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单词 progress
释义 progress nounadjective | verb + progress | progress + verb | progress + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤considerable, dramatic, excellent, genuine, good, great, impressive, real, remarkable, significant, substantial, tremendous长足的进步;引人注目的进展;鼓舞人心的进展;真正的进步;重大的进展;显著的进步◆we have made significant progress in the fight against hiv / aids.我们在与艾滋病病毒/艾滋病的斗争中已经取得了重大的进展。➤limited, little有限的/微小的进展▸➤fast, rapid, swift快速的进步▸➤inexorable (especially bre) 势不可挡的进展▸➤slow, stately (especially bre) 缓慢的/缓慢庄重的前进◆we watched the ship's stately progress out of the docks.我们注视着轮船缓慢而庄严地驶出了港口。➤adequate, satisfactory足够的/令人满意的进展➤incremental, steady递增的/稳步的进展▸➤continued, further持续的/进一步的进展➤forward向前的发展➤student学生的进步▸➤academic, educational学术上的进展;教育上的进步▸➤economic, evolutionary, industrial, medical, scientific, social, technical, technological经济进步;演化过程进步;工业进步;医疗进步;科学进步;社会进步;技术进步;科技进步▸➤human人类的进步➤material物质方面的进步➤moral, spiritual道德上的/精神上的进步verb + progress➤achieve, make取得进展➤chart, follow, monitor, observe, trace, track, watch用图表显示/跟踪/监测/观察/追溯/追踪/关注进步◆regular tests enable the teacher to monitor the progress of each child.定期的检测使老师能监测每个孩子的进步。➤assess, check, check on, evaluate, gauge, measure, review评估/检查/核查/评价/衡量/测定/复查进展➤demonstrate, show展示/显示进度➤see看到进步➤mark标记进展▸➤block, hamper, hinder, impede, obstruct, slow, slow down阻碍进步;减缓进展▸➤hold back阻挡进步▸➤halt, stop使进展停止▸➤accelerate, facilitate加快进步;促进发展progress + verb➤continue进程继续➤slow, stall进展放慢/停滞progress + noun➤report进展报告➤note (= written by a doctor about a patient) (name) 病情记录preposition➤in progress进行中◆there was a tennis match in progress.当时正在进行一场网球比赛。➤progress from... to...从⋯到⋯的发展◆the book traced his steady progress from petty theft to serious crime.这本书追踪了他从小偷小摸慢慢发展成重罪犯的过程。➤progress in在⋯方面的进步◆he's making good progress in reading.他在阅读方面进步很大。➤progress on⋯方面的进步◆how much progress have the builders made on the house?关于那所房子的建造建筑工人有了多大进展?➤progress towards/toward朝着⋯的进展◆who can halt his inexorable progress towards / toward yet another championship?谁能阻止他向下一个冠军发起的势不可挡的冲击?➤progress with⋯的进展◆she's making steady progress with her thesis.她的论文正在稳步推进。phrases➤a lack of progress缺乏进展◆i was frustrated by my apparent lack of progress.我显然毫无进展,这让我感到沮丧。➤the march of progress进展步伐◆the onward march of technological progress技术进步的步伐➤a rate of progress进展速度◆at the present rate of progress we won't be finished before july.以目前的速度,我们 7 月份前不能完工。➤work in progress正在进行的工作◆i have a file for work in progress.我有一个文件要处理。progress verbadverb | verb + progress | preposition adverb➤nicely, satisfactorily, smoothly, well进展令人满意;进展顺利;进展良好◆the talks are progressing very well.谈判进展良好。➤further进一步发展◆he felt he still needed to progress further in his learning.他感觉自己在学业上仍需进一步提高。➤fast, quickly, rapidly发展迅速◆to progress rapidly in your career在你的职业中迅速发展➤slowly进展缓慢◆the work is progressing slowly.工作进展得十分缓慢。➤gradually, steadily逐步/稳步进展➤normally正常进展verb + progress➤fail to没有进展preposition➤beyond发展超过⋯◆samir failed to progress beyond this first step on the ladder.萨米尔在向上奋斗的阶梯上只迈出了第一步就再无进展。➤from, through从⋯发展;发展经历过⋯◆students progress through the stages of the course.学生随着课程的不同阶段循序渐进取得进步。➤to发展到⋯◆she soon progressed from the basics to more difficult work.她很快从做基本的工作提升到做更难的工作。➤towards/toward朝着⋯发展◆to progress towards / toward a new kind of art朝着一种新的艺术形式发展➤up沿着⋯向上发展◆his ambition to progress up the career ladder他沿着职业阶梯步步高升的雄心➤with把⋯进行下去◆they are anxious to progress with the plan.他们很想把这项计划进行下去。 progress nounprogress ♦︎ development ♦︎ advance ♦︎ rise ♦︎ promotion ♦︎ progression ♦︎ advancementthese are all words for how sth progresses, develops or grows.这些词均表示进展、发展。