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单词 sign
释义 sign noun¹ 1sth that shows that sth exists/may happen迹象adjective | verb + sign | sign + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤classic, clear, definite, distinct, obvious, real, sure, telltale, unmistakable典型的征兆;清楚的迹象;明显的迹象;准确的征兆;能暴露问题的迹象;确定无疑的征兆◆he displayed the classic signs of post-traumatic stress disorder.他表现出创伤后应激障碍的典型征兆。◆the telltale signs of drug abuse明显的吸毒迹象➤telling能说明问题的征兆◆the lack of interest in the media is a telling sign of the industry's health.人们对媒体兴趣寥寥,这足以说明传媒业的业态状况。➤subtle微妙的迹象◆i detected the subtle signs of disapproval.我觉察到一些微妙的征兆,有人可能会反对。➤external, outward, visible外部征兆;看得到的迹象◆all the outward signs of growth in the market are there.市场增长的所有外部迹象都明摆着。➤tangible确凿的迹象▸➤early, first早期的/最早的征兆◆strong dislikes of foods are early signs of pregnancy.特别讨厌一些食物是怀孕的早期征兆。➤increasing越来越多的迹象▸➤encouraging, good, healthy, hopeful, positive, promising, welcome令人鼓舞的迹象;好兆头;有希望的苗头;积极的征兆;可喜的迹象◆he was silent. it was a good sign.他没有说话,这是个好兆头。➤bad, disturbing, troubling (especially name) 坏兆头;令人不安的迹象▸➤danger, ominous, warning危险的征兆;不祥的征兆;警告信号◆the warning signs were present from the start.一开始就有警告信号。◆are appliances you buy safe? we point out the danger signs.你买的家用器具安全吗?我们指出一些危险征兆。➤vital生命体征◆she checked his vital signs and found that his pulse was slow.她检查了他的生命体征,发现他脉搏很弱。verb + sign➤bear, have带有迹象◆the murder had all the signs of a crime of passion.各种迹象表明这次谋杀是情杀。➤betray, display, exhibit, give, show暴露迹象;显示征兆◆his face betrayed no sign of emotion.他脸上毫无表情。◆by now the fish was showing signs of distress.到了这时,这条鱼显露出痛苦的迹象。➤point to sth迹象预示⋯◆early signs point to business improving.早期迹象预示业务有所好转。➤detect, find, notice, see, spot觉察迹象;发现征兆◆we detected signs that they were less than enthusiastic about their honeymoon.我们觉察到他们对度蜜月丝毫不热心。➤miss未看到迹象➤ignore忽视迹象◆he ignored the warning signs of mounting health problems.他忽视了接二连三的健康问题带来的警示信号。➤interpret (sth as), read, recognize, see sth as把(⋯)当作迹象;辨认出迹象▸➤look for, watch for寻找/留意迹象◆look carefully for signs of damp.仔细看看有没有受潮的迹象。sign + verb➤appear, come迹象出现/显现◆the first signs of spring appeared.春意萌动。➤indicate sth, point to sth迹象显示⋯/表明⋯◆all the signs pointed to it being more than just a coincidence.所有的迹象表明这不仅仅是一个巧合。preposition➤at a/the sign一见⋯迹象◆he disappeared at the first sign of trouble.一有麻烦的苗头他就不见了踪影。➤sign from来自⋯的信号◆the people regarded the earthquake as a sign from god. 这些人把地震看作是上帝发出的信号。➤sign of⋯的迹象◆this move will be seen as a sign of weakness.这一行动将被视为软弱的标志。◆there's no sign of the snow stopping.这雪没有要停的意思。phrases➤sign of life生命的迹象◆there was no sign of life in the house (= there seemed to be nobody there).这房子像是没人住。➤a sign of the times时代特征◆it's a real sign of the times: thirty small businesses face financial ruin this month.这是这个时代的真实写照:本月 30 家小企业面临破产。➤a sign of things to come事情即将发生的预兆◆i hope this incident isn't a sign of things to come.我希望这件事不意味着将有大事发生。➤not the least sign (of sb/sth), not the slightest sign (of sb/sth)一点儿(⋯)迹象也没有◆he spoke up without the slightest sign of nervousness.他高声说话,没有任何紧张的迹象。➤the signs and symptoms症状◆get this test if you have signs and symptoms of diabetes.如果有糖尿病的症状,就做这个检查。sign noun² 2board, etc. giving information/a warning信息标牌;警示牌adjective | verb + sign | sign + verb | preposition adjective➤flashing, illuminated, neon闪烁的标牌;灯光照亮的招牌;霓虹灯标志牌▸➤painted用油漆写的标牌➤faded褪色的标牌◆she spotted a faded sign in the window of a small restaurant.她在一家小饭馆的窗户上发现了个褪色的招牌。➤hand-lettered, handwritten手写的标牌➤home-made (especially name) 自制的标牌➤cardboard, wooden纸板牌;木牌▸➤exit出口标志▸➤pub, shop, store, street酒吧招牌;商店招牌;街道标牌➤lawn, yard (both name) 草坪上/庭院里立的牌子(选举前置于房子前面,表明支持的人或政党)◆i put out a lawn sign in my yard (= to show political support).我在院子的草坪上立了个牌子,表明自己的政治立场。➤direction, highway, motorway (in the uk) , road, traffic方向标;公路标志;高速公路标志;路标;交通标志▸➤warning警告标志➤picket (name) 标语牌◆he gets $300 a week from the union for carrying a picket sign.他给工会扛标语牌每周挣 300 美元。verb + sign➤erect, hang, hang out, hang up, place, post, put up竖起标志;挂上标牌;安放标牌;张贴标志◆someone had put up a 'for sale' sign.有人已经竖起了“待售”的牌子。➤carry, hold up, wave (all especially name) 拿着/举起/挥舞标牌◆the demonstrators shouted and waved signs.示威的人群边高呼口号边挥舞标语。➤wear (usually figurative) 把牌子挂在身上◆he might as well have been wearing a sign saying 'i am a tourist'.他只得一直在身上挂块“我是游客”的牌子。➤see, spot看见/发现标志▸➤read读指示牌➤ignore不理会标牌◆he yelled at us for ignoring the stop sign.因为没在停车标志处停车,他冲我们大呼小叫。➤follow跟随标志◆just follow the signs for bridgend.按照指往布里真德的路标走就行了。sign + verb➤read sth标牌上写着⋯◆the sign read 'no fishing'.牌子上写着“禁止垂钓”。➤announce sth, proclaim sth, say sth, state sth, tell sb sth标牌明确显示⋯;标牌上写着⋯;标牌提醒某人⋯➤bear sth标牌上有⋯◆hundreds of signs bearing the single word 'peace'数百块就写着“和平”一个词的牌子➤indicate sth, mark sth标牌表明⋯/标示⋯◆this sign indicates that photography is allowed.