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单词 normal/ordinary
释义 normal/ordinary1 not special or unusual2 very ordinary, and without any interesting or unusual features3 ordinary people4 normal behaviour or feelings5 the normal situation6 not ordinary/not normal7 not ordinary/not normal in a very bad wayrelated wordsoppositeunusual,strange,ordinary and not interesting or exciting 普通、没有趣味或不使人兴奋的 boring/bored,see alsousually,common,used to/accustomed to,conventional/unconventional,typical,special,crazy,1. not special or unusual 并非特别或不平常的 ordinary /ˈɔːʳdənriǁ-dəneri/ [adjective usually before noun] ordinary things are not special or unusual 普通的,一般的 it's just an ordinary house in an ordinary street. 这只是一条普通的街道上一幢普普通通的房子。 he wore an ordinary business suit with a white shirt and tie. 他穿着一套普通的西服,配上白衬衫和领带。 can you get connected to the internet through an ordinary telephone line? 你用普通电话线可以上网吗? gillman's known for her photographs of ordinary household items. 吉尔曼以拍摄普通日常用品的照片著称。 normal /ˈnɔːʳməl/ [adjective] something that is normal is just as you would expect it to be, because it is not special or different 平常的,普通的,正常的 the new ford looks like any normal car, but it has a special advanced engine. 新款福特汽车看上去跟普通的汽车一样,但它装有一个特别先进的引擎。 january 2nd is a public holiday in scotland, but in england it is a normal working day. 1月2日是苏格兰的公共假日,但是在英格兰却是一个普通的工作日。 once the pain has gone away, you can resume your normal activities. 疼痛一消失,你就可以恢复平时的活动。perfectly normal it was a perfectly normal flight until the plane suddenly started to shake. 开始的时候飞行完全正常,但是后来飞机突然震动起来。it's normal it may have seemed unusually cold recently but experts say it's normal for this time of year. 近来好像特别冷,但是专家说这个时候冷是正常的。above/below normal tides will be six feet above normal this afternoon. 今天下午潮水会比正常时高出六英尺。 normally [adverb] now the strike is over, and trains are running normally. 罢工结束了,火车又正常运行了。 average /ˈævərɪdʒ/ [adjective only before noun] an average thing is a typical example of a particular type of thing 平常的,普通的 the average bagel has 190 calories. 普通的面包圈有190卡路里。 in an average week i watch about 20 hours of tv. 平常我一星期看20小时电视。 standard /ˈstændəʳd/ [adjective usually before noun] normal - use this especially about products or methods that are the most usual type, without any special features 标准的[尤指产品或方法中最常用的一种] standard model/size/shape/pattern not special 标准型号/大小/形状/模式 we make shoes in all standard sizes. 所有标准尺寸的鞋子我们都做。 prices start at $15,489 for the standard model. 标准型号的价格从15,489美元起。standard practice/procedure the way a job is usually done 标准做法/程序 all hand-baggage was x-rayed - this is now standard practice at most airports. 所有手提行李都接受了x光检查—这是大多数机场现在的例行做法。 drug tests are a standard procedure following train accidents. 发生火车事故之后,药检是一道标准的程序。standard english/pronunciation/spelling normally accepted as correct 标准英语/发音/拼法 students are encouraged to learn standard english because this is what they will need to know in the business world. 学生被鼓励学习标准英语,因为标准英语是他们进入商界所需要掌握的。 routine /ruːˈtiːn/ [adjective usually before noun] use this about something that is done regularly as part of the normal system and not because of any special problem 通常的,惯例的,例行的 routine check/inspection/examination etc the fault was discovered during a routine check of the plane. 这个故障是对飞机进行例行检查时发现的。 police found the heroin during a routine inspection of a ship. 警方在船上进行例行检查时发现了海洛因。 