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单词 remains
释义 remains nounadjective | verb + remains | remains + verb | preposition adjective➤abundant, considerable, extensive, substantial大量的残余;相当多的残余物◆abundant remains of marine algae大量的海藻残余◆the extensive remains of an aztec pyramid阿兹特克金字塔的大面积遗址➤impressive给人深刻印象的遗迹➤fragmentary不完整的残余➤visible可见的残余➤existing, surviving现存的/保存下来的遗迹➤ancient, prehistoric古代/史前遗迹➤greek, roman, etc.希腊、罗马等遗迹➤battered, mangled, shattered, tattered毁坏的残骸;损毁的残留物◆the mangled remains of the bomber's van炸弹袭击者的小货车的残骸➤burned, burned-out, charred, cremated, smouldering/smoldering焚毁的遗址;烧焦了的残余;闷燃的废墟➤physical有形遗物➤earthly, human, mortal尸体;人的遗体◆this tomb holds the mortal remains of a great pharaoh.这座墓里埋葬着一位伟大法老的遗骸。➤animal, archaeological, fossil, fossilized, organic, plant, skeletal动物遗体;考古遗址;化石遗迹;石化的遗物;有机物残骸;植物残骸;骨骼残骸verb + remains➤discover, find, locate, reveal, uncover, unearth发现遗迹;找到遗留物;挖掘出遗骸◆while excavating the site, workers unearthed the remains of several dinosaurs.在挖土施工时,工人们挖掘出了几具恐龙遗骸。➤identify识别遗体◆the remains have been identified as those of carl rider.遗体被认定是卡尔・赖德的。➤excavate, exhume, recover, remove挖掘遗址;掘出遗体;找回遗体;移走遗体◆they are excavating the remains of an iron age settlement.他们正在挖掘一个铁器时代聚居地的遗址。◆marie curie's remains were exhumed and interred in the pantheon.玛丽・居里的遗体被移出,归葬先贤祠。➤examine, study检查遗体;研究遗迹▸➤bury, inter (formal) 埋葬/掩埋遗体➤preserve保存遗体▸➤dump, scatter, throw丢弃遗体;撒残余物➤burn焚烧遗体▸➤feed on以尸体为食◆gulls often feed on the remains of seal kills.海鸥经常吃剩下的海豹尸体。remains + verb➤survive遗迹留存下来◆considerable remains survive of the great city walls.城墙有很大一部份保存了下来。➤lie遗体被埋葬◆her remains lie in an unmarked grave.她长眠于一块没有标记的墓地。➤date from...遗迹追溯到⋯◆the burned-out remains date from the 19th century.焚毁的遗迹是 19 世纪的。preposition➤among the remains, in the remains在残余物中◆the body was found among the remains of a burned-out house.尸体是在一所焚毁房子的废墟中发现的。remains noun 1➤prehistoric remains史前遗迹➤the remains of a sandwich吃剩的三明治remains ♦︎ ruin ♦︎ debris ♦︎ wreckage ♦︎ rubble ♦︎ wreckthese are all words for parts of sth that is left after it has been destroyed or severely damaged.这些词均表示某物遭损毁后存留下来的剩余部份、残留物。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆the remains / ruins / wreckage / wreck of a building / vehicle, etc.◆the debris / rubble from a building, etc.◆in / amid / among / amongst the remains / ruins / debris / wreckage / rubble◆ancient / roman remains / ruins◆to reduce sth to ruins / rubble◆to clear (away) the debris / wreckage / rubble◆to be trapped in the wreckage / the rubble / a wreck◆to sift through remains / debris / wreckage◆a piece / pile of debris / wreckage■ remains [plural] the parts of ancient objects and buildings that have survived and are discovered in the present day; parts of sth that are left after it has been destroyed or severely damaged古代遗物;古迹;遗迹;(损毁后剩下的)残留物◆the museum has an impressive collection of prehistoric remains.那家博物馆的史前遗迹藏品令人赞叹。◆they have found the remains of a roman settlement on the land.他们在那块土地发现了一处古罗马时代定居点的遗迹。◆the mangled remains of a bicycle were sticking out of the windscreen.散架的自行车严重变形,从挡风玻璃探了出来。■ ruin [countable] (also ruins [plural]) the parts of a building that remain after it has been destroyed or severely damaged残垣断壁;废墟◆the old mill is now little more than a ruin.老磨坊现在只剩下一点残垣断壁了。◆we visited the ruins of a norman castle.我们参观了一座诺曼式城堡的遗迹。◆years of fighting have left the area in ruins.连年的战事已经使得这个地区满目疮痍。▸ ruined adjective◆a ruined castle破烂不堪的城堡■ debris /debriː, deɪbriː; name dəbriː/ [uncountable] pieces of wood, metal, brick or other material that are left after sth has been destroyed残骸;(损毁后剩下的)碎片,破片◆emergency teams are still clearing the debris from the plane crash.各抢救小组仍在清理失事飞机的残骸。◆a man of 76 was fatally injured by flying debris (= a piece of material flying through the air after an explosion).爆炸产生的碎片使一名 76 岁的老翁遭受致命伤害。■ wreckage /rekɪdʒ/ [uncountable] the parts of a vehicle or building that remain after it has been destroyed or severely damaged(车辆等的)残骸;(建筑物等的)废墟◆an elderly man was cut from the wreckage by firefighters.消防员切开汽车残骸救出一个老人。◆pieces of wreckage were found several miles away from the scene of the explosion.在离爆炸现场几英里外的地方发现了残骸碎片。■ rubble [uncountable] broken stones or bricks from a building or wall that has been destroyed or damaged碎石;碎砖◆a bomb had reduced the house next door to rubble.炸弹将隔壁的房子炸成了一堆瓦砾。