标牌上说可以拍照。➤point标牌指向◆the sign pointed down a narrow road.标牌指向一条窄路。➤advertise sth标牌为⋯做广告▸➤warn标牌警示◆signs warning against trespass禁止擅自进入的标牌➤hang标牌挂在▸➤flash标牌闪烁◆a neon sign flashed above the door.霓虹灯标牌在门上方闪烁。preposition➤sign for, sign to示意⋯的标牌◆follow the road and you'll see signs for the turn-off.沿着这条路走你就会看到匝道出口的标志。sign noun³ 3movement with a particular meaning有特定意味的动作adjective | verb + sign | sign + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤rude粗鲁的手势▸➤peace, thumbs-up, v (usually v-sign) 和平的手势;赞许的手势; v 字形手势(表示和平或胜利)◆she made a peace sign while having her picture taken.照相时她做了个和平的手势。verb + sign➤give (sb), make(向某人)打手势◆she gave me a thumbs-up sign.她向我竖起大拇指。➤communicate through用手势沟通◆they had to communicate through signs and grunts.他们不得不通过打手势和小声嘟囔沟通。sign + noun➤language, system手语;符号系统◆we used sign language to talk.我们用手语交谈。preposition➤sign for表示⋯的手势◆the sign for 'woman' in sign language手语中表示“女性”的手势phrases➤make the sign of the cross画十字圣号◆the priest made the sign of the cross over the dead body.牧师在死者遗体上方画十字。sign noun⁴ 4mark/symbol with a particular meaning含某种意义的符号adjective | verb + sign | sign + verb | preposition adjective➤dollar, euro, pound, etc.(in the us, the pound sign refers to '#'. in the uk, it refers to the currency sign '£'. * pound sign 在美国指 “#”,在英国指英镑符号 “£”。) 美元、欧元、英镑等符号▸➤equals, minus, plus, etc.等号、减号、加号等➤peace和平符号◆a t-shirt with a peace sign on it印有和平标志的 t 恤衫➤call呼叫代号◆bravo two zero was the call sign of an eight-man sas team.bravo two zero 是英国特种空勤团一个 8 人小组的呼叫代码。◆a pilot who goes by the call sign blaze呼叫信号为“火焰”的飞行员verb + sign➤draw作记号◆he drew a huge dollar sign on the paper.他在纸上画了个巨大的美元符号。➤use用符号◆i used the chinese sign for 'father' instead of 'uncle'.我用了汉字“父亲”而不是“叔叔”。sign + verb➤mean sth符号表示⋯◆what does this sign mean?这个符号的意思是什么?preposition➤sign for表示⋯的符号◆i can't remember the sign for 'square root'.我记不起“平方根”的符号了。sign noun⁵ 5star sign星座adjective | verb + sign | preposition | phrases adjective➤birth, star出生时的星座;星座➤astrological, zodiac星座;黄道十二宫◆the twelve astrological signs12 星座◆mars rules the zodiac sign of aries.火星主白羊座。verb + sign➤be born under是⋯星座preposition➤sign of⋯星座◆people born under the sign of gemini双子座的人phrases➤the signs of the zodiac黄道十二宫sign verbadverb | verb + sign | preposition adverb➤duly及时签字◆one copy of this letter should be duly signed and returned to us.请将这封信的一个副本及时签字后寄回给我们。➤formally, officially正式签署▸➤personally亲笔签名◆a first edition of the book, personally signed by the author由作者亲笔签名的这本书的第一版➤online网上注册➤up报名◆you can sign up online for language classes.你可以在网上报名参加语言课程。verb + sign➤be required to, have to, need to要求/必须/需要签名◆this is the contract you will be required to sign.这就是那份需要你签署的合同。➤ask sb to, persuade sb to要求/说服某人签字▸➤agree to同意签署▸➤refuse to拒绝签字➤want to想要签字➤be willing to愿意签字preposition➤for为⋯签字◆the courier asked me to sign for the parcel.快递员让我签字领包裹。 sign /saɪn/ noun [countable] 1.a piece of paper, wood, metal, etc. that has writing or a picture on it that gives you information, instructions, a warning, etc. 招牌;标志◆there is a sign displaying the name of the company on the roof of the building. 大厦顶部有一块标示公司名称的牌子。◆flashing neon signs 闪烁的霓虹灯招牌◆a sign board 招牌2.a mark used to represent sth 符号◆a plus/minus sign (+/−) 加/减号◆a euro/dollar sign (€/$) 欧元/美元符号 sign /saɪn/ verb [intransitive, transitive] to write your name on a document, letter, etc. to show that you have written it, that you agree with what it says, or that it is genuine 签(名);签署◆sign here, please. 请在这里签名。◆sign your name here, please. 请在这里签名。◆you haven't signed the letter. 那封信你还没有署名。◆to sign a deal/contract/cheque 签署协议/合同/支票 ●signed and sealed ●signed, sealed and delivereddefinite, because all the legal documents have been signed 铁定的;已成定局的●sign on the dotted line (informal) to sign a document to show that you have agreed to do sth or buy sth 签名同意◆always read the small print before you sign on the dotted line. 签字之前一定要阅读小号字内容。 ●sign for sthto sign a document to show that you have received sth 签收◆who signed for the package? 是谁签收了那个包裹?●sign in/out ●sign sb in/outto write your name or the name of a guest when you arrive at or leave an office 签到/退;替…签到/退◆all visitors must sign in on arrival. 所有来访者必须签到。●sign off ●sign sth offto end a letter, etc. 结束写信◆i usually sign off an email with ‘regards’. 我通常用“致意”一词结束电子邮件。●sign sth offto give your formal approval to sth, by signing your name 签字认可;签字赞同◆the accounts have not yet been signed off by the auditors. 这些账目尚未经审计师签字认可。●sign off on sth (name) (informal) to express your approval of sth formally and definitely 批准◆investors have finally signed off on the deal. 投资者最终同意了这笔交易。