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单词 page
释义 page noun¹ 1in a book, etc.书籍adjective | verb + page | page + verb | page + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤back, front末版;头版➤facing, opposite迎面页;背页◆there's a photo of him on the opposite page.在背面页上有一幅他的照片。➤inside内页➤left-hand, right-hand左手页;右手页➤following, next, preceding, previous下一页;前一页➤first, opening首页➤final, last末页;最后一页➤new新的一页◆write each answer on a new page.把每个答案都写在新的一页纸上。➤blank, empty空白页➤full整版➤loose活页➤dog-eared折角页10 :pooler-->➤torn破损页➤yellowed泛黄的页面➤glossy光面纸◆the glossy pages of magazines杂志中用光面纸印刷的页面➤printed, typed, typewritten已印出的一页;打印页;打字页◆the speech did not transfer well to the printed page.演讲稿打印得不是很好。➤handwritten, written手写页;书面页➤single-spaced单倍行距的页面➤contents, title目录页;标题页➤introductory介绍页面➤advertising, business, editorial, financial, gossip, obituary, op-ed, opinion, problem, sports (all in a newspaper, etc.皆用于报纸等) 广告版;商业版;社论版;金融版;闲话栏;讣告栏;专栏版;言论版;问题解答专栏;体育版◆the problem pages of magazines杂志中的问题解答专栏➤calendar, scrapbook日历/剪贴簿页面verb + page➤read阅读⋯页➤scan, skim浏览⋯页◆she began to skim the pages for something of interest.她开始浏览页面看一些有兴趣的东西。➤peruse (formal or humorous) 细读⋯页➤write写⋯页◆he wrote fifty pages in five hours.他 5 个小时写了 50 页。➤edit编辑页面➤turn, turn over, turn to翻(过)⋯页;翻到⋯页◆i turned the dog-eared pages of my old address book.我翻了翻旧地址簿里折角的页。◆turn to page 30 in the coursebook.翻到课本第 30 页。➤flick through, flip through, leaf through快速地翻阅⋯页;草草地浏览⋯页◆she sat idly flipping through the pages of a fashion magazine.她无所事事地坐着快速浏览一本时装杂志。➤skip跳过页◆he skipped a few pages and carried on reading.他跳过几页后继续往下看。➤rip, rip out, tear, tear out撕开一页;撕下一页➤splash sth across将⋯登在⋯版的显著位置◆the headlines were splashed across the front page of every newspaper.该新闻上了每一家报纸的头版显著位置。➤dedicate, devote将页面专用于⋯◆particularly sad are the pages devoted to the death of his mother.叙述他母亲去世的那几页文字特别令人悲伤。➤fill填充页面◆beautiful pictures fill the pages.页面上满是漂亮的图片。➤dominate占据页面◆the news dominated the pages of the local newspaper.这一消息占据了当地报纸的版面。➤grace荣登⋯版面◆phyllis graced the pages of 'life' magazine in 1953.菲莉丝在 1953 年荣登《生活》杂志的版面。page + verb➤contain sth, describe sth, detail sth, explain sth, feature sth, include sth, list sth, provide sth页面含有⋯/描述⋯/详细说明⋯/解释⋯/特写⋯/包括⋯/列有⋯/提供⋯◆the front page features a warning about the dangers of drugs.报纸的头版以专栏形式对毒品的种种危害发出警告。◆the page provides information about the company.此页含有该公司的相关信息。page + noun➤number页码➤design, layout版面设计➤size页面大小➤count页面计数preposition➤at (a/the) page, to (a/the) page在⋯页;到⋯页◆open your books at page 14. (especially bre) 把书翻到第 14 页。◆open your books to page 14. (name) 把书翻到第 14 页。➤in the pages在⋯页里◆the murder takes place in the opening pages of the novel.谋杀发生在小说开始的部份。➤on a/the page在⋯页上◆the crossword is on the back page.纵横填字游戏在末版。➤over the page跨页◆her eyes skimmed over the page.她的眼睛扫过页面。◆the article continues over the page (= on the other side of the page). (bre) 文章接下一页。phrases➤at the bottom of the page, at the foot of the page在一页的底部➤at the head of the page, at the top of the page在一页的上端◆write your name at the top of each page.在每一页的上端写上你的名字。➤...pages long篇幅为⋯页◆the story is thirty pages long.这个故事有 30 页长。➤run your eye down a page, run your finger down a page目光/手指沿书页往下移动◆i ran my finger down the page until i found the name i was looking for.我的手指沿书页往下移动,直到发现了我要找的名字。page noun² 2on the internet因特网adjective | verb + page | page + verb | page + noun | preposition adjective➤html, internet, web超文本标记语言页面;因特网网页;网页➤home, main主页➤landing, splash登陆/启动页面➤linked链接页➤faq, index, login, search常见问题/索引/登录/搜索页面verb + page➤read阅读页面➤scan, scroll down, skim浏览页面;向下滚动页面◆she began to scroll down the page looking for the address.她开始向下滚动页面,寻找地址。➤dedicate, devote将网页专用于⋯◆web pages devoted to people's cats专讲宠物猫的网页➤create, design创建/设计网页➤customize自定义页面➤access, view, visit访问页面➤display, download, load显示/下载/载入页面➤refresh, update刷新页面◆the page is automatically updated every five minutes.页面每五分钟会自动刷新一次。➤bookmark, post收藏/发送网页➤upload上传网页page + verb➤load载入页面◆it takes a few seconds for the web page to load.加载网页需要几秒钟。page + noun➤link网页链接preposition➤on a/the page在网页上◆the information you need is on the same page.你需要的信息在同一网页上。 page /peɪdʒ/ noun [countable] (abbreviation p) one side or both sides of a sheet of paper in a book, magazine or newspaper (书籍、杂志或报纸的)页;一页版面◆it's on page 5. 在第 5 页上。◆the report runs to (= is) 250 pages. 该报告有 250 页。