单词 | person/people |
释义 | person/people1 a person2 people in general3 all the people in a particular area, city, country etc4 a person in a story5 relating to people, not animals or machines6 for each person7 no peoplerelated wordsordinary people 普通人 normal/ordinary,a group of people 一群人 group,see alsoman,woman,child,everyone,character,nice,horrible,1. a person 人 person /ˈpɜːʳsən/ [countable noun] i think sue's a really nice person. 我认为休确实是个好人。 he's the only person i know who can speak chinese. 他是我认识的唯一会说中文的人。 there were over 200 people at the meeting. 与会的有200多人。 the streets were suddenly full of people. 街上一下子满是人。 someone/somebody /ˈsʌmwʌn, ˈsʌmbɒdi, -bədiǁ-ˈbɑːdi, -bədi/ [pronoun] a person - use this when you do not know who the person is, or when it is not important to say who it is 某人,有人[不知道是谁或其身份不重要时使用] someone phoned you but i didn't get their name. 有人打电话找你,但我没听清他的姓名。 what would you do if somebody tried to rob you in the street? 要是有人在街上抢你东西,你会怎么做?someone else/somebody else another person 别人 can't you get someone else to clean the kitchen for you? 你难道不能让别人来替你打扫厨房吗? human being/human /ˌhjuːmən ˈbiːɪŋ, ˈhjuːmən/ [countable noun] a person - use this when you are comparing people with animals or machines 人类[用以与动物或机器比较] the drug had never before been tested on a human being. 这种药从未在人类身上试验过。 computers have replaced humans in many factories. 在许多工厂,电脑替代了人类。 individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl, ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəl/ [countable noun] a person - use this especially when you are talking about responsibility or choice 个人[尤用于谈论责任或选择] it is the responsibility of each individual within the class to make sure they have the correct books. 把书本备齐是班里每个人自己的责任。 the decision to have an operation should be up to the individual involved. 是否要动手术应该由当事人自己来决定。 character /ˈkærɪktəʳ, ˈkærəktəʳ/ [countable noun] a person who seems strange, interesting etc [看上去很古怪、有意思的]人 a couple of suspicious-looking characters were standing outside the house. 有几个看起来很可疑的人正站在房子外。 beneath his brash, noisy exterior was a much shrewder and lonelier character than he admitted. 他表面上傲慢、吵闹,内里却要比他承认的更精明、更孤独。2. people in general 人的总称 people /ˈpiːpəl/ [plural noun] people in general 人;人们 people are getting very worried about rising crime. 民众十分担忧不断增加的犯罪案例。 i don't want people to feel sorry for me. 我不愿人们替我难过。most/some people most people hate writing essays, but i quite like it. 大多数人讨厌写文章,但是我相当喜欢。 everyone/everybody /ˈevriwʌn, ˈevriˌbɒdiǁ-ˌbɑːdi/ [pronoun] all people - use this to make general statements about how people behave, what people like etc 每个人,人人[用于泛指人们的行为、喜好等] don't you like ice-cream? i thought everyone liked it! 你不喜欢吃冰淇淋吗?我原以为每个人都喜欢呢! everybody has the right to a good education. 人人都有受良好教育的权利。 everyone knows that smoking is bad for you. 人人都知道吸烟有害。 folks /fəʊks/ [plural noun] american spoken people 【美口】人;人们 folks around here have been pretty angry about the governor's actions. 这里的人对州长的做法相当愤怒。most/some folks some folks think the schools are better now than they were twenty years ago. 有些人觉得现在的学校比20年前的好。 the human race /ðə ˌhjuːmən ˈreɪs/ [noun phrase] all the people in the world, considered as one group 人类 pollution is threatening the future of the human race. 污染正威胁着人类的未来。the entire/whole human race the entire human race could be wiped out by nuclear war. 核战争可以毁灭全人类。a member of the human race until then, no member of the human race had ever been able to make a map of the whole world. 那之前,没有一个人能绘制出世界地图。 mankind/humankind /mænˈkaɪnd, ˌhjuːmənˈkaɪnd/ [uncountable noun] people in general - used especially when talking about their history and development, or how something affects their continued existence 人类[尤用于谈论历史和发展,或事物对其继续存在的影响时] the americans exploded the first nuclear weapon in the history of mankind. 美国人引爆了人类历史上第一件核武器。 travelling into space was a great advance for mankind. 太空航行对人类来说是一大进步。 in the interests of humankind we must stop destroying our planet. 为了全人类的利益,我们必须停止破坏地球。 