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单词 against/oppose
释义 against/oppose1 to think something is wrong2 a person or group that opposes something3 words or behaviour that show that you oppose something4 to say that you oppose somethingrelated wordsoppositesupport,to play against someone in a game or sport 和某人进行比赛 play a game or sport,see alsodisagree,disapprove,fight,opinion,1. to think something is wrong 认为某事是错误的 be against/be opposed to /biː əˈgenst, biː əˈpəʊzd tuː/ [verb phrase] to think that something is wrong and that it should not be allowed 反对 lundgren is against abortion. 伦德格伦反对堕胎。 most people are opposed to the privatization of the city's public transportation system. 大多数人都反对将城市的公共交通系统私有化。be strongly against there are two or three groups that are strongly against construction of the dam. 有两三个团体强烈反对修建大坝。be dead set against be very much against something 坚决反对 she wants to marry him, but her parents are dead set against it. 她想嫁给他,但她父母坚决反对。be strongly/totally/opposed to senator thompson remains totally opposed to any form of gun control. 汤普森参议员依然极力反对任何形式的枪支管制。 oppose /əˈpəʊz/ [transitive verb] to think that a plan, idea etc is wrong, and to try to prevent it from happening or succeeding 反对[计划、想法等] conservative mps say they will oppose the new bill. 保守党议员称他们会反对这个新议案。strongly/vigorously oppose the church strongly opposes same-sex marriage. 教会强烈反对同性婚姻。 not agree with something /nɒt əˈgriː wɪð (sth)/ especially spoken to be against something, for example because it is new or different and you do not like things to change 【尤口】不赞成某事[如因为不希望出现变化] my grandmother doesn't agree with divorce. 我的祖母不赞成离婚。 there are many people in the us who do not agree with capital punishment. 美国有许多人都不赞成死刑。 not believe in something /nɒt bə̇ˈliːv ɪn (sth)/ to not support something, because you think something is wrong or immoral 不赞成某事[指你认为错误或不道德的事] fiona doesn't believe in having sex before marriage. 菲奥娜不赞成婚前性行为。 i don't believe in hitting children for any reason. 我不主张打孩子,不管有什么理由。 anti- /ˈænti/ [prefix] anti-war/-smoking/-american etc against war, smoking, america etc 反对战争/反吸烟/反美等 anti-war demonstrators gathered in the city's main square. 反战的示威人群聚集在市里的中心广场。 the anti-smoking laws seem ridiculous to me. 禁烟法在我看来很可笑。 anti-american sentiment remains high in the region. 这地区的反美情绪依然很高。 hostile /ˈhɒstaɪlǁˈhɑːstl, ˈhɑːstaɪl/ [adjective] someone who is hostile to a plan or idea opposes it very strongly, and expresses this in an angry way [对某计划或想法]强烈反对的 a hostile audience refused to listen to senator drummond's reply. 怀有敌意的听众不愿意听德拉蒙德参议员的回答。hostile to/towards local people are hostile towards the plan, which would involve a significant tax increase. 这个计划牵涉到大幅度加税,当地人强烈反对。openly hostile showing very clearly that you are hostile 公开反对 lydon was openly hostile to any kind of criticism of the project. 莱登公开反对对这项工程的任何批评。 antagonistic /ænˌtægəˈnɪstɪk◂/ [adjective] behaving in a way that shows that you strongly disapprove of someone or something 敌对的,对抗的 a lot of people refuse to work with paula. her manner is just too antagonistic. 许多人都不愿意与葆拉共事,她的态度太不友好了。antagonistic to/towards the right-wing press has always been deeply antagonistic towards the labour party. 右翼媒体一向对工党深怀敌意。2. a person or group that opposes something 反对某事的人或团体 opponent /əˈpəʊnənt/ [countable noun] a person or group that opposes something 反对者 opponent of in some countries, any opponent of the government is likely to lose their job. 在有些国家,任何反对政府的人都有可能失去工作。 one notable opponent of the proposal was the mayor. 这项提议的一大反对者是市长。 