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单词 smuggle
释义 smuggle verbadverb | verb + smuggle | preposition adverb➤secretly秘密走私➤illegally非法走私▸➤aboard, in, out偷带上船/上机;走私入境;走私出境◆he managed to smuggle out a note from prison.他设法从狱中偷偷带出一张纸条。verb + smuggle➤try to试图走私▸➤manage to成功走私preposition➤across偷运过◆weapons are being smuggled across the border.武器正被偷运过边境。➤into走私进◆goods which have been smuggled into spain偷运进入西班牙的货物➤out of偷偷放出◆friends secretly smuggled him out of the country.朋友们将他秘密送出了国。 smuggle /smʌgl/ verb [transitive] to take, bring or send goods or people secretly and illegally into or out of a country 走私;偷运◆fake goods are being smuggled into the eu. 冒牌货被走私进入欧盟。◆smuggled cigarettes 走私香烟 ▸ smuggler /smʌglə(r)/ noun [countable] ▸ smuggling noun [uncountable] ◆tobacco smuggling 烟草走私☞ smugglesmuggle/ˈsmʌgl ||; ˈsmʌgḷ/verb [t] to take things into or out of a country secretly in a way that is not allowed by the law; to take a person or a thing secretly into or out of a place 走私;偷运: ◇the drugs had been smuggled through customs. 那些毒品被偷运过海关。 ➔smuggler noun [c]: ◇a drug smuggler 偷运毒品的人 smug·gle /`smʌgḷ; ˈsmʌɡəl/v [t]to take something illegally from one place to another 走私,私运:◇cocaine smuggled from south america 从南美走私来的可卡因




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