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单词 pal
释义 pal [countable] (informal, old-fashioned) a friend朋友;伙伴;哥们儿◆we've been pals for years.我们是多年的哥们儿了。◆thanks-you're a real pal.谢了,你真够哥们儿。note 辨析 mate, buddy or pal? mate is used in informal british english and buddy in informal american english. they are both also used by men as an informal friendly way of addressing another man. * mate 用于非正式英式英语,buddy 用于非正式美式英语。这两个词都是男人之间友好随便的称呼语◆sorry mate, you'll have to wait.对不起,老兄,你得等会儿。◆'where to, buddy?' the driver asked.“去哪儿,朋友?”司机问道。 pal is both british and american english but is now old-fashioned except when used as a form of address; however, when pal is used in this way, it is unfriendly. * pal 在英式和美式英语中均可使用,但现在除了用作称呼外已属过时的用法。不过用 pal 称呼人是不友好的◆if i were you, pal, i'd stay away from her!我要是你呀,小子,我就离她远远的!palsee ⇨ friend 1 pal /pæl; pæl/n [c]informal a friend 【非正式】 朋友:◇a college pal 大学时的朋友




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