单词 | again |
释义 | again/əˈgen;əˈgeɪn ||; əˈgɛn; əˈgen/adv1. once more; another time 再次;又一次;再度: ◇could you say that again, please? 请你再说一遍好吗?◇she's out at the moment, so i'll phone again later. 她此刻不在。我稍后再给她打电话。◇don't ever do that again! 千万不要再做那种事了! 2. in the place or condition that sb/sth was in before 恢复原状;回到原处: ◇it's great to be home again. 回到家里真好。◇i hope you'll soon be well again. 我希望你会很快康复。 3. in addition to sth 此外;再加: ◇‘is that enough?’ ‘no, i'd like half as much again, please’ (= one-and-a-half times the original amount). “够吗?”“不够,我想再多要一半。” again and again many times 多次;再三: ◇he said he was sorry again and again, but she wouldn't listen. 他再三道歉,但她就是不愿意听。 then/there again used to say that sth you have just said may not happen or be true (用于表示所述的事不一定会发生或不一定是真的): ◇she might pass her test, but then again she might not. 她也许会通过测验,不过也不一定。 yet again→yetagain1 again2 to do something again3 to start doing something again4 to start talking about something again5 happening or doing something many timesrelated wordsto say something again 再说一遍 repeat,to use something again 再次使用 use,to happen again 再次发生 happen,see alsostart,1. again 再一次 again /əˈgen, əˈgeɪnǁəˈgen/ [adverb] if you're late again we'll leave without you. 如果你再迟到,我们不等你就走了。 the floor needs cleaning again. 地板又要打扫了。 it was nice to see you again. 再见到你真好。 julie! it's your sister on the phone again. 朱莉!你姐姐又来电话了。 the fresh mountain air soon made jennifer feel strong again. 山上的新鲜空气很快就使珍妮弗感到自己的身体又强健起来了。 when i was safely back in my apartment again, i took out the letter and read it. 我平安地又回到公寓后,就取出那封信来读。 once again/once more /ˌwʌns əˈgen, ˌwʌns ˈmɔːʳ/ [adverb] formal use this especially about something worrying or serious that has happened before 【正式】再一次,又一次[尤用于指以前也发生过的令人忧虑或严重的事情] once again, the french army were totally humiliated. 法军再一次遭到极大的羞辱。 the crops had failed, and once more, famine threatened the region. 作物歉收,饥荒再一次威胁着这个地区。 once again, i must remind you of the seriousness of the problems we face. 我必须再一次提醒你我们所面临的问题的严重性。 the cost of living is once more on the increase. 生活费又在上涨。 once again, the city council has decided to ignore the interests of the taxpayers. 市议会再一次决定置纳税人的利益于不顾。 yet again /ˌjet əˈgen/ [adverb] use this when something has happened too many times before in a way that is very annoying 再一次,又一次[尤指次数太多让人感到生气] yet again, i was forced to ask my parents for money. 我再一次被迫向父母要钱。 the opening of the new museum has been delayed yet again. 新博物馆的启用一拖再拖。 yet again, you're late turning in your assignment. 你的作业又迟交了。 it was the last day of their vacation and it was raining yet again. 那是他们假期的最后一天,天又是下着雨。 one more time/once more /ˌwʌn mɔːʳ ˈtaɪm, ˌwʌns ˈmɔːʳ/ [adverb] again, and usually for the last time 再一次[通常为最后一次] can we practise the last part just once more? 我们就再练一次最后一部分好吗? i'm going to ask you just one more time: where did you get this money? 我最后再问你一次:你这钱是从哪里来的? she wanted to see her grandfather once more before he died. 她想在祖父去世之前再看他一眼。 fresh /freʃ/ [adjective only before noun] fresh attempt/look/start one that is done again from the beginning in a new way, after you have been unsuccessful in the past [失败之后]重新努力/看/开始 i think we need to take a fresh look at the problem. 我想我们需要重新考虑一下这个问题。 the army is planning a fresh attempt to regain control of the capital. 