the opposition /ði ˌɒpəˈzɪʃənǁ-ˌɑːp-/ [] a group that is opposing another group, especially the political party or parties whose elected representatives oppose the official government 反对派;反对党 opinion polls showed the opposition pulling ahead in some areas. 民意测验显示,反对党于部分地区领先。 newspapers must reflect the views of the opposition as well as those of the government. 报纸不仅要反映政府的观点,而且还要反映反对派的意见。 enemy /ˈenəmi/ [countable noun] a person or group that opposes something very strongly and tries to stop it or destroy it - used especially when you disapprove of this person or group 敌人;反对者 enemy of the enemies of democracy 民主的反对者 an enemy of the jewish people 犹太人的敌人3. words or behaviour that show that you oppose something 表示反对的言语或行为 objection /əbˈdʒekʃən/ [countable noun] something that you say because you oppose one particular detail of a plan, course of action etc [对某个方案或行动的某一细节的]反对意见,不赞成;异议 have an objection if anyone has any objections, please let us know as soon as possible. 如果谁反对的话,请尽早告诉我们。raise an objection state an objection 提出反对[意见] when i told him about my plans, my father raised one objection after another. 我把我的计划告诉父亲,他提出了一个又一个的反对意见。have no objection if you have no objection, i would like to use your name as a reference when i start applying for jobs. 如果你不反对,我求职的时候推荐人就写你的名字。 opposition /ˌɒpəˈzɪʃənǁˌɑːp-/ [uncountable noun] things that people say or do in order to show that they are against something 反对意见 widespread opposition to the military government led to violence in the streets. 对军政府普遍的反对引发了街头暴力。opposition to opposition to the war grew rapidly. 反战呼声越来越高。face opposition plans for the new stadium will no doubt face a lot of opposition. 筹建新体育馆的计划肯定将会遭到许多人的反对。express opposition thousands of people plan to gather on sunday to express their opposition to the government's handling of the crisis. 有数千人计划在星期天集会,对政府的这种危机处理方式表示反对。strong opposition despite strong opposition, the law was passed. 这条法律尽管遭到强烈反对,还是通过了。 hostility /hɒˈstɪlɪti, hɒˈstɪlətiǁhɑː-/ [uncountable noun] angry remarks or behaviour that shows someone opposes a plan or idea very strongly [表示强烈反对某计划或想法的]敌意,敌对言行 the announcement was greeted with hostility from some employees. 这项声明遭到一些雇员的强烈抗议。hostility to/towards recently there has been hostility towards the prime minister from members of his own party. 最近党内成员也对首相怀有敌意。open hostility obvious or public hostility 公开的敌意 given his open hostility, it seemed pointless to try and continue to persuade him. 他既然公开反对,再继续劝说看来是没有意义了。 antagonism /ænˈtægənɪzəm/ [uncountable noun] angry and unpleasant feelings or behaviour that show someone dislikes or disagrees very strongly with a person, organization, plan, or idea [对人、组织、计划或想法的]对抗;敌意 antagonism to/towards hines made no effort to conceal his antagonism towards his supervisor. 海因斯毫不掩饰对上司的敌意。antagonism between mitchell sees no clear way to end the antagonism between the two groups. 米切尔看不出有什么方法可以结束这两个团体间的对抗情绪。4. to say that you oppose something 表明自己反对某事物 object /əbˈdʒekt/ [] to say something to show that you oppose a plan or action because you think it is unfair or morally wrong [认为某计划或行动不公平或不道德而]反对,不赞成 his supporters will certainly object if he is fired. 如果他被解雇,他的支持者肯定会起来反对。object to rebecca objects to being told what to do. 丽贝卡不喜欢别人盼咐她做这做那。strongly object to the committee strongly objected to the report's recommendations. 委员会强烈反对报告中的建议。 raise objections /ˌreɪz əbˈdʒekʃənz/ [verb phrase] to give specific reasons for opposing a plan or action [对计划或行动]提出反对理由;提出异议 none of the committee members raised any objections, so we took a vote. 委员会中无人提出异议,所以我们就投票表决。raise objections to several church members raised objections to the way the money had been spent. 有几个教会成员对这种花钱方式提出了反对。




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