man /mæn/ [uncountable noun] people in general - use this when you are comparing humans with other living things. some people do not use this word because it can seem offensive to women 人类[尤用于和其他生物作比较。有些人不用这个词,因为显得对女性不敬] jericho is the oldest continuously inhabited city known to man. 杰里科是人类已知最古老的一直有人居住的城市。 the grandeur of the mountains is a constant reminder of man's insignificance. 雄伟的山脉一直提醒着我们人类的渺小。 the dutch reclamation of their land is a classic case of man's struggle against nature. 荷兰人围海造田是人类与大自然抗争的一个经典例子。 humanity /hjuːˈmænɪti, hjuːˈmænəti/ [uncountable noun] people in general - use this especially when you are talking about people's rights to be treated like all other humans and not suffer cruelty, hunger etc 人类[尤用于谈论人权时] 30% of humanity live in conditions of terrible poverty. 30%的人生活在极为贫困的条件下。a crime against humanity the general was accused of committing crimes against humanity. 那位将军被控反人类罪。 the public /ðə ˈpʌblɪk/ [] ordinary people who do not belong to the government, the police etc, and do not have any special rights 公众,大众,民众 the castle is open to the public during the summer. 那座城堡夏季对公众开放。 the public ought to know how the money from taxes is being spent. 公众应当知道税收的去向。a member of the public some of these politicians never meet ordinary members of the public. 这些政治家中有些从未会见过普通民众。the general public tickets will become available to the general public in june. 门票将于6月向公众发售。 public [adjective only before noun] public attitudes to homosexuality are gradually changing. 公众对于同性恋的态度渐渐在转变。 the plan cannot succeed without public support. 没有大众的支持,这项计划无法成功。 society /səˈsaɪɪti, səˈsaɪəti/ [uncountable noun] people in general - use this to talk about people as an organized group with a system of laws and accepted behaviour 社会 islamic society 伊斯兰教社会 the judge described smith as ‘a danger to society’. 法官形容史密斯是“社会的祸害”。member of society we want our students to become useful and responsible members of society. 我们希望自己的学生成为社会中有用、负责的人。 folk /fəʊk/ [plural noun] young/old/rich/country/city etc folk people of a particular type or from a particular area, considered together as a group 年轻人/老人/富人/农村人/城里人等 the young folk need to have a place where they can go in the evenings. 年轻人需要一个晚上能去的地方。 stella's ambition is to get a job working with old folk. 斯特拉追求的是同老年人打交道的工作。 his parents were hard-working country folk. 他的父母是勤恳的农村人。 social /ˈsəʊʃəl/ [adjective only before noun] use this about conditions, problems, and changes that affect all the people in society 社会的 rising unemployment led to even more social problems. 不断上升的失业率导致了更严重的社会问题。 social changes that brought women even greater freedom 为女性带来更大自由的社会变革3. all the people in a particular area, city, country etc 住在某个地区、城市、国家等里的所有的人 population /ˌpɒpjɑˈleɪʃənǁˌpɑː-/ [countable noun with singular or plural verb in british english] all the people who live in a town or country - use this when saying how many people live there, or giving some facts about them 人口 the population of tokyo/greece etc in 1966 the population of lima was about two million. 1966年,利马的人口约为200万。a population of five million/twenty million etc new jersey has a population of around 7.6 million. 新泽西州约有760万人口。the black/catholic/male population all the black people, catholic people etc in a place 黑人/信天主教的/男性人口 30% of the male population suffers from heart disease. 30%的男人患有心脏病。the general population people in general compared with a particular group 大众 in our study, significantly more miners complained of weight loss than the general population. 我们的研究发现,与大众相比,更多矿工抱怨体重减轻。 the people /ðə ˈpiːpəl/ [plural noun] all the people who live in a particular place [住在某一地区的]人 the british/korean/nigerian etc people reagan's views were shared by a majority of the american people. 大多数美国人同意里根的看法。the people of paris/china etc the awful sufferings of the people of sarajevo 萨拉热窝居民承受的可怕的痛苦 the french/germans/japanese etc /ðə ˈfrentʃ/ [plural noun] all the people who live in france, germany etc - use this when describing them in a general way or as a political force 法国人/德国人/日本人等[尤用于作为总称或一种政治力量来描述时] the french are famous for their love of good food. 