it was on a saturday 15 years ago that, during a routine visit to the doctor, i learned i had cancer. 那是15年前的一个星期六,我到医生那里做例行检查,发现我得了癌症。 conventional /kənˈvenʃənəl/ [adjective only before noun] a conventional method, piece of equipment, weapon etc is of the normal type that has been used for a long time - use this especially when you are comparing one thing with something else that is new or different 传统的;常规的[方法、设备、武器等;尤用于作比较] a microwave cooks food much faster than a conventional oven. 微波炉烹饪食物比传统的烤炉快许多。 the hospital provides both conventional and alternative medical treatments. 这家医院有传统疗法,也有替代疗法。conventional weapons/arms/bombs etc not nuclear weapons 常规[非核]武器/武装/炸弹等 a new proposal to limit conventional weapons in europe 限制欧洲发展常规武器的一个新提议 day-to-day /ˌdeɪ tə ˈdeɪ/ [adjective only before noun] use this about the ordinary work, activities, and problems that happen every day 每天的,日常的,例行的[工作、活动、问题等] as managing director, i am responsible for the day-to-day management of the company. 我作为执行董事,负责公司的日常管理工作。 reeve decided to immerse himself in the day-to-day affairs of his company until business improved. 里夫决定专心处理公司的日常事务,直到经营好转。 regular /ˈregjɑləʳ/ [adjective only before noun] especially american ordinary but good enough for a particular purpose 【尤美】普通的 if they don't have tylenol, just get me regular aspirin. 如果没有泰诺,就给我买普通的阿司匹林。 even though the dye is quite strong, a regular shampoo will remove it. 虽然这种染发剂色牢度强,但是普通的洗发水也会使它掉色。 mainstream /ˈmeɪnstriːm/ [adjective only before noun] mainstream books, ideas, organizations etc are not strange or extreme in any way, and are therefore popular with or suitable for most ordinary people 主流的[书、思想、机构等] after starting out as a romance novelist, she decided to try writing mainstream fiction. 她开始是一个言情小说家,后来决定尝试写主流小说。 most disabled students are integrated into the mainstream educational system. 大部分残障学生都融入了主流的教育体系。 the mainstream political parties are losing support to smaller, more radical organizations. 主流政党正在失去支持,民心逐渐转向一些规模较小、比较激进的组织。 everyday /ˈevrideɪ/ [adjective only before noun] ordinary, usual, or happening every day 日常的,通常的,每天的 noland makes sculptures out of everyday objects. 诺兰的雕刻以日常的一些东西为题材。 arthritis made it difficult for him to do everyday things like take out the garbage or mow the lawn. 关节炎使他难以做一些日常的事情,比如倒垃圾或修草坪。 the first week of the course is spent teaching students english phrases needed for everyday life. 这门课的第一个星期是教学生学习日常生活中要用到的一些英语短语。2. very ordinary, and without any interesting or unusual features 非常普通的,缺少有趣或异常的特征 ordinary /ˈɔːʳdənriǁ-dəneri/ [adjective] the house was clean and well kept, but very ordinary. 这房子干干净净,收拾得很好,但是非常普通。 it's surprising that a girl as attractive as sarah is going out with someone so ordinary looking. 像萨拉这么漂亮的女孩子,竟然会和这么相貌平平的人谈恋爱,真出人意料。 nondescript /ˈnɒndɪˌskrɪpt, ˈnɒndəˌskrɪptǁˌnɑːndə̇ˈskrɪpt/ [adjective] a person or object that is nondescript is not at all interesting to look at because they have no special or unusual features 没有特征的,平平无奇的 the only people in the waiting room were a couple of rather nondescript elderly ladies. 候车室里只有两个普普通通的老太太。 the detective drives a nondescript blue ford, perfect for observing people unnoticed. 那侦探开着一辆不起眼的蓝色福特,非常适合悄悄地监视别人。 they were an average family living a boring life in a nondescript little house in the suburbs. 他们是一个普普通通的家庭,住在郊区一栋毫不起眼的小房子里,生活平淡无味。 