●sign on (bre) (informal) to sign a form stating that you are unemployed so that you can receive payment from the government 办理失业登记(以领取失业救济金)●sign on/up ●sign sb on/upto sign a form or contract which says that you agree to work for sb, do a deal, etc.; to persuade sb to sign a form or contract like this (使)签约受雇◆she signed on as a customer-support officer. 她签约受雇为客服主管。◆we have signed on three major home builders as partners. 我们已与三家大型住宅建筑商签约,与其合伙经营。●sign out ●sign sb out  ➡  sign in/out; sign sb in/out ●sign up (for sth) ●sign sb up (for sth) arrange to receive or do sth 报名参加◆sign up for our monthly email newsletter. 报名接收我们每月一期的电子邮件简讯。◆i've signed up for an accounting course. 我报名参加了会计课程。◆shall i sign you up for the workshop too? 要我帮你也报名参加那个研讨会吗?= sign on/up; sign sb on/up ☞ sign☞ signsign noun 1➤a sign of stress/trouble/sth wrong紧张的迹象;问题的征兆;差错的预兆➤a road/street/shop sign道路标志;商店招牌  ➡ see also the entry for suggestion另见 suggestion 条sign ♦︎ indication ♦︎ symptom ♦︎ symbol ♦︎ indicator ♦︎ signal ♦︎ trace ♦︎ mark ♦︎ hallmarkthese are all words for an event, action or fact that shows that sth exists, is happening or may happen in the future.这些词均表示迹象、征兆、痕迹。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a sign / an indication / a symptom / a symbol / an indicator / a signal / a trace / a mark / a hallmark of sth◆a sign / an indication / a symptom / an indicator / a signal that...◆a clear sign / indication / symptom / symbol / indicator / signal / trace◆an obvious sign / indication / symptom / symbol / indicator / trace◆a good / reliable sign / indication / indicator / signal◆a powerful sign / symbol / indicator / signal◆an early sign / indication / symptom / indicator / signal◆an outward sign / indication / symbol / mark◆to have (the) signs / symptoms / traces / marks / hallmarks of sth◆to bear (the) signs / traces / marks / hallmarks of sth◆to give a sign / an indication / a signal◆a sign / an indication / a symptom / an indicator shows / suggests sth◆no / any sign / indication / trace of sth■ sign [countable, uncountable] an event, action or fact that shows that sth exists, is happening or may happen in the future迹象;征兆;预兆◆headaches may be a sign of stress.头痛可能是紧张的迹象。◆call the police at the first sign of trouble.一有闹事的苗头就叫警察。◆the fact that he didn't say 'no' immediately is a good sign.他没有马上拒绝,这是个好兆头。◆the gloomy weather shows no sign of improving.阴沉的天气没有丝毫转晴的迹象。◆there was no sign of life in the house (= there seemed to be nobody there).那座房子没有一点有人住的迹象。■ indication [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a remark or sign that shows that sth is happening or what sb is thinking or feeling表示;标示;象征;迹象◆they gave no indication as to how the work should be done.他们根本没说明这项工作该怎样做。◆all the indications are that the deal will go ahead as planned.从所有的迹象看,交易将按计划进行。◆he shows every indication (= clear signs) of wanting to accept the post.他显然想接受这个职位。 ➡ see also indicate → declare , indicate → show 1 , indicate → suggest note 辨析 sign or indication?an indication often comes in the form of sth that sb says; a sign is usually sth that happens or sth that sb does. * indication 常通过某人的言辞表明,sign 一般通过事件或行为表明。■ symptom /sɪmptəm/ [countable] a change in your body or mind that shows that you are not healthy; a sign that sth exists, especially sth bad症状;(尤指不好的)征候,征兆◆cold / flu symptoms感冒/流感症状◆symptoms include a headache and sore throat.症状包括头痛和咽喉疼痛。◆the rise in inflation was just one symptom of the poor state of the economy.通胀加剧不过是经济不景气的一个表征。■ symbol [countable] a person, object or event that represents a more general quality or situation象征◆the dove is a universal symbol of peace.鸽子普遍用来象征和平。◆the company car is an outward symbol of the employee's status.公司配车是雇员身分的外在象征。◆a stressful job can actually be a status symbol.压力沉重的工作实际上可能是社会地位的象征。 ➡ see also symbolize → represent 2 ■ indicator [countable] (rather formal) a sign that shows you what sth is like or how a situation is changing指示信号;标志;迹象◆the economic indicators for the end of the year are better than expected.年终的经济数据比预期的要好。 ➡ see also indicate → show 1 , indicate → suggest ■ signal [countable] a sign of sth标志;预示;信号◆chest pains can be a warning signal of heart problems.胸部疼痛可能是心脏病的警告信号。◆reducing prison sentences would send the wrong signals to criminals.减刑会向犯罪分子发出错误的信号。note 辨析 sign or signal? signal is often used to talk about an event, action or fact that suggests to sb that they should do sth. sign is not usually used in this way. * signal 常指提醒人们应该采取行动的暗号、信号,sign 通常不这样用◆reducing prison sentences would send the wrong signs to criminals. ■ trace [countable, uncountable] a sign or object that shows that sb/sth existed or was present痕迹;遗迹;踪迹◆it's exciting to discover traces of earlier civilizations.