polite to ask her. 我真的不在乎她对这本书的印象,但我觉得问她一声是礼貌的做法。 it's not considered polite to ask someone how much they earn. 问别人挣多少钱被认为是不礼貌的。polite to she's always extremely polite to me, but i never know what she's really thinking. 她对我一向极有礼貌,但我从不知道她其实在想些什么。make polite conversation talk politely about unimportant things, especially to someone you do not know very well 说客套话 the last thing i felt like doing was making polite conversation with my roommate's parents. 我最不想的就是与室友的父母亲说客套话。 politely [adverb] ‘i hope your mother is well?’ he asked politely. “我想你母亲身体还好吧?”他彬彬有礼地问道。 respectful /rɪˈspektfəl/ [adjective] showing proper respect for someone who is older than you, has a higher position than you etc [对长辈或上司等]尊敬的;恭敬的 they waited in respectful silence as the funeral procession went past. 送葬队伍经过时,他们一言不发毕恭毕敬地等待着。respectful to/towards if children were taught to be more respectful towards their elders, maybe these crimes wouldn't happen so often. 如果教育孩子对长辈恭敬一些,也许这些罪案就不会那么常发生了。 civil /ˈsɪvəl/ [adjective] polite in a rather formal way, without necessarily being friendly 彬彬有礼的;客气的[并不一定友善] i expect a civil answer when i ask you a question. 我向你提问,希望得到一个礼貌的回答。civil to/towards i wish you'd be a little more civil towards our guests. 希望你对客人更彬彬有礼些。 civilly [adverb] she tried to speak to him civilly, in spite of the bitterness that she still felt towards him. 尽管她仍在恨他,她还是努力客气地对他说话。 civility /sɪˈvɪləti, səˈvɪləti/ [uncountable noun] throughout my stay on the island i was treated with the utmost civility extremely civilly by everyone there. 我在该岛逗留期间,当地每一个人都以最为彬彬有礼的态度对待我。 courteous /ˈkɜːʳtiəs/ [adjective] someone who is courteous is polite and considers the needs of other people, especially in formal situations when you do not know the other people well 谦恭有礼的[尤在正式场合不太熟识他人时] airline staff must be courteous at all times, even when passengers are not. 航空公司的员工在任何时候都必须谦恭有礼,即使乘客不礼貌的时候也应如此。 i received a courteous letter from jane's mother thanking me for my help. 简的母亲给我寄来一封措辞客气的信,感谢我帮忙。courteous to he was always kind and courteous to me, but we never really became friends. 他对我一向和气、谦恭,但我们从未真正成为朋友。 courteously [adverb] customers are always treated courteously in our stores. 顾客在我们店里总会受到热情接待。 well-mannered /ˌwel ˈmænəʳd◂/ [adjective] someone who is well-mannered has good manners, and always knows the correct way to behave in social situations 态度礼貌的;举止得当的 henry was a typical oxford man - well-mannered, easy-going, and very sure of himself. 亨利是典型的牛津人——态度礼貌、脾气随和,而且非常自信。 the children were good little things, well-mannered, and beautifully dressed. 这些孩子都是些可爱的小东西,态度礼貌,穿戴漂亮。2. careful not to upset or embarrass someone 小心不使某人气恼或尴尬 tactful /ˈtæktfəl/ [adjective] careful not to mention something that may upset or embarrass someone 圆通的;圆滑的;乖巧的 mandy thought her mother's outfit was a little too fancy, but was too tactful to say so. 曼迪觉得妈妈的衣服太花哨了一点,但她很乖巧,没有说出口。it is tactful of somebody to do something it wasn't very tactful of you to ask whether he'd put on weight. 你问他体重是不是增加了不是很得体。a tactful way of doing something ‘besides...’ melissa hesitated, trying to think of a tactful way of telling him the truth. “况且…”梅利莎犹豫着,尽量想个婉转的方式告诉他真相。 tactfully [adverb] clare tactfully changed the subject when someone started talking about weddings. 有人开始谈起婚礼来,克莱尔便知趣地岔开了话题。 diplomatic /ˌdɪpləˈmætɪk◂/ [adjective] skilful in the way that you deal with other people, and carefully avoiding saying anything that might offend or annoy them 说话办事得体的;婉转的;圆滑的 a good secretary needs to be efficient, and above all diplomatic. 一个好秘书要工作效率高,最重要的是要能够说话办事得体。 robson was trying to be as diplomatic as possible - he didn't want to risk losing a promotion. 罗布森说话办事尽量圆滑—他不想冒险失去升职的机会。 diplomatically [adverb] my father suggested diplomatically that becoming an astronaut might not be as easy as i thought. 父亲婉转地暗示要成为一名宇航员并不如我想象的那样简单。 