bland /blænd/ [adjective] very ordinary and not containing anything interesting, shocking etc, often in order to avoid offending or upsetting anyone 平淡的[往往是为了避免冒犯或惹恼别人] the language in her speech was deliberately bland. 她的演说中故意用了平淡的措辞。 most job descriptions are bland, boring and totally lacking in colour. 大多数工作职责说明都写得淡而无味,毫不生动有趣。 the college's bland appearance made it seem a little unfriendly. 这所大学平淡无奇的外表使它显得有点不友好。 unremarkable /ˌʌnrɪˈmɑːʳkəbəl◂/ [adjective] someone or something that is unremarkable is very ordinary and not especially different from most other people or things 平凡的,不显著的 she had had just one adventure in her otherwise unremarkable life. 她有过唯一一次不寻常的经历,使她原本平凡的生活变得不平凡起来。 josh was, i thought, a pleasant but unremarkable young man. 我以为乔希是一个亲切可爱,但是很普通的年轻人。3. ordinary people 普通人 ordinary /ˈɔːʳdənriǁ-dəneri-/ [plural noun] ordinary people are people who are not rich, famous, or powerful 普通的 ordinary people/folk politicians don't care about ordinary people. 政客不会关心普通人。 in the eighteenth century ordinary people had no access whatsoever to education. 在18世纪,普通人是不可能接受教育的。ordinary guy/man/woman etc in the film ‘phenomenon’, john travolta plays an ordinary guy who becomes a genius overnight. 在影片《不一样的本能》中,约翰·特拉沃尔塔扮演一个一夜之间变成奇才的普通小伙子。 average /ˈævərɪdʒ/ [adjective only before noun] an average person is a typical example of a person 普通的,一般的 the average family spends about £50 a week on food. 普通家庭一星期的食物开销为50英镑左右。 foreign affairs do not usually interest the average voter. 普通选民一般对外交事务不感兴趣。 there is concern that twenty years from now, the average american won't be able to afford to send his or her children to college. 有人担心,二十年以后,普通的美国人可能会没有能力送自己的子女上大学。 the man/woman in the street /ðə ˌmæn, ˌwʊmən ɪn ðə ˈstriːt/ [noun phrase] a typical person who has ordinary opinions, likes the same things as most other people etc -- used especially by journalists 普通人,一般人[尤为新闻工作者所用] the advertising industry has to know exactly what the man in the street is thinking. 广告界必须要明确知道一般人心里所想。 this latest legislation will not really affect the man or woman in the street. 这一项最新的立法其实不会影响一般人。 the general public /ðə ˌdʒenərəl ˈpʌblɪk/ [noun phrase] all the ordinary people in a society or country, especially those without special knowledge of a subject 普通民众 very little official information is given to the general public. 民众对官方信息知之甚少。 she is a poet who is admired by other poets but not well-known to the general public. 她在诗人中间备受欣赏,但是在普通民众中却不知名。 organizers of the president's funeral plan a large ceremony for the general public, and a small, private affair for his family. 总统葬礼的筹办者给普通民众安排了一个大型追悼会,给家属则安排了一个私人的小型追思会。 the rank and file /ðə ˌræŋk ən ˈfaɪl/ [noun phrase] the ordinary members of an organization, especially a political organization, when compared with its leaders [组织中的]普通成员[尤指政治组织] the rank and file has lost confidence in the party leadership. 普通党员已经对党的领导失去了信心。 conflict between union leaders and the rank and file at an alfa romeo factory 阿尔法一罗密欧车厂里工会领导和普通会员之间的冲突 rank-and-file [adjective only before noun] rank-and-file members 普通成员 the grass roots /ðə ˌgrɑːs ˈruːtsǁ-ˌgræs-/ [singular noun] the ordinary members at the bottom of a political or religious organization [政治或宗教组织中的]草根阶层,基层群众 the decisions were taken by the party leadership without consulting the grass roots. 这些决定是党的领导层未与基层党员协商就作出的。 grassroots /ˈgrɑːsruːtsǁˈgræs-/ [adjective only before noun] a grassroots campaign 基层的运动 the party is in some difficulty, but still has grassroots support. 