发现早期文明的遗迹,真令人兴奋。◆police searched the area but found no trace of the escaped prisoners.警方搜索了那一地区,但未发现越狱逃犯的任何踪迹。◆the ship had vanished without (a) trace.那艘船消失得无影无踪了。ⓘ trace is often used in the phrases no trace of and disappear/vanish without (a) trace. * trace 常用于短语 no trace of (没有任何踪迹)和 disappear/vanish without (a) trace (消失得无影无踪)。  ➡ see also trace → find 4 ■ mark [countable] a sign that a quality or feeling exists(特质或感情的)标志,迹象,表示◆on the day of the funeral businesses remained closed as a mark of respect.葬礼那天,商店都停业以示敬意。◆such coolness under pressure is the mark of a champion.在压力下仍能这样冷静,这就是冠军风范。■ hallmark /hɔːlmɑːk; name hɔːlmɑːrk/ [countable] (journalism新闻) a feature or quality that is typical of sb/sth特征;特点◆police said the explosion bore all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack.警方称这次爆炸具有恐怖袭击的所有特征。sign noun 2➤a sign of stress/trouble/sth wrong紧张的迹象;问题的征兆;差错的预兆➤a road/street/shop sign道路标志;商店招牌sign ♦︎ board ♦︎ plaque ♦︎ notice ♦︎ plate ♦︎ noticeboard ♦︎ bulletin boardthese are all words for a piece of metal, wood or stone that has writing or a picture on it that gives you information, instructions or a warning.这些词均表示标牌、指示牌、标志。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆on a sign / board / plaque / notice / plate / noticeboard / bulletin board◆to put up / see / read a sign / board / plaque / notice / plate / noticeboard / bulletin board◆a sign / board / plaque / notice appears / goes up◆a sign / plaque / notice says / reads sth■ sign [countable] a piece of metal, wood or paper that has writing or a picture on it that gives information, instructions or a warning招牌;标牌;指示牌◆all the road signs are in both languages.所有的路标都采用两种语言。◆a sign on the wall said 'now wash your hands'.墙上有块招牌,上面写着“请洗手”。◆follow the signs for the performing arts centre.按照标牌的指示到表演艺术中心。■ board [countable] (often in compounds常用于构成复合词) a large flat piece of wood or other strong material, that is used for displaying information or for teachers to write on in class写字板;布告牌◆the exam results went up on the board.考试成绩张贴在布告牌上。◆i'll write it up on the blackboard / whiteboard.我会把它写在黑板/白板上。■ plaque /plæk, bre also plɑːk-->/ [countable] a flat piece of metal or stone, usually with a name and dates on, attached to a wall in memory of a person or event(纪念性的)匾牌,匾额;纪念匾◆a bronze plaque marks the house where the poet was born.一块纪念铜匾标示出诗人出生的那所房屋。■ notice [countable] a board or sign giving information, an instruction or a warning公告牌;警示牌◆there was a notice saying 'keep off the grass'.有一块公告牌,上面写着“勿踏草地”。note 辨析 sign or notice?a notice always gives its information, instruction or warning in words. signs often use pictures or symbols. in this meaning sign is a more frequent word, used in a wider range of contexts. * notice 总是以文字形式给出信息、指示或警告,sign 常采用图画或符号的形式。表达此义时 sign 更常用,使用范围也更广◆a road / traffic / street / shop / pub sign道路/交通/街道标志;商店/酒吧招牌◆a road/traffic/shop/pub notice however, notice also has the closely related meaning of 'a piece of paper giving written or printed information'.不过,notice 也可表示“通告、布告、通知”,与本义密切相关。  ➡ see also notice → poster■ plate [countable] a flat piece of metal or plastic with some information on it, for example sb's name or the registration number of a car(刻有名字等的)金属(或塑料)牌子;车牌◆a brass plate beside the door said 'dr alan tate'.门旁的铜牌上写着“艾伦 • 泰特医生”。◆a nameplate was fitted to the side of the boat.有一块名称牌装在船的一侧。◆ (bre) a vehicle's number plates车辆的牌照◆ (name) a vehicle's license plates车辆的牌照■ noticeboard /nəʊtɪsbɔːd; name noʊtɪsbɔːrd/ [countable] (bre) a board for putting notices on告示牌;布告板◆please check the noticeboard by the library for news of future events.有关未来活动讯息,请查看图书馆旁的告示牌。■ bulletin board [countable] (name) a noticeboard告示牌;布告板◆please keep an eye on the bulletin board for further details.请留意布告板以了解更多详细情况。sign [transitive, intransitive] to arrange for sb, especially a musician or sports player, to sign a contract agreeing to work for your company or team; to sign a contract agreeing to work for a company or team(和⋯)签约;应聘◆the team has just signed a new goalkeeper.该队刚刚和一名新守门员签约了。◆ (bre) he signed for united yesterday.他昨天和联队签约了。◆ (especially name) he signed with the san francisco 49ers.他和旧金山 49 人队签了约。◆the band signed with virgin records.乐队同维京唱片公司签了约。sign [countable] (used in compounds用于复合词) a mark used to represent sth, especially in mathematics(尤指数学)符号;记号◆a pound / dollar sign英镑/元的符号◆a plus / minus sign加号;减号note 辨析 symbol or sign?apart from being used to talk about the letters representing chemical elements, symbol usually refers to a shape or small picture with a fixed meaning. a sign is likely to be more simple, consisting of one or two lines, such as a dollar sign or an equals sign. the meaning of a symbol may be less well-known than the meaning of a sign. * symbol 除了用以指代表化学元素的字母符号外,通常还指具有固定含义的形状或小图。