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单词 come round
释义 come roundphrasal verb(came, come) (bre) to become conscious after being unconscious恢复知觉;苏醒◆she hasn't come round from the anaesthetic yet.她麻醉后还没有醒过来。 come round 1. (used about an event that happens regularly) to happen (指经常发生的事)发生: ◇the end of the holidays always comes round very quickly. 假期总是很快就结束。 2. (also come to) to become conscious again 苏醒 [opp] pass out 反义词为pass outcome roundsee ⇨ conscious 2 come roundbre 【英】, come around especially ame 【尤美】 phr v [i] 1. to visit someone 拜访,造访:◇paul is coming round to my house for tea. 保罗要到我家来喝茶。 2. to change your opinion so that you now agree with someone 改变主意:◇+ to i'm sure he'll come round to our way of thinking. 我肯定他会改变主意,同意我们的想法。 3. to become conscious again 苏醒,恢复知觉:◇he must have been drugged — we'll have to wait till he comes round. 他肯定被上了麻醉药 — 我们不得不等他苏醒。 4. to happen as a regular event [事件]定期发生:◇christmas will soon be coming round again. 圣诞节很快又要来临了。




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