该党面临着一些困难,但是仍有着基层的支持。4. normal behaviour or feelings 正常的行为或情感 normal /ˈnɔːʳməl/ [adjective] if a person is normal, there is nothing strange about them, and they are mentally and physically healthy [指人的身心方面]正常的 any normal boy of his age would be interested in football. 任何一个正常的男孩在这个年龄都会对足球感兴趣。 her breathing was normal, but she had a very high temperature. 她呼吸正常,但是体温很高。it is normal (for somebody) to do something it is quite normal for children to be afraid of the dark. 小孩子怕黑是很正常的。 when you start a new job, it's normal to feel somewhat overwhelmed. 刚开始一个新工作时会有种不知所措的感觉,那是正常的。perfectly normal completely normal 完全正常的 they seemed like a perfectly normal family. 他们看上去像是一个再正常不过的家庭。 normally [adverb] even a few hours before he committed suicide, he seemed to be behaving perfectly normally. 就是他自杀前的几个小时,他的行为似乎还是非常正常的。 natural /ˈnætʃərəl/ [adjective] feelings that are natural are what you would normally expect in a particular situation, so there is no need to feel worried or embarrassed about them [情感]自然的,正常的 anger is a natural reaction when you lose someone you love. 如果你失去了所爱的人,愤怒是一种自然的反应。it is natural (for somebody) to do something i suppose it's natural for a mother to feel sad when her children leave home. 子女离家走了,作为母亲的感到伤心,我想这是很自然的。 it isn't natural for a child to be so quiet. 小孩子这么安静是不正常的。perfectly/quite natural completely natural 完全/很正常的 it's perfectly natural to grieve for the loss of a pet. 因为失去宠物而感到悲痛是完全正常的。it's only natural spoken of course jean misses her boyfriend - it's only natural. 琼当然会想念她的男友这太正常了。it's only natural that it's only natural that people who spend a lot of time around computers either love them or hate them. 花很多时间用电脑的人,不是很喜欢电脑就是很讨厌电脑,这是十分正常的。 conventional /kənˈvenʃənəl/ [adjective] conventional people, behaviour, and opinions are the kind that most people in society think are normal and socially acceptable, although some people think they are boring and old-fashioned [人、行为和观点]传统的,守旧的 my mother was very conventional - she didn't approve of my hippie lifestyle. 我母亲非常传统—她不赞成我的嬉皮士生活方式。 a young man with conventional tastes in clothes and music 在衣着和音乐方面有传统品味的年轻男子conventional wisdom the opinion that most people consider to be normal and right 普遍看法 conventional wisdom holds that more money for education means better schools for children. 普遍认为更高的教育经费就意味着儿童有更好的学校。 conventionally [adverb] she was dressed very conventionally in a rather dull grey suit. 她穿得非常老派,是一套暗灰色的衣服。 it's human nature (to do something) /ɪts ˌhjuːmən ˈneɪtʃəʳ (tə duː something )/ spoken use this to say that is it normal for people to want to do something 【口】这是人之常情 it's human nature to want what we don't have. 想要自己没有的东西,这是人之常情。5. the normal situation 正常的情况 get back to normal/return to normal /get ˌbæk tə ˈnɔːʳməl, rɪˌtɜːʳn tə ˈnɔʳːməl/ [verb phrase] if a situation gets back to normal or returns to normal, it becomes normal again after a period when it was not normal 恢复正常 after the war it took a long time for things to get back to normal. 战争结束后,一切要很长时间才恢复正常。 the strike has caused serious problems, but we hope bus services will quickly return to normal. 罢工造成了严重的问题,不过我们希望公共汽车服务很快就能恢复正常。 normality also normalcy american /nɔːʳˈmælɪti, nɔːʳˈmæləti, ˈnɔːʳməlsi/ [uncountable noun] written a situation in which everything is normal and exactly how you would expect it to be 【书面】正常的状态 the children soon settled down once normality was re-established. 