sign 可能更简单,由一两条线组成,如 dollar sign (元的符号 $)或 equals sign (等号 =)。一个 symbol 的含义可能不如一个 sign 的含义那样为人所熟知。sign [countable, uncountable] an event, action or fact that shows that sth exists, is happening or may happen in the future迹象;征兆;预兆◆headaches may be a sign of stress.头痛可能是紧张的迹象。◆call the police at the first sign of trouble.一有闹事的苗头就叫警察。◆the fact that he didn't say 'no' immediately is a good sign.他没有马上拒绝,这是个好兆头。◆the gloomy weather shows no sign of improving.阴沉的天气没有丝毫转晴的迹象。◆there was no sign of life in the house (= there seemed to be nobody there).那座房子没有一点有人住的迹象。sign [countable] a piece of metal, wood or paper that has writing or a picture on it that gives information, instructions or a warning招牌;标牌;指示牌◆all the road signs are in both languages.所有的路标都采用两种语言。◆a sign on the wall said 'now wash your hands'.墙上有块招牌,上面写着“请洗手”。◆follow the signs for the performing arts centre.按照标牌的指示到表演艺术中心。sign [countable] a movement or sound that you make to tell sb sth示意的动作(或声音);手势◆he gave a thumbs-up sign.他竖起大拇指表示赞同。◆she nodded as a sign for us to sit down.她点头示意我们坐下。note 辨析 signal or sign?a sign is usually a hand movement, and is often fairly fixed and likely to be understood by people in general; signal has a wider range, and may have been invented by individuals in a particular situation. * sign 通常指一种手势,而且常常是比较固定的,人们一般都能够理解; signal 的范围更广泛些,可能是个人在特定情况下发明出来的◆sign language (= a system of communicating with people by using hand movements rather than spoken words) 手势语◆a v-sign (= a sign that you make by holding up your hand and making a v-shape with your first and second fingers) v 字形手势◆we agreed on a signal to mean 'stop'.我们约定了一种表示“停止”的信号。sign [intransitive, transitive] to write your name on a letter or document, to show that you have written it, that you agree with what it says, or that it is genuine署名;签字;签署◆sign here, please.请在这里签名。◆sign your name here, please.请在这里签名。◆you haven't signed the letter.这封信您还没有署名。◆the treaty was signed on 24 march.条约是 3 月 24 日签订的。◆the player was signing autographs for a group of fans.这名运动员正在为一群拥护者签名。◆he signed himself 'jimmy'.他署名“吉米”。▸ signature noun [countable, uncountable] ◆someone had forged her signature on the cheque.有人在支票上伪造了她的签名。 (formal) ◆two copies of the contract will be sent to you for signature.合同一式两份,将送交您签字。sign¹/saɪn ||; saɪn/noun[c] 1. sign (of sth) something that shows that sb/sth is present, exists or may happen 迹象;征兆;征候: ◇the patient was showing some signsof improvement. 病人有好转的迹象。◇as we drove into the village there wasn't a sign of life anywhere (= we couldn't see anyone). 我们驾车入村,发现那里空无一人。 2. a piece of wood, paper, etc that has writing or a picture on it that gives you a piece of information, an instruction or a warning 指示牌;标牌;标志: ◇what does that sign say? 牌上写的是什么?◇a road sign 道路标志◇follow the signs to banbury. 依照路标前往班伯里。 ☞picture at roundabout 见roundabout插图 3. a movement that you make with your head, hands or arms that has a particular meaning 示意的动作;手势: ◇i made a sign for him to follow me. 我向他打个手势,叫他跟我走。◇i'll give you a signwhen it's time for you to speak. 轮到你发言的时候,我会向你做个手势。 4. a type of shape, mark or symbol that has a particular meaning 符号;记号: ◇in mathematics, a cross is a plus sign. 在数学中,十字形是表示相加的符号。 5. (also ˌsign of the ˈzodiac) one of the twelve divisions or symbols of the zodiac (黄道十二宫之一的)宫,星座: ◇i'm a leo. what sign are you? 我属于狮子座,你属于哪个星座? sign²/saɪn ||; saɪn/verb1. [i,t] to write your name on a letter, document, etc to show that you have written it or that you agree with what it says 签名;签圣猍i] ◇‘could you sign here, please?’ “请在这里签名。”◇i forgot to sign the cheque. 我忘记在支票上签名。◇the two presidents signed the treaty. 两国总统在条约上签了字。 ☞noun signature 名词为signature 2. [t] sign sb (up) to get sb to sign a contract to work for you (通过签定合约)雇用: ◇real madrid have signed two new players. 皇家马德里队签约雇用两名新球员。 3. [i] to communicate using sign language (以手语)沟通,示意 sign in/out to write your name to show you have arrived at or left a hotel, club, etc 签名以示到达╱离开(旅馆、俱乐部等) sign up (for sth) to agree formally to do sth 报名参加: ◇i've signed up for evening classes. 我报名学习夜校课程。 signsign/symbol1 a written sign that gives instructions or information2 a picture or shape that has a particular meaningsign/gesture3 a movement or sound that you make to tell someone something4 to make a movement or sound to tell someone somethingsign/indication5 something that shows what is true or what is happeningrelated wordssee alsosay,tell,show,1. a written sign that gives instructions or information 提供说明或信息的标牌 sign /saɪn/ [countable noun] there was a big sign above the entrance. 