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单词 significant
释义 significant adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, prove很重要;证明影响较深▸➤become变得重要▸➤remain仍然有重要意义▸➤consider sth (as), deem sth, find sth, regard sth as, see sth as, think sth, view sth as认为⋯重要;相信⋯重要◆the move was regarded as significant in japan.这一举动在日本被认为意义重大。➤make sth使⋯重要◆what makes this discovery significant is that it goes against our theory.这一发现的重要意义在于它与我们的理论背道而驰。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常重要▸➤deeply, highly有深刻意义;极其重要▸➤especially, particularly尤其/特别重要➤potentially可能很重要➤equally同样很重要◆his records are impressive, but equally significant are the methods that he used to achieve them.他的记录令人印象深刻,但是同样值得注意的是他取得这些记录的方法。➤statistically统计学上有重要意义◆these differences are not statistically significant.这些差异在统计学上意义不大。➤biologically, culturally, historically, militarily, politically, etc.生物学上、文化上、历史上、军事上、政治上等有重要意义preposition➤for对⋯来说很重要◆this development proved highly significant for the whole town.这一开发对整个城镇来说太重要了。➤to对⋯有意义◆rituals which are deeply significant to christians对基督徒具有深刻意义的仪式significant /sɪgnɪfɪkənt/ large or important enough to have an effect or be noticed有重大意义的;显著的◆there are no significant differences between the two groups of students.这两组学生没有明显差别。◆the results of the experiment are not statistically significant.从统计学的意义来看,这一实验的结果不能够说明问题。◆these views are held by a significant proportion of the population.有相当一部份人持这些观点。opp insignificant → minor ▸ significantly adverb◆the two sets of figures are not significantly different from each other.这两组数字没有明显的差别。◆profits have increased significantly over the past few years.过去几年来,利润大幅度提高了。note 辨析 important or significant? important is the more general of these words. things that are significant are important within a particular context or from a particular point of view. significant is often used when sb wants to suggest that the level of importance of sth has been measured in some way. figures can be statistically significant but not ◆statistically important significant but not important can mean 'great in degree'.两个词中 important 更通用。significant 指事物在特定的情境中或从特定的角度看是重要的。significant 常用以表示事物的重要程度已用某种方式衡量过了。可以说数字 statistically significant (有统计学意义),但不说 statistically important。significant 可表示“很大程度上的”,但 important 不含此义◆an important proportion of the population significant/sɪgˈnɪfɪkənt ||; sɪgˈnɪfəkənt/adj1. important or large enough to be noticed 重要的;明显的;显著的: ◇police said that the time of the murder was extremely significant. 警方说凶杀案发生的时间对调查极为重要。◇there has been a significant improvement in your work. 你的工作有了明显的改进。 2. having a particular meaning 有某种意义或含意的: ◇it could be significant that he took out life insurance shortly before he died. 他在临死前不久投了人寿保险,这可能意义重大。 ➔significantly adv ◇attitudes have changed significantly since the 1960s. 自从20世纪60年代以来,人们对事物的看法发生了重大变化。 significant• ⇨ insignificant/not significant• ⇨ substantial/significant sig·nif·i·cant /sɪg`nɪfəkənt; sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/adj 1. noticeable or important 显著的,重要的,有意义的:◇there has been a significant change in people's attitudes since the 1950s. 20 世纪 50 年代起人们的态度起了重大变化。 2. having a special meaning 有特殊含义的,表示某种含义的:◇anna and tom exchanged significant looks. 安娜和汤姆意味深长地彼此相看。




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