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单词 professional
释义 professional nounadjective➤consummate, dedicated造诣极高的/敬业的专业人士◆she's a consummate professional.她是一位造诣极高的专业人士。➤certified, educated, experienced, licensed, qualified, seasoned, trained, well-educated持证的/受过教育的/经验丰富的/有执照的/合格的/老练的/训练有素的/受过良好教育的专业人士➤competent, skilled称职的/技术过硬的专业人员◆highly educated and skilled professionals受过良好教育且技术熟练的专业人员➤real, true名副其实的专家;真正的专业人士◆this is the work of a real professional.这是真正的内行人做的。➤leading, senior, top一流的专业人士;资深专家;顶尖专才◆a top golf professional顶尖的高尔夫球职业选手➤independent独立的专业人士◆the survey should be performed by an independent professional.这项调查应由一名独立的专业人士进行。➤fellow同行◆an actor revered by his fellow professionals受到同行敬重的演员➤industry业内专业人士◆workshops led by industry professionals from around the us由美国各地的业内专业人士领导的研讨会➤business, computer, design, education, financial, health, health-care, information-technology, legal, marketing, media, medical, nursing, security, tax, teaching商业/计算机/设计/教育/金融/卫生/保健/信息技术/法律/市场营销/媒体/医疗/护理/安保/税务/教学专业人员▸➤golf, tennis, etc.高尔夫球、网球等职业选手➤busy忙碌的专业人员◆a manageable read for busy professionals适合繁忙的专业人士的阅读材料professional adjective¹ 1connected with a job与职业有关verbs | adverb verbs➤be与专业有关➤keep sth使⋯保持专业状态◆we keep everything professional at work.我们工作时使一切都处于专业状态。➤remain保持专业◆he tried very hard to remain professional.他尽最大的努力以继续从事专业工作。adverb➤purely, strictly仅与职业有关◆he insisted that his relationship with the duchess was purely professional.他坚持说他与公爵夫人完全是工作关系。professional adjective² 2extremely skilled非常熟练verbs | adverb verbs➤be, look, seem, sound专业;看上去专业;似乎专业;听起来专业◆their designs look very professional.他们的设计及看上去很专业。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极为/相当/非常内行▸➤highly, truly高度/真正内行◆he dealt with the problem in a highly professional way.他很专业地处理了这个问题。➤thoroughly, totally极为/完全内行▸➤increasingly越来越专业▸➤almost几乎算得上专业professional adjective³ 3done as a paid job, not a hobby作为工作verbs | adverb verbs➤be是职业性的▸➤become, go, turn变成职业adverb➤fully完全职业性的◆he wants to turn fully professional.他想成为真正意义上的职业选手。☞ professionalsprofessional /prəfeʃənl/ adjective1. [only before noun] connected with a job that needs special training or skill, especially one that needs a high level of education 职业的;专业的◆an opportunity for professional development 专业进修的机会◆trade and professional associations 贸易和专业协会◆he began his professional life as a lawyer. 他的职业生涯始于当律师。◆if it's a legal matter, you need to seek professional advice. 如果这是法律问题,你就需要找寻专业咨询了。⨁ professional qualifications / skills / standards专业资格/技能/标准 ⨁ professional advice / fees / help / services专业咨询/费用;专家帮助;专业服务 2.(about people) having a job which needs special training and a high level of education (人)有职业的,专业的◆busy professional couples with two incomes 繁忙的有双份收入的职业夫妇◆most of the people on the course were professional women. 参加这个课程的大多数人是职业妇女。3.showing that sb is well trained and extremely skilled 训练有素的;精通业务的◆he dealt with the problem in a highly professional way. 他对这个问题的处理非常专业。4.suitable or appropriate for sb working in a particular profession 职业上的;专业上的◆professional conduct/misconduct 职业操守;失职 opp unprofessional 5.doing sth as a paid job rather than as a hobby 职业性的;专业的;非业余的◆losses on the stock market have been common, both for individual and professional investors. 个人投资者和职业投资者都常常在股市中亏钱。  ➡  non-professional professional /prəfeʃənl/ noun [countable] (also pro, informal ) 1.a person who does a job that needs special training and a high level of education 专业人员;专家◆you need a professional to sort out your finances. 你需要专业人员替你理财。◆the cafe is a favourite with young professionals. 咖啡馆受到年轻专业人员的喜爱。◆a staff of over 500 it professionals 由 500 多名信息技术专业人员组成的员工队伍⨁ a competent / dedicated / an experienced / independent professional有能力的/有献身精神的/有经验的/独立的专业人员 2.a person who has a lot of skill and experience 专门人才;内行;技术精湛者;老练的人◆this was clearly a job for a real professional. 这份工作显然需要一个真正的内行才能担当。⨁ a real / true professional真正的行家 ☞ professional☞ professionalprofessionalshowing that sb is well trained and extremely skilled娴熟的;训练有素的;精通业务的◆he dealt with the problem in a highly professional way.他处理这个问题的手法非常专业。ⓘ in this meaning professional is often used with very or highly; it is not used with the names of jobs: a professional teacher/actor/singer, etc. is a person who teaches/acts/sings as a job.表达此义时,professional 常与 very 或 highly 连用,但不与职业名称连用。a professional teacher/actor/singer 等指专职教师、演员或歌唱家等。 opp amateurish ⓘ an amateurish attempt at sth is not done well or with skill. * amateurish 形容做事不够好、不熟练◆detectives described the burglary as 'crude and amateurish'.侦探形容这起入室盗窃手法拙劣业余。professionaladjective◆most of the people on the course were professional women.选修本课程的大部份人是职业女性。◆professional qualifications / skills专业资格/技能professionaladjective◆most of the people on the course were professional women.选修本课程的大部份人是职业女性。◆professional qualifications / skills专业资格/技能professional¹/prəˈfeʃənl ||; prəˈfɛʃənḷ/adj1. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) connected with a job that needs a high level of training and/or education 专业的;职业的: ◇get professional advice from your lawyer before you take any action. 采取任何行动之前,应先征询你的律师的专业意见。 2. doing sth in a way that shows skill, training or care 在行的;胜任的;专业的: ◇the police are trained to deal with every situation in a calm and professional manner. 警察都受过训练,能够以冷静而专业的方式应付各种情况。◇her application was neatly typed and looked very professional. 她的申请书打得很整洁,看来很有专业水平。 [opp] unprofessional 反义词为unprofessional 3. doing a sport, etc as a job or for money; (used about a sport, etc) done by people who are paid 职业的;领薪的: ◇he's planning to turn professional after the olympics. 他打算在奥林匹克运动会后转为职业运动员。◇professional football 职业足球 [opp] amateur 反义词为amateurprofessional²/prəˈfeʃənl ||; prəˈfɛʃənḷ/noun[c] 1. a person who works in a job that needs a high level of training and/or education 专业人士 2. (informal 非正式pro) a person who plays or teaches a sport, etc for money 职业选手;职业教练 3. (informal 非正式pro) a person who has a lot of skill and experience 内行;专家 professionalsee ⇨ job 3,9 ⇨ pay 16☞ professional¹☞ professional²




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