◆the story was on the front page of the wall street journal. 这篇报道登载于《华尔街日报》头版。2.a section of a newspaper or magazine that is used for a particular topic (报纸或杂志的)专栏;版面◆the business/financial pages of the newspaper 报纸的商业/金融专栏◆we have doubled the number of ad pages in the magazine. 我们把杂志的广告版面扩大到两倍。3.a section of a website that can be shown on a computer screen at any one time (网站的)页面◆the financial services page 网站上的金融服务页面◆the page got a huge number of hits. 这一网页点击率很高。4.the text on one side of a sheet of paper or on one section of an electronic document (纸张或电子文档)一页的内容◆he had to scroll through page after page of sales data. 他不得不一页一页地滚动查看销售数据。5.a message that sb receives on a pager (寻呼机收到的)信息 ●be on the same page (especially name) if two or more people or groups are on the same page, they work together and have the same goal 志同道合的;目标一致的◆are the team members all on the same page about the project's goals? 所有队员对项目目标的看法都一致吗? full-page ◇ half-page ◇ home page ◇ landing page ◇ web page page /peɪdʒ/ verb [transitive] to call sb using a pager or by announcing their name in a public place such as an airport (用寻呼机或在公共场所)呼叫◆i had him paged. 我呼叫了他。◆an engineer was paged immediately. 立即呼叫了一名工程师。 ●page through sthto go from one page to another in a document or book, or on a computer screen 翻阅(文件或书籍);浏览(计算机屏幕)◆after paging through hundreds of sites, we chose six. 浏览了几百个网站之后,我们选择了六个。☞ page☞ page page nounpage ♦︎ sheet ♦︎ slip ♦︎ sidethese are all words for a single piece of paper.这些词均表示一页或张纸。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a sheet / slip of paper◆on a / the page / sheet / slip / side◆in the middle / at the top / at the bottom of the page / sheet◆a / an blank / loose / printed / separate / a4 / a5 page / sheet■ page (abbreviation p) [countable] one side or both sides of a piece of paper, especially when there are several pieces of paper together, for example in a book, magazine or letter(书刊或信件等的)页,面,张,版◆turn to page 64.请翻到 64 页。◆someone has torn a page out of this book.有人从这本书里撕掉了一页。◆the text refers to the photograph on the opposite / facing page.这段文字是对页照片的说明。◆the article continues over the page.本文在下一页继续。◆i never read the sports pages or the financial pages of the newspaper.我从来不看报纸的体育版和财经版。■ sheet [countable] a piece of paper for writing or printing on, usually in a standard size, but not one which is part of a book一张(通常指标准尺寸的纸,但不指书页)◆take a clean sheet of paper (= with no writing on it).拿一张白纸。◆start each answer on a fresh sheet.每题答案都分别写在一张白纸上。◆pick up one of our free information sheets at reception.请在接待处拿一张我们的免费传单。■ slip [countable] a small piece of paper, especially one for writing on or with sth printed on it纸条;便条◆i wrote it down on a slip of paper.我把它记在一张纸条上了。◆please fill in the tear-off slip and return it to the office.请撕下纸条填写,然后交回办公室。■ side [countable] the amount of writing needed to fill one side of a sheet of paper一面纸的文字量◆he told us to write no more than three sides.他叫我们写不超过三面纸。ⓘ side is used instead of page to avoid confusion, as a page may be one or both sides of a piece of paper.用 side 代替 page 可避免意思含混,因为 page 可以指一面,也可以指正反两面。page (abbreviation p) [countable] one side or both sides of a piece of paper, especially when there are several pieces of paper together, for example in a book, magazine or letter(书刊或信件等的)页,面,张,版◆turn to page 64.请翻到 64 页。◆someone has torn a page out of this book.有人从这本书里撕掉了一页。◆the text refers to the photograph on the opposite / facing page.这段文字是对页照片的说明。◆the article continues over the page.本文在下一页继续。◆i never read the sports pages or the financial pages of the newspaper.我从来不看报纸的体育版和财经版。page¹/peɪdʒ ||; pedʒ/noun[c] 1. (abbr p) one or both sides of a piece of paper in a book, magazine, etc (书、杂志等的)页,面: ◇the letter was three pages long. 这封信有三页长。◇turn over the page. 翻到下一页。◇turn to page 12 of your book. 翻到书的第12页。◇ the front pageof a newspaper 报纸的头版 2. (computing计算机技术) a section of data or information that can be shown on a computer screen at any one time 页;页面 ☞ look at home page. 参看home page。 page²/peɪdʒ ||; pedʒ/verb [t] to call sb by sending a message to a small machine(a pager)that he/she carries, or by calling his/her name publicly through a device fixed to the wall(a loudspeaker) (用呼叫机或挂壁扬声器)传呼 page• ⇨ home page• ⇨ the front page• ⇨ the tv page/the sports pages etc• ⇨ web page☞ page¹☞ page²




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