discreet /dɪˈskriːt/ [adjective] someone who is discreet is careful not to say anything that will embarrass another person, especially by making sure that secret or private information does not become generally known 言辞谨慎的;慎重的[尤指不公开秘密或私人的信息] andrew's very discreet -- he won't tell anyone you're leaving. 安德鲁非常谨慎一他不会把你要离开的消息告诉别人的。 we offer a discreet and personal service to our clients. 我们向客户提供谨慎可靠的个人服务。 discreetly [adverb] the lawyer murmured discreetly that he would like to speak to her alone. 律师小心地低声说想单独和她谈谈。 polite /pəˈlaɪt/ [adjective] careful not to offend someone, especially by not being completely honest when telling them what you think about something 客气的;客套的[尤指告诉他人自己的感想时有所保留] did you mean what you said about my dress, or were you just being polite? 你谈论我的连衣裙时说的话是真心的,还是仅仅是客套?polite about the guests were all very polite about the meal, but inside joan just wanted to cry. 宾客们对这餐饭都满口客气话,但琼的内心里只想哭。 politely [adverb] when she asked what i thought of the meal i lied politely, and said it was great. 当她问我对饭菜有何想法时,我客气地撒谎说好极了。3. behaving in a very polite and formal way 举止非常有礼貌而且正式 formal /ˈfɔːʳməl/ [adjective] our boss is very formal - he doesn't call anyone by their first name. 我们老板十分严肃,他从不直呼别人的名字。 a lot of people found my father rather formal and aloof, particularly when they first met him. 许多人觉得我父亲相当严肃、冷漠,尤其是与他初次见面时。 you shouldn't use ‘yours faithfully’ - it's much too formal for this kind of letter. 你不应用“谨启”——写在这类信件上过于拘谨了。 formally [adverb] he stood by the door to welcome the guests, bowing formally to each one in turn. 他站在门口迎接客人,一板一眼地逐一向来宾鞠躬。 correct /kəˈrekt/ [adjective not usually before noun] strictly following all of the rules of polite and formal behaviour, even when this is not necessary 规矩的 andrew's marriage proposal was very correct and proper. 安德鲁的求婚非常得体,中规中矩。 one must be correct about these things, mustn't one? 在这些事上必须规规矩矩,不是吗? stiff /stɪf/ [adjective not usually before noun] very formal and difficult to talk to, in a way that makes other people feel uncomfortable 拘谨的;不苟言笑的;局促的 she gives the impression of being rather stiff and unfriendly, but i think that's because she's basically shy. 她给人的印象是相当拘谨且不友好,但我觉得这是因为她其实很害羞的缘故。 their goodbyes were stiff and formal. 他们的告别非常拘谨,一本正经的。 stiffly [adverb] dr aziz replied stiffly, ‘i do not consider mrs moore my friend.’ 阿齐兹博士冷冷地回答道,“我不认为穆尔太太是我的朋友。”4. polite behaviour 有礼貌的举止 politeness /pəˈlaɪtnɪs, pəˈlaɪtnəs/ [uncountable noun] during my stay in japan, i was treated with great politeness by everyone i met. 我在日本逗留期间,我所遇见的每一个人都对我极有礼貌。 american businessmen were surprised that their french colleagues wanted to shake hands each morning, a formal sign of politeness in the us. 美国商人惊讶地发现,他们的法国同事每天早晨都要握手,而这在美国是一种正式的礼节。out of politeness simply in order to be polite 出于礼貌 i don't like cake, but i accepted a piece out of politeness. 我不喜欢吃蛋糕,但出于礼貌我要了一块。 manners /ˈmænəʳz/ [plural noun] polite ways of behaving that parents teach their children for situations such as eating, meeting people, or asking for something 礼貌;礼仪;规矩 i wish she'd teach that boy of hers some manners! 我希望她能教教她那个儿子一些礼貌!table manners behaviour when you eat 进餐时的礼仪 our kids’ table manners are appalling - it's like living in the zoo. 我家的孩子进餐时的举止糟透了—就像生活在动物园一样。 good manners /ˌgʊd ˈmænəʳz/ [plural noun] someone who has good manners knows how to behave politely in social situations, for example, when to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ 礼貌 my mother was impressed with tony's good manners. 我妈妈对托尼的礼貌举止印象深刻。have good manners we teach our children to speak correctly and to have good manners, and when they become teenagers they do exactly the opposite. 我们教育孩子要说话得体、有礼貌,但他们十几岁时会做得完全相反。have the good manners to do something at least she had the good manners to let us know she would be late. 至少,她有礼貌,让我们知道她晚些到。it is good manners (to do something) it is polite to do something [做某事]是合乎礼貌的 it wouldn't be good manners to leave so soon -- the party has only just started. 