■ wreck /rek/ [countable] a ship that has sunk or that has been very badly damaged; a car, plane or other vehicle that has been very badly damaged in an accident沉船;严重损毁的船;(事故中)遭严重毁坏的汽车(或飞机等其他交通工具)◆a new search of the wreck of the titanic has been launched.一场新的对泰坦尼克号残骸的搜索已经展开。◆she was pulled from the burning wreck by firefighters.她被消防员从燃烧的残骸中拉了出来。 ➡ see also wreck → crash remains noun 2➤prehistoric remains史前遗迹➤the remains of a sandwich吃剩的三明治remains ♦︎ remnant ♦︎ scraps ♦︎ leftoverthese are all words for what is left of sth after most of it has been eaten, used, removed or destroyed.这些词均表示吃剩、用剩、移除或毁掉后的残留物、剩余物。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆remains / remnants / scraps / leftovers from / of sth◆the last remains / remnants / scraps◆surviving remains / remnants◆the remains / remnants of a meal◆a remnant / leftover from the days when...■ remains [plural] the parts of sth that are left after the other parts have been used, eaten, removed or destroyed剩余物;残留物;剩饭菜◆she sat watching some birds pecking at the remains of a sandwich that someone had dropped.她坐在那儿看着一些鸟儿在啄食有人丢下的剩三明治。◆in the middle of the clearing were the charred remains of a small fire.空地中间有一处小火烧焦的残迹。■ remnant /remnənt/ [countable, usually plural] (rather formal) a part of sth that is left after the other parts have been used, removed or destroyed残余部份;剩余部份◆the woods are remnants of a huge forest which once covered the whole area.这片树林只是剩下的一部份,原来这一带是一大片森林。◆the institution is a remnant from the past.这个机构是由过去的机构精简而成的。note 辨析 remains or remnant? remains is used especially to talk about what is left of sth that has mostly been eaten or burnt. * remains 尤指大部份被吃掉或烧毁后的残余◆the remains of a meal / sandwich / breakfast / lunch剩饭;吃剩的三明治/早餐/午餐◆the remnant of a meal/sandwich/breakfast/lunch ◆the charred remnant of a small fire remnant is mostly used to talk about much larger things that have become much smaller, either in the course of history or because of some great event. * remnant 主要指原本大得多的事物在历史过程中或因一些大事件缩减留下的一小部份◆the remnants of a forest / an empire / an army森林残留下来的部份;帝国/军队的残余■ scraps [plural] small pieces of food left after a meal残羹剩饭◆give the scraps to the dog.把剩菜喂狗吧。■ leftover /leftəʊvə(r); name leftoʊvər/ [countable] food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal; an object, custom or way of behaving that remains from an earlier time吃剩的食物;遗留物;残存物;遗留下来的风俗(或行为习惯)◆you've always got good ideas for using up leftovers.你总是有充分利用剩饭菜的好主意。◆he's a leftover from the 1960s (= he acts or dresses like people did in the 1960s).他是 20 世纪 60 年代的残余分子。  ➡ see also leftover → excess adj. remains [plural] (rather formal) the body of a dead person or animal, especially sb/sth that has been dead for a long time(尤指已死去很久的人或动物的)遗体,遗骸◆human remains人的遗骸◆the remains have been identified as those of a mr thomas, who lived in richmond.那具遗骸已被辨认出是住在里士满的叫托马斯的男人。remains [plural] the parts of ancient objects and buildings that have survived and are discovered in the present day; parts of sth that are left after it has been destroyed or severely damaged古代遗物;古迹;遗迹;(损毁后剩下的)残留物◆the museum has an impressive collection of prehistoric remains.那家博物馆的史前遗迹藏品令人赞叹。◆they have found the remains of a roman settlement on the land.他们在那块土地发现了一处古罗马时代定居点的遗迹。◆the mangled remains of a bicycle were sticking out of the windscreen.散架的自行车严重变形,从挡风玻璃探了出来。remains [plural] the parts of sth that are left after the other parts have been used, eaten, removed or destroyed剩余物;残留物;剩饭菜◆she sat watching some birds pecking at the remains of a sandwich that someone had dropped.她坐在那儿看着一些鸟儿在啄食有人丢下的剩三明治。◆in the middle of the clearing were the charred remains of a small fire.空地中间有一处小火烧焦的残迹。remains/rɪˈmeɪnz ||; rɪˈmenz/noun[pl] 1. what is left behind after other parts have been used or taken away 剩下或剩余的部份: ◇the builders found the remains of a roman mosaic floor. 建筑工人发现了一处有古罗马式拼花地板的遗迹。 2. (formal 正式) a dead body (sometimes one that has been found somewhere a long time after death) 遗体;遗骨: ◇human remains were discovered in the wood. 树林内发现人类骸骨。 remainssee ⇨ body 4     • • •• ⇨ the remains of sth• ⇨ what is left of sth/what remains of sth re·mains /rɪ`menz; rɪˈmeɪnz/n [plural 复数] 1. the parts of something that are left after the rest has been destroyed 剩余部分; 遗迹:◇we visited the remains of the temple. 我们参观了那座寺庙的遗迹。 2. formal someone's body after they have died, especially after a long time 【正式】 [尤指死后很久的]遗骸,遗骨




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