入口的上方有一块很大的标牌。 a neon sign flashed on and off in the window. 一个霓虹灯广告牌在橱窗里一闪一闪。 didn't you see the ‘no smoking’ sign? 你没看见“禁止吸烟”的告示牌吗? turn left and then follow the signs till you get to the freeway. 左转,然后跟着指示牌一直走到高速公路。traffic/road sign a sign that gives information to drivers 交通标志/路标 out in the desert there are hardly any road signs along the highway. 在沙漠里,公路上几乎没有路标。 notice /ˈnəʊtɪs, ˈnəʊtəs/ [countable noun] especially british a piece of paper giving instructions or information, that is put in a place where people can see it 【尤英】通告,告示 the details of the trip are on that notice over there. 旅行的详情写在那边的通告上。put up a notice i'll put up a notice about the meeting on the bulletin board. 我会在布告栏上贴一张开会通告。take down a notice now that the sale is over someone needs to take down the notices. 既然减价活动结束了,得有人去把通告取下来。 poster /ˈpəʊstəʳ/ [countable noun] a large printed piece of paper that is put on a wall in a public place, and that gives information about something that is going to happen, for example a film or concert 海报 sandra collects old movie posters. 桑德拉收集旧的电影海报。 ernst's supporters have plastered his election posters over walls and cars. 厄恩斯特的支持者在墙上和汽车上都张贴了他的竞选海报。poster for there are posters for the van gogh exhibition everywhere. 到处都有梵高画展的海报。2. a picture or shape that has a particular meaning 表示某种意义的图画或图形 sign /saɪn/ [countable noun] a picture or shape that has a particular meaning, and that is well known and often used 符号,记号 you've forgotten to put the dollar sign before the total amount. 你忘记在总金额前面加美元符号了。 where's the percentage sign on this keyboard? 这个键盘上百分比符号在哪里? symbol /ˈsɪmbəl/ [countable noun] a picture, shape, or design that has a particular meaning or represents an idea 标志;符号;象征 the walls were covered with magical symbols. 墙上满是魔法符。 for several years prince used a symbol instead of his name. 王子有好几年只用一个符号来代表他的名字。symbol of the dove is a symbol of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。symbol for the ancient egyptians had no symbol for ‘zero.’ 古埃及人没有表示“零”的符号。 logo /ˈləʊgəʊ/ [countable noun] a sign that has been designed to represent an organization or product [代表一个组织或一种产品的]标记,标识,标志 the baseball team has a new logo. 这个棒球队有一个新的标识。 his costume had the superman logo across the chest. 他的衣服前胸有个超人标记。 you can buy bags with the company logo on them in the gift shop. 在礼品店里可以买到有公司标志的包。 emblem /ˈembləm/ [countable noun] a picture of an object, flower, animal etc that is used to represent a country or organization [代表一个国家或组织的]标志,徽章 scotland's emblem is the thistle. 苏格兰的标志是蓟。 the jacket had a tiny olympic emblem on the pocket. 这件外套的口袋上绣了一个小小的奥运会标志。emblem of the hammer and sickle is the emblem of the communist party. 锤头和镰刀是共产党的标志。 insignia /ɪnˈsɪgniə/ [plural noun] shapes, pictures, decorations etc that represent a powerful group, especially a military organization [代表某个有势力组织或团体,尤指军队的]标记;徽章 someone had spray-painted gang insignia on his car. 有人在他的汽车上喷了一个黑帮记号。 they collect clothing with fbi insignia on it so they can pretend to be federal agents. 他们收集有联邦调查局标记的衣服,借此可以假扮联邦探员。3. a movement or sound that you make to tell someone something 示意的动作或声音 sign /saɪn/ [countable noun] a movement that you make in order to tell someone something 手势,示意动作 he raised his hand in a sign of greeting. 他举手表示问候。sign (that) mardas threw his hands in the air - a sign to his supporters that victory was theirs. 马达斯挥舞双手,向支持者表示胜利属于他们。sign for somebody to do something when the teacher puts her finger to her lips, it's a sign for you all to be quiet. 老师把食指放到唇边时,是表示要大家保持安静。 signal /ˈsɪgnəl/ [countable noun] a sound or movement that you make in order to tell someone to do something 信号 give a signal don't start yet - wait until i give the signal. 现在不要开始—等我发信号。signal to do something the soldiers were waiting for the signal to start firing. 士兵在等待开火的信号。signal for somebody to do something when i nod my head, that's the signal for you to start playing the music. 我点头,这就是你开始放音乐的信号。hand signals stock brokers use roughly 300 hand signals on the trading floor. 股票经纪人在交易厅里大概使用300个手势。 gesture /ˈdʒestʃəʳ/ [countable noun] a movement of your hands, arms, or head that shows how you feel, especially when you are very worried or angry 手势,姿势[尤表示十分担忧或生气] gesture of jim raised his hands in a gesture of despair. 吉姆举起手表示十分失望。make a gesture someone in another car started making gestures and pointing at our tires. 另一辆车上有人做手势指着我们的轮胎。make a rude gesture the fight started when one of the fans made a rude gesture at a player. 其中一个球迷对着一名球员做粗鲁的动作,于是就打起来了。 nod /nɒdǁnɑːd/ [countable noun] a slight downward movement you make with your head to say ‘yes’ to something or to say that something can begin 点头 i asked if he was hungry, and he responded with a nod. 