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆progress / development / an advance / advancement in sth◆sb / sth's rise / promotion / progression / advancement to sth◆sth is in progress / development◆(a) rapid progress / development / advance / rise / promotion / progression / advancement◆(a) steady progress / development / advance / progression◆(a) slow / gradual / smooth progress / development / progression◆further progress / development / advances / promotion / advancement◆scientific / technical / technological / economic / political / social progress / development / advances / advancement◆personal / individual development / advancement◆career development / progression / advancement◆to achieve progress / development / advances / promotion / progression◆to make progress / advances◆to chart / halt the progress / development / rise / progression of sth◆to assist the progress / development / rise / advancement of sth■ progress [uncountable] (often approving) the process of improving or developing, or of getting nearer to achieving or completing sth进步;进展;进程◆we have made great progress in controlling inflation.我们在抑制通货膨胀方面取得了巨大进展。◆technological progress is changing the demand for labour.技术的进步正在改变劳动力的需求。◆work on the new offices is now in progress.新办公楼正在施工。◆i have one file for completed work and one for work in progress.我有一个文件夹保存处理完的文件,另一个保存正在处理的文件。◆they asked for a progress report on the project.他们要一份项目进度报告。ⓘ progress is often used as a positive way of talking about technological changes, particularly when there are other people who feel that the changes are having a damaging effect on society. * progress 常用来强调技术变革的进步意义,特别是在有人觉得技术变革正给社会带来破坏性影响的时候。  ➡ see also progress → develop verb 1 , progressive → radical ■ development [uncountable] the gradual growth of sth so that it becomes more advanced or stronger发展;发育;成长;壮大◆a baby's development in the womb胎儿在子宫内的发育◆the development of basic skills such as literacy and numeracy读写和懂计算等基本技能的发展◆the company can offer a number of opportunities for career development.该公司能提供一些职业发展的机会。ⓘ development is used especially to talk about growing (as a child) and learning (throughout life). * development 尤指儿童的成长和一生的学习。  ➡ see also develop → develop verb 1 ■ advance [countable, uncountable] progress or development in a particular activity or area of understanding进步;进展◆recent advances in medical science医学的最新进展◆this represents an advance on existing techniques.这标志着现有技术取得了进步。◆we live in an age of rapid technological advance.我们生活在科学技术飞速发展的时代。ⓘ advance or advances is used especially to talk about scientific, technological and medical achievements. * advance 或 advances 尤用于指科学、技术和医学上的进步。  ➡ see also advance → develop verb 1 ■ rise [singular] the act of becoming more important, successful or powerful(重要性、优势或权力的)增强◆the film traces the rise of fascism in europe.该片记述了法西斯主义在欧洲的兴起。◆the rise and fall of the roman empire罗马帝国的兴衰◆his eventual fall was as fast as his meteoric rise to power.他一夜间飞黄腾达,最终又同样迅速地没落了。ⓘ rise is usually used to describe how a party, social class, state, religion or political system increases in importance, often suddenly, or how a person suddenly becomes powerful or famous, especially in the phrase sb's rapid/swift/spectacular/meteoric rise to power/fame. * rise 通常指党派、社会阶层、国家、宗教或政治体制的势力突然增强,或某人迅速掌权、一夜成名,尤用于短语 sb's rapid/swift/spectacular/meteoric rise to power/fame。 opp fall → overthrow ▸ rise verb [intransitive] ◆she rose to power in the 70s.她于 70 年代掌权。◆he rose to the rank of general.他升到将军一职。■ promotion /prəməʊʃn; name prəmoʊʃn/ [uncountable, countable] a move to a more important job or rank in a company or organization; a move by a sports team from playing in one group of teams to playing in a better group提升;晋升;(运动队的)晋级◆her promotion to sales manager took everyone by surprise.提拔她当销售经理,叫每一个人都很意外。◆the new job is a promotion for him.这份新工作对他来说就是升迁。◆the players were paid bonuses for winning promotion to the first division.成功晋级到甲级队,队员们都获得了奖金。opp demotion , relegation ⓘ demotion is the opposite of being promoted to a better job, but it is not very frequently used. relegation is when a sports team moves down to play in a worse group of teams. * demotion 是晋升的反义词,但不常用。