法国人以热爱美食而著称。 the chinese are trying to industrialize without changing the essential nature of their society. community /kəˈmjuːnɪti, kəˈmjuːnəti/ [countable noun] a group of people who live in the same area, especially when they all belong to the same religious group or race 社区;团体[尤由同宗教或种族的同住一地的人所构成] the murder has shocked the local community. 凶案令当地社区震惊。the jewish/muslim/greek etc community new york's jewish community 纽约的犹太人社区 londoners/new yorkers/parisians etc /ˈlʌndənəʳz/ people who live in london, new york, paris etc 伦敦人/纽约人/巴黎人等 for most new yorkers, life will never be the same again. 对于大多数纽约人来说,生活永远不会再像以前那样了。 the milanese people from milan elected a new mayor yesterday. 昨天,米兰市民选出了新的市长。4. a person in a story 故事里的人 character /ˈkærɪktəʳ, ˈkærəktəʳ/ [countable noun] a person in a story in a book, film, or play 角色;人物形象 it was a wonderful story -- the characters were so convincing. 那是个精彩的故事—人物形象都很可信。the main/central character the interesting thing about the play is the conflict between the two main characters. 这部戏的有趣之处在于两个主要角色之间的冲突。 hero /ˈhɪərəʊ/ [countable noun] the man or boy who is the main character in a book, play, film etc, who people admire because he is good, strong, brave, honest etc 男主人公,男主角 hero of indiana jones is the hero of the film. 印第安纳·琼斯是这部电影的男主人公。tragic hero a hero who suffers a lot 悲剧男主人公 hamlet is shakespeare's most famous tragic hero. 哈姆雷特是莎士比亚笔下最著名的悲剧男主人公。 heroine /ˈherəʊɪn, ˈherəʊən/ [countable noun] the woman or girl who is the main character in a book, play, film etc, who people admire because she is good, strong, brave, honest etc 女主人公,女主角 heroine of the heroine of her latest novel is a middle-class english woman. 她新小说中的女主人公是一位中产阶级的英国女性。5. relating to people, not animals or machines 与人而不是动物或机器有关的 human /ˈhjuːmən/ [adjective only before noun] use this about people's abilities, character, or behaviour, when you are comparing people with animals or machines 人的;人类的 the effects of pollution on the human and animal population 污染对人口和动物数量的影响 bacteria cannot be seen with the human eye. 细菌无法用人类肉眼看见。6. for each person 对于每个人 per person /pəʳ ˈpɜːʳsən/ [adverb] $500/2 pieces etc per person $500, two pieces etc for each person 每人500美元/两片等 there were only two pieces of bread per person. 每人只能分到两片面包。 you can get a decent meal for less than £20 per person. 每人不用20英镑就可以吃到相当不错的一餐了。 a head /ə ˈhed/ [adverb] $10/£5 etc a head use this to say how much something costs for each person 每人十美元/五英镑等 we paid £5 a head for our christmas dinner. 我们每人付了五英镑吃圣诞晚餐。 guests were paying $800 a head for luxury hotel accommodation. 豪华的酒店住宿每位客人要支付800美元。 per capita /pəʳ ˈkæpə̇tə/ [adverb/adjective] if something costs a particular amount, or someone uses a particular amount etc per capita, that is how much each person pays, uses etc - used especially in business, politics, or economics 每人[的],人均[的][尤用于商业、政治或经济] among the largest consumers of energy per capita is the united states. 美国的人均能源消耗量居世界前列。per capita income/expenditure/consumption etc the average per capita income has decreased over the past five years. 过去五年里人均收入下降了。 in europe the per capita supply of trained medical staff has increased dramatically. 在欧洲,经过培训的医务人员人均量大幅度地增加了。7. no people 没有人 no one/nobody /ˈnəʊ wʌn, ˈnəʊbədi/ [pronoun] no person or people 没有人,无人 no-one was home, so i left a note. 没人在家,于是我留了一张字条。 he explained what had happened but nobody believed him. 他向人们解释发生了什么事,但没有人相信他。no one at all/nobody at all nobody had supported him, nobody at all. 没有人支持他,一个都没有。 not a soul /ˌnɒt ə ˈsəʊl/ [noun phrase] no one - use this when it is unusual or surprising that there is no one somewhere 一个人也没有[表示反常或惊讶] it was strange. there wasn't a soul in the street. 真奇怪,街上空无一人。not a soul to be seen/not a soul in sight steve looked in every room, but there was no sound and not a soul to be seen. 史蒂夫查看了每个房间,但什么声音也没听见,一个人也没看见。 |
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