我问他是否饿了,他点头回应。give (somebody) a nod daniels gave a slight nod, and bill started to speak. 丹尼尔斯轻轻地点点头,比尔就开始发言了。4. to make a movement or sound to tell someone something 做动作或发声音示意某人 make a sign /ˌmeɪk ə ˈsaɪn/ [verb phrase] to make a movement, especially with your hand, in order to tell someone something 做动作,做手势 i'll make a sign when i'm ready. 我准备好了就会打手势。 the president made a sign to indicate that he wanted to leave. 总统做了个手势,表示他要走了。make a sign (that) from across the room marla made a sign that she had seen me come in. 马拉在房间那头做了个手势,表示她看到我进来了。 signal /ˈsɪgnəl/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to make a movement or sound in order to give instructions or information 示意,打信号 a sailor began signalling with two flags. 一名水手开始用两面旗子打信号。signal to graham finished his drink and signalled to the waiter. 格雷厄姆喝完酒向服务员打了个手势。signal that an official signalled that it was time for the race to begin. 一名官员示意比赛应该开始了。signal somebody to do something slowly he inched around the corner, signalling for the others to follow. 他慢慢地移步转过拐角,示意其他人跟上。 give the signal /ˌgɪv ðə ˈsɪgnəl/ [verb phrase] to make a previously agreed sign that tells someone that they should start doing something 给信号,打暗号 when i give the signal, i want you all to start clapping. 我给信号的时候,你们大家都要开始鼓掌。give (somebody) the signal to do something the dog waited patiently until his master gave him the signal to eat. 那只狗耐心地等待着主人给它吃东西的信号。 wave /weɪv/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to move your hand or arm from one side to the other, for example in order to get someone's attention or to tell them something 挥手 she continued to wave as the car drove out of sight. 汽车开走看不见了,她还在挥手。wave at who's that waving at you? 那个在向你挥手的人是谁呀?wave to the emperor waved to the crowd from the palace balcony. 皇帝在皇宫的阳台上向人群挥手。wave for somebody to do something yolanda waved for us to come over. 约兰达挥手叫我们过去。wave somebody through/on wave to show someone that they can go through or continue their journey 挥手示意让某人通过/继续 the customs officer at the border waved us through. 边境的海关官员挥手叫我们通过。wave goodbye wave to someone who is leaving 挥手道别 her parents stood in the doorway and waved goodbye. 她的父母站在门口向她挥手道别。 wave [countable noun] give somebody a wave wave at someone in order to say hello or goodbye 对某人挥手 i gave him a friendly wave. 我对他友好地挥挥手。 wink /wɪŋk/ [intransitive verb] to quickly close and open one eye, in order to show that you are joking or that you share a secret with someone 眨眼示意,使眼色 ben grinned at his father and winked. 本朝他父亲咧咧嘴,眨了眨眼睛。wink at ‘the weather's so nice, i'm thinking of calling in sick tomorrow,’ she said, winking at me. “天气这么好,我正想明天打电话请病假。”她说着朝我使了个眼色。 wink [countable noun] when you close and open one eye quickly 眨眼 ‘don't worry,’ he said with a wink. ‘i won't tell anyone about this.’ “别担心,”他说着朝我挤挤眼睛,“我不会告诉任何人的。” nod/nod your head /nɒd, ˌnɒd jɔːʳ ˈhedǁˌnɑːd-/ [verb phrase] to make a slight downward movement with your head to say ‘yes’ or ‘hello’ or to say that something can begin 点头 rob nodded his head in agreement. 罗布同意地点点头。 ‘has he really left you?’ i asked. josie nodded miserably. “他真的离开你了吗?”我问道。乔茜点点头,一副很可怜的样子。nod/nod your head at/to the two men nodded to each other, as if they'd met before. 那两人互相点点头,就像已认识似的。nod/nod your head for somebody to do something she nodded for mike to lead the way. 她点点头叫迈克带路。 gesture /ˈdʒestʃəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to use a movement of your hand, especially to tell someone to go to a place or to emphasize your meaning when you are saying something 做手势;示意[尤作指路或作强调] the man was gesturing wildly, but we couldn't understand what he wanted. 那人拼命做手势比划着,可我们不明白他想要什么。gesture to/at ‘please sit down,’ said winters, gesturing at the chair facing his own. “请坐。”温特斯指着他对面的椅子说。gesture to celia began listing their recent purchases and gestured proudly to the fountain. 西莉亚开始数列他们最近购买的东西,还自豪地指给我们看那个人工喷泉。gesture for somebody to do something i turned to see a large policeman gesturing for us to move along. 我转身看到一位身材高大的警察做着手势示意我们往前开。 motion /ˈməʊʃən/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to use a short movement of your arm or hand to tell someone what to do or where to go 用手势示意,做手势 motion to neil finished his meal, and then motioned to the waitress. 尼尔用完餐,然后朝那位女服务员打了个手势。motion for somebody to do something seeing bert in the doorway, i motioned for him to come in. 看到伯特在门口,我就示意他进来。motion somebody to do something kemp started to object, but i motioned him to be quiet. 肯普要反对,但我示意他别作声。 beckon /ˈbekən/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to use a movement of your finger or head to tell someone to come towards you 招手,示意 she beckoned and he came running immediately. 