relegation 指运动队降级。▸ promote verb [transitive] ◆she worked hard and was soon promoted.她工作勤奋,不久就升职了。◆they were promoted to the first division last season.上个赛季他们晋级到甲级队。■ progression /prəgreʃn/ [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) the process of developing gradually from one stage or state to another(进入另一阶段或状态的)发展,前进,进程◆what are the opportunities for career progression?事业上发展机会如何?◆the medication halts the rapid progression of the disease.这种药物阻止了疾病的迅速发展。◆this is all part of the natural progression from childhood to adolescence.这都是儿童成长为青少年的自然发展的必经过程。 ➡ see also progress → develop verb 1 ■ advancement [uncountable, countable] (formal) the process of helping sth to make progress or succeed; the progress that is made; progress in a job or social class促进;发展;(工作或社会等级的)提升◆the advancement of knowledge / education / science知识/教育/科学的发展◆there are good opportunities for advancement if you have the right skills.如果有合适的技能,就有很好的晋升机会。ⓘ advancement is often used to talk about achievements in people's own lives. * advancement 常指人生中取得的成就◆career / material / personal / individual / social advancement职业的发展;物质条件的提高;个人的发展;社会地位的提升  ➡ see also advance → develop verb 1 progress /prəgres/ [intransitive] to improve or develop over a period of time; to make progress进步;改进;进展◆the course allows students to progress at their own speed.本课程可以让学生按各自的速度学习。◆work on the new road is progressing slowly.新公路的修建工作在缓慢进行。ⓘ in this meaning progress is used to talk about a person such as a student who is learning over a period of time, or a piece of work or a project.表达此义时,progress 用来指学习、工作或项目的进度。  ➡ see also progress , progression → progress noun progress [intransitive] (written) to go forward in time(时间)推移,逝去◆the weather became colder as the day progressed.天色越晚,天气就越冷。note 辨析 wear on and progressthese words are both used especially to say that sth developed during a particular period of time or during a particular event or activity.这两个词均尤用于表示在某段时间,或在某事件或活动中事情有所发展◆the situation worsened as the year wore on.随着那一年渐渐过去,情况更糟了。◆the visiting team's confidence increased as the game progressed.随着比赛的进行,客队的信心增强了。they are not usually used with a noun in the plural.这几个词通常不与复数形式的名词连用◆many years progressed/wore on before they met again. progress [uncountable] (often approving) the process of improving or developing, or of getting nearer to achieving or completing sth进步;进展;进程◆we have made great progress in controlling inflation.我们在抑制通货膨胀方面取得了巨大进展。◆technological progress is changing the demand for labour.技术的进步正在改变劳动力的需求。◆work on the new offices is now in progress.新办公楼正在施工。◆i have one file for completed work and one for work in progress.我有一个文件夹保存处理完的文件,另一个保存正在处理的文件。◆they asked for a progress report on the project.他们要一份项目进度报告。ⓘ progress is often used as a positive way of talking about technological changes, particularly when there are other people who feel that the changes are having a damaging effect on society. * progress 常用来强调技术变革的进步意义,特别是在有人觉得技术变革正给社会带来破坏性影响的时候。  ➡ see also progress → develop verb 1 , progressive → radical progress¹/ˈprəʊgres; us ˈprɒg- ||; ˈprɑgrɛs/noun[u] 1. movement forwards or towards achieving sth 行进;前进;进展: ◇anna's making progress at school. 安娜的学业在进步。◇to make slow/steady/rapid/good progress 取得缓慢╱持续╱迅速╱很大进步 2. change or improvement in society (社会的)改进,改变,进步: ◇scientific progress 科学的进步 in progress happening now 进行中: ◇silence! examination in progress. 请安静!考试正在进行。 progress²/prəˈgres ||; prəˈgrɛs/verb[i] 1. to become better; to develop (well) 改善;进步;发展(良好): ◇medical knowledge has progressed rapidly in the last twenty years. 在过去二十年里,医学知识发展迅速。 2. to move forward; to continue 前进;继续: ◇i got more and more tired as the evening progressed. 夜渐深,我越来越累。 ☞ progress/make progress☞ progress¹☞ progress²




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