这么快离开不礼貌—晚会才刚开始。 courtesy /ˈkɜːʳtɪsi, ˈkɜːʳtəsi/ [uncountable noun] polite behaviour that pays attention to the needs of other people, especially people you do not know well 谦恭;恭敬;殷勤[尤指对不熟识的人] businessmen value the service and courtesy offered by traditional hotels. 商人把传统旅店提供的服务及其员工的恭敬态度看得很重要。 when you contact a government office, you should receive efficient service and be treated with courtesy. 与政府部门打交道,应当享受到高效服务和礼遇。out of courtesy simply in order to be polite 出于礼貌 i don't think she wanted us to come and stay with her, she just offered out of courtesy. 我不认为她真的希望我们来与她同住,她那样说仅仅是出于礼貌罢了。have the courtesy to do something used especially when you are annoyed with someone who has behaved impolitely 做某事以表示礼貌[尤用于态度不礼貌的人] i wish he'd had the courtesy to tell me when he was coming back. 我希望他能够表现得礼貌些,告诉我他打算何时回来。 tact /tækt/ [uncountable noun] the quality of being polite and careful about what you say, in order to avoid making other people feel embarrassed or upset 圆通;圆滑;乖巧 helping people who have marriage problems requires a great deal of tact and patience. 帮助人们解决婚姻中的问题需要极大的技巧和耐心。 the old woman thrust a picture of a plain-looking girl into meryl's hand. ‘your granddaughter? she's lovely,’ said meryl with tact. 老太太把一张相貌平平的女孩的照片塞到梅里尔手里。“是你孙女吗?真可爱。”梅里尔乖巧地说道。 formality /fɔːʳˈmælɪti, fɔːʳˈmæləti/ [uncountable noun] a polite and rather formal way of behaving, which avoids being too friendly 礼节;客套 the following morning, mr harrison greeted her with careful formality. 第二天早晨,哈里森先生非常拘谨地向她问了声好。 when i re-read my letter i saw that i had written it with a formality that i did not intend. 当我重读自己写的信时,我发现我无意间把信写得很客套。5. words for describing children who behave politely and well 描述有礼貌、规矩的儿童的词语 well-behaved /ˌwel bɪˈheɪvd◂/ [adjective] a well-behaved child is polite and does not cause trouble or make noise 举止规矩的 his older brother was quieter and far better-behaved. 他哥哥更文静,也规矩得多。 she was a thoughtful, kind, and well-behaved girl. 她是个体贴、和善、规矩的女孩。 their children are so well-behaved it seems almost unnatural. 他们的孩子太规行矩步了—看上去几乎显得不自然。 good /gʊd/ [adjective] a child who is good behaves in a polite, obedient and helpful way 乖的 she's a good girl -- i'm sure she won't give you any trouble. 她是个乖女孩—我肯定她不会给你带来任何麻烦。 what good children - they went to bed as soon as i told them to! 真是一群乖孩子——我一叫他们上床睡觉他们就去了! if you're good you can stay up till eight o'clock tonight. 如果你听话,今晚你可以待到8点睡觉。 well-brought up /ˌwel brɔːt ˈʌp◂/ [adjective phrase] a child or young adult who is well-brought up always behaves well because their parents have taught them to be polite [儿童或年轻人]有教养的 they are well-brought-up children, and have a great respect for their teachers. 他们都是有教养的孩子,很尊敬老师。 david is very well-brought up, but he does have a nasty temper sometimes. 戴维很有教养,但他有时候确实脾气不好。6. polite, confident, and relaxed, but in an insincere way 礼貌、自信且随和的,但不真诚 smooth /smuːð/ [adjective] someone who is smooth, especially a man, has good manners and a relaxed, confident way of talking to people, but in a way that you do not completely trust 圆滑的;世故的[尤指男人] smooth and charming, francis was the kind of man your mother would love you to marry. 弗朗西斯又圆滑又迷人,他是你母亲希望的能成为你丈夫的那种男子。 don't let his smooth manner fool you - he's just after your money. 不要被他圆滑的外表骗了—他只是看中你的钱罢了。 suave /swɑːv/ [adjective] very polite, pleasant and stylish, especially in a way that is intended to be attractive to women 温文尔雅的[尤指着意吸引女性的] reginald was suave, handsome and charming. 雷金纳德温文尔雅、英俊迷人。 he was tall and suave, careful in dress, careful in behaviour. 他身材高大,温文尔雅,而且很注意穿着和举止。 po·lite /pə`laɪt; pəˈlaɪt/adjspeaking or behaving in a way that is not rude and shows respect for other people 有礼貌的,客气的:◇it's not polite to talk with food in your mouth. 满嘴食物讲话是不礼貌的。◇polite language 谦恭的语言◇he was always very helpful and polite. 他总是很乐于助人并谦恭有礼。 ☞ polite




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