她打了个手势,他就立即跑了过来。 he was leaning over the wall, beckoning me. 他趴在墙头向我招手。beckon to jan beckoned to me, but i knew better than to sit next to her. 简向我招招手,可是我明白,不能坐在她身边。beckon somebody in/over/to etc ‘come and look at this,’ he said, beckoning me over to the window. “来看看这个。”他说着示意我走到窗边。5. something that shows what is true or what is happening 表明某事物正确或将要发生的迹象 sign /saɪn/ [countable noun] an event or fact that shows that something is true or that something is happening 迹象,征兆 therapy should begin when the first signs are noticed. 一发现有症状出现就应该开始治疗。sign of stan has some of the early signs of heart disease. 斯坦有心脏病的一些早期症状。 police searched the house thoroughly but found no signs of a break-in. 警察搜遍了整栋房子,但是没有发现撬窃的迹象。sign (that) a score of 80 or more is a sign that you are doing very well. 80分或80分以上说明你成绩很好。be a sure sign (of/that) show that something is definitely true 肯定是… when emma offers to help you it's a sure sign that she wants something from you! 埃玛要是说给你帮忙,那必定是她有求于你!a good/hopeful/encouraging sign a sign that things are improving 好的/有希望的/令人鼓舞的迹象 the rise in consumer spending is an encouraging sign that the economy may be recovering. 消费者支出的增长是一个令人鼓舞的迹象,说明经济可能复苏了。 indication /ˌɪndɪˈkeɪʃən, ˌɪndəˈkeɪʃən/ [countable/uncountable noun] something, especially someone's behaviour or what they say, that makes you believe that something is probably happening or has probably happened 表示;迹象[尤指某人的行为或言辞] indication of there was no indication of forced entry to the building. 没有强行闯入大楼的迹象。indication (that) there are indications that the labour party will win the next election. 有迹象表明下一届选举工党将会取胜。give no/any/a good indication of something if she knew what was going on outside, she gave no indication of it. 如果她知道外面发生了什么事情,那她完全没有显露出来。 the daily pollen count can give a good indication of the amount of allergens in the air. 每日花粉指数可以很好地反映出空气中过敏原有多少。give/show every indication of (doing) something the two parties have shown every indication of a willingness to compromise. 双方都已明确表示愿意互相作出让步。 evidence /ˈevɪdəns, ˈevədəns/ [uncountable noun] facts, objects etc that show that something exists or is true 证据,证明 without any evidence we cannot prove that she was involved in murder. 没有证据,我们就没法证明她与谋杀案有关。evidence of people have been looking for evidence of life on other planets for years. 人们多年来一直在寻找其他星球上有生命存在的证据。evidence that we can find no evidence that he ever worked for the company. 我们找不到任何证据证明他曾经在这家公司工作过。visible evidence there was no visible evidence that humans had ever lived in this valley. 没有明显的证据显示有人类曾经在这个山谷里生活过。 symptom /ˈsɪmptəm/ [countable noun] a sign that someone has an illness or that a serious problem exists [疾病的]症状;[严重问题的]征兆,症候 first the doctor asked me to describe my symptoms. 首先,医生叫我说说我的症状。symptom of the first symptoms of hepatitis are tiredness, vomiting, and loss of weight. 肝炎的早期症状是疲劳、呕吐以及体重下降。 in his speech the bishop labelled these crimes as a symptom of society's moral decline. 主教在他的演说中称这些犯罪行为是社会道德败坏的一种征兆。 trace /treɪs/ [countable noun] a very small sign that a particular situation exists or is true 痕迹,迹象 trace of the thief was careful not to leave any trace of his activities. 小偷很谨慎,没有留下任何作案痕迹。 many local people were very eager to get rid of the last traces of their town's shameful past. 当地有许多人都急于抹去小镇最后这些可耻的历史痕迹。with/without a trace of something hans speaks english beautifully, without a trace of a foreign accent. 汉斯英语说得极好,听不出一丝外国口音。 manifestation /ˌmænɪfeˈsteɪʃən, ˌmænəfeˈsteɪʃənǁ-fə-/ [countable noun] formal a very clear sign that a particular situation or feeling exists 【正式】明显迹象,表明,表现 manifestation of this latest outbreak of violence is a clear manifestation of discontent in the city. 最近爆发的暴力事件清楚地表明该市存在不满情绪。 some men feel that showing their emotions is a manifestation of weakness. 有些男人觉得流露感情是软弱的表现。 omen /ˈəʊmən/ [countable noun] something that happens which you think is a sign that something good or bad is going to happen in the future 前兆,预兆,兆头 do you think the rain is some kind of omen? 你是不是认为下雨是某种预兆?bad omen george thought the car breaking down on the way to his wedding was a bad omen. 去举行婚礼的路上汽车抛锚了,乔治觉得这是一个不祥之兆。good omen ‘maybe this is a good omen,’ said jill, seeing a blue sky for the first time in weeks. “也许这是个好兆头。”吉尔说道,那是她几个星期以来第一次见到蓝蓝的天。 telltale /ˈtelteɪl/ [adjective only before noun] tell-tale signs/marks/symptoms etc signs that something is happening that are not very easy to notice, unless you know exactly what to look for 泄露内情的迹象/痕迹/征兆等 in his face you could see the first tell-tale signs of alcoholism. 在他脸上,你可以看到他酗酒的一些明显的早期迹象。 teachers are encouraged to look for telltale signs of abuse among their students. 人们鼓励老师在学生身上寻找受虐待的明显痕迹。 be a giveaway /biː ə ˈgɪvəