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单词 saunter
释义 saunter verbadverb | preposition adverb➤casually, slowly随意闲逛;慢慢遛达▸➤away, back, by, down, in, off, out, over, past, up漫步走开;信步返回;漫步经过;漫步而下;信步走进;漫步离开;信步走出;信步越过;信步而上◆she sauntered over and said hello.她款款地走过来,打了个招呼。preposition➤into, out of信步走进⋯/走出⋯➤through悠闲地通过⋯◆he sauntered casually through the door.他悠闲地走过了那道门。➤over to, up to悠闲地来到⋯saunter /sɔːntə(r)/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition总是与副词或介词连用) to walk in a slow relaxed way悠闲地走;漫步◆rod sauntered by, looking as if he had all the time in the world.罗德悠闲地走过,仿佛时间对他来说是无穷无尽的。note 辨析 amble or saunter? amble suggests that sb is enjoying taking their time walking somewhere, perhaps stopping from time to time, and not hurrying. saunter can suggest that sb is walking in a casual way because they are feeling cheerful or confident, perhaps in a way that other people find annoying. * amble 意为惬意地在某处漫步,不慌不忙,也许时走时停。saunter 可意为兴致十足、悠然自得地闲逛,其样子也许会使他人感到恼火。  ➡ see also stroll → walk verb 1saunter/ˈsɔ:ntə(r) ||; ˈsɔntɚ/verb [i] to walk without hurrying 漫步;闲逛 sauntersee ⇨ walk 3 saun·ter /`sɔntə; ˈsɔːntə/v [i]to walk in a slow and confident way 从容地走:◇he sauntered up to her and grinned. 他款步走到她跟前,咧嘴而笑。




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