军队正在计划重新发动进攻收复首都。 not again! /nɒt əˈgen/ spoken say this when something annoying happens again or happens too many times 【口】别又来了![烦人的事再次或多次发生后所说的话] ‘sue, steve's on the phone asking for you.’ ‘oh, not again!’ “休,史蒂夫来电话找你。”“噢,别又来了!” ‘not again!’ said anna, as the word cancelled appeared next to her flight number for the third time. “别又这样!”安娜说。她的航班编号旁边已是第三次显示“取消”了。2. to do something again 再次做某事 do something again also do something over american /ˌduː something əˈgen, ˌduː something ˈəʊvəʳ/ [verb phrase] to do something again, for example in order to practise it or because it was not done well enough the first time [为了练习或因为第一次做得不够好]把某事再[重]做一遍 i'd like you to do this exercise again. 这道习题我要你重做一遍。 she spilt coffee on the application form and had to do it all again. 她把咖啡泼到了申请表上,所以不得不重写一遍。 i'm afraid you'll have to do it over. 恐怕你得重做一遍了。 repeat /rɪˈpiːt/ [transitive verb] to do something again, especially many times, in order to achieve something useful [尤指多次]重做 holmes repeated the experiment several times and got the same results. 福尔摩斯把这个实验反复做了好几次,都得出一样的结果。 repeat this exercise ten times every day, and you'll soon have firmer, more muscular thighs. 这个运动每天重复十次,不久便可拥有一双更加紧实健壮的大腿。 redo /riːˈduː/ [transitive verb] to do something such as an examination, test, or piece of work again because it was not done well enough the first time [考试等因第一次不够好而]重做 i can't read a word of this - you'll have to redo it. 我一个字都看不清楚—你得重写一遍。 the wallpaper came off and we had to redo the whole thing. 墙纸脱落了,我们只得全部重贴。 retake /riːˈteɪk/ [transitive verb] to do a written examination or other kind of test again because you have failed it 重新参加[笔试或其他考试,因第一次没通过] julie's had to retake her driving test at least three times. 朱莉的驾驶考试至少已重考三次了。 he decided to retake the course and try to get a higher grade. 他决定重考这门课,想把分数考得高一些。 retake /ˈriːteɪk/ [countable noun] the exam is in june. retakes will be held in september. 考试是在6月份,补考将在9月份进行。 all over again /ɔːl ˌəʊvər əˈgen/ [adverb] especially spoken if you do something long and difficult all over again you repeat it from the beginning 【尤口】再一次从头开始[做花费时间长且又难做的事] at the police station they asked me the same questions all over again. 在警局里他们又再问了我同样的问题。 the prospect of writing the report all over again made me feel completely depressed. 这份报告可能要重新再写一遍,这使我非常沮丧。start something all over again the computer crashed and deleted all my work - i had to start the essay all over again. 电脑瘫痪了,把我做的所有东西都删掉了—我只得重新再写那篇论文。 here we go again /ˌhɪəʳ wi ˌgəʊ əˈgen/ spoken said when you are annoyed because something that has happened or been done too many times before is happening again - use this especially before an argument that you frequently have with someone 【口】[令人不快的事]又来了[尤在和某人开始争吵之前说这句话,以前你们经常有这样的争吵] ‘you've been drinking again, haven't you!’ ‘oh god, here we go again.’ “你是不是又喝酒了!”“我的天,又来了。”3. to start doing something again 又开始做某事 go back to/return to also get back to /gəʊ ˈbæk tuː, rɪˈtɜːn tuː, get ˈbæk tuː-/ [transitive phrasal verb] after she hung up the phone, she went back to her knitting. 她挂了电话,继续编织。 he took a drink, wiped his forehead and returned to his digging. 他喝了点东西,擦了擦额头,然后继续挖。 ok, lunch break's over - time to get back to work. 好了,午间休息时间过了—该回去工作了。4. to start talking about something again 再次说起某事 go back to/get back to also return to /gəʊ ˈbæk tuː, get ˈbæk tuː, rɪˈtɜːʳn tuː/ [transitive phrasal verb] especially spoken to start talking about something again, after a period when you stopped talking about it 【尤口】回到[某个话题] i'll go back to your question in a few minutes. 我过几分钟再来回答你的问题。 but getting back to what the real estate agent said, do you think we could get more for the house if we had it painted first? 现在回到房产经纪人说的话,你说我们要是先把房子粉刷一下,价钱就能卖得更高吗? i think we can return to this argument later. 我想我们可以以后再讨论这个论点。5. happening or doing something many times 多次发生或多次做某事 again and again /əˌgen ənd əˈgen/ i've told you again and again - don't play ball near the windows. 我一再告诉你—不要靠近窗边玩球。 they hit him again and again until he was unconscious. 他们一次又一次地打他,直到他失去了知觉。 this kind of ignorance is something that i see again and again. 这一类的无知行为,我屡见不鲜。 repeated /rɪˈpiːtɪd, rɪˈpiːtəd/ [adjective only before noun] repeated attempts/efforts/requests/warnings etc attempts, efforts, that someone tries to make many times but without getting the result they want 反复的尝试/努力/请求/警告等 motorists used the roads despite repeated warnings of snow. 汽车司机不理会多次积雪警告,还是开车上路。 repeated attempts to fix the satellite have failed. 修复卫星的数次努力都以失败告终。 recurrent/recurring /rɪˈkʌrəntǁ-ˈkɜːr-, rɪˈkɜːrɪŋ/ [adjective usually before noun] recurrent or recurring problems, illnesses, ideas etc happen repeatedly, especially in a way that is difficult to stop or control [问题、疾病、想法等]反复出现的,一再发生的[尤指令人难以制止或难以控制] flooding is a recurrent problem in countries such as bangladesh. 在孟加拉国等一些国家,水患是个经常出现的问题。 a recurrent infection 反复感染 men trying to escape from the women who love them is a recurrent theme in greene's novels. 男人试图摆脱深爱自己的女人,这是格林的小说中反复出现的一个主题。recurring dream/nightmare i have this recurring dream in which my teeth are black and rotted. 我反复做这个梦,梦见我的牙齿黑黑的,都蛀掉了。 over and over again /ˌəʊvər ənd ˌ|ʊvər əˈgen/ [adverb] use this to say that something happens a lot of times or when you have to do something a lot of times, especially when this makes you annoyed or impatient 反复地,再三地[尤指令人不悦或不耐烦] i've told him over and over again not to call me at work, but he won't listen. 我一再地告诉他,叫他不要在我上班的时候打电话给我,可他就是不听。 she practised the lines over and over again until they were word perfect. 她一遍遍地练习台词,直到滚瓜烂熟。 a·gain /ə`gɛn; əˈɡen/adv 1. one more time 再一次,又:◇could you say that again? i can't hear. 你能再说一遍吗? 我听不见。◇i'll never go there again. 我再也不会去那里了。◇i'm sorry, mr kay is busy. could you call again later? 对不起,凯先生正忙着。你能过一会儿再打来吗?◇once again (=again, for at least the third time) 又一次[至少第三次]: once again the americans are the olympic champions. 美国人又一次夺得了奥运会冠军。 2. in the same condition, situation, or place as before 如前; 恢复原状:◇i can't wait for jamie to be well again. 我巴望着杰米早日康复。◇susan's home again, after studying in france. 苏珊在法国学习之后又回家了。 3. again and again many times 再三,屡次:◇say it again and again until you learn it. 一遍又一遍地说,直到你学会。 4. all over again repeating something from the beginning 从头再来:◇the tape broke, so we had to record the programme all over again. 那盘录音磁带坏了,因此我们只好从头把节目再录一遍。 5. then/there again spoken used to add a fact or opinion to what you have just said 【口】 另一方面:◇carol's always had nice clothes — but then again she earns a lot. 卡罗尔总有漂亮衣服穿,但话又说回来,她挣钱很多。 ☞ again |
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