一切恢复正常之后,孩子们很快就安定了下来。 both leaders say they hope the relationship between their two countries will be restored to normality. 双方领导人都说他们希望两国关系会恢复正常。 the town had a cheerful air of normalcy despite the extra policemen everywhere. 尽管各处都增派了警力,镇上的气氛却是欢乐如常。6. not ordinary/not normal 不普通/不平常的 special /ˈspeʃəl/ [adjective] not ordinary, but more important, interesting, or impressive than usual 特别的,特殊的 tomorrow is a very special day for us - it's our first wedding anniversary. 明天是我们一个非常特别的日子—我们的第一个结婚纪念日。 is there any special reason why i should let you borrow my car? 要我借车给你,有什么特别的理由吗? lianne's doctor put her on a special diet and told her to exercise regularly. 莉安的医生给她的饮食作了特别的规定,还叫她经常锻炼。 she had a special talent for learning languages. 她学习语言有特别的天赋。something/anything/nothing special ‘are you doing anything this weekend?’ ‘no, nothing special.’ “这个周末你有什么事吗?”“没有什么特别的事。”special occasion an important social event or celebration 特殊场合 i only wear this suit on special occasions, like weddings. 这套衣服我只在特殊场合上穿,比如婚礼上。 no ordinary /nəʊ ˈɔːʳdənriǁ-dəneri/ [determiner] not at all ordinary, but very unusual, very impressive etc 非同一般的,不是普通的 as soon as i got there, i realized that this was no ordinary family gathering. 我一到那里就明白,这不是一般的家庭聚会。 the hundreds of reporters gathered outside the courtroom were a reminder that this was no ordinary trial. 庭外聚集了许多记者,提醒人们这不是一场普通的庭审。7. not ordinary/not normal in a very bad way 异常的,极不正常的 abnormal /æbˈnɔːʳməl/ [adjective usually before noun] very different from what is normal, in a way that is strange, worrying, or dangerous 异常的,反常的,不正常的 abnormal behaviour that may be a sign of mental illness 可能是精神病迹象的异常行为 an abnormal chest x-ray 胸部x光片异常 el nino is caused by abnormal amounts of warm water in the pacific ocean. “厄尔尼诺”现象是太平洋温水量异常造成的。it is abnormal (for somebody) to do something my parents thought it was abnormal for a boy to be interested in ballet. 我的父母认为男孩子对芭蕾舞感兴趣是不正常的。 abnormally [adverb] abnormally low blood pressure 异常低的血压 she became abnormally fascinated by death. 她变得对死亡异常感兴趣。 snow this early in the season could mean we'll have an abnormally cold winter. 这么早下雪意味着今年冬天会异常寒冷。 abnormality /ˌæbnɔːˈmælɪti, ˌæbnɔːˈmælətiǁ-nər-/ [countable/uncountable noun] the drug was found to cause genetic abnormalities in unborn children. 这种药物被发现可造成胎儿基因异变。 the tests will show if there is any abnormality in your nervous system. 这些检查可以显示出你的神经系统是否异常。 unnatural /ʌnˈnætʃərəl/ [adjective] different from normal human behaviour in a way that seems morally wrong 反常的,违反常规的 unnatural acts 反常行为 in some countries, it's considered unnatural for women with families to want to work outside the home. 在有些国家,有了小孩的妇女想出去上班被认为是违反常情的。 brown spoke out against what he considered the unnatural lifestyles of unmarried couples who live together. 布朗公开反对未婚同居,他认为这种生活方式有违常规。 unnaturally [adverb] police allege that ellis cruelly and unnaturally treated the two women in her care. 警方指控埃利斯丧尽天良,虐待她护理的两名女子。 deviant /ˈdiːviənt/ [adjective] formal deviant behaviour or actions are considered to be very strange and morally unacceptable -- often used about sexual or criminal behaviour 【正式】不正常的,偏离常规的[常指性行为或犯罪行为] the magazine shows people engaging in deviant sexual acts. 杂志上写一些人性行为偏离常轨。 certain practices that once were condemned as deviant are now considered fairly normal. 有些一度被指责为离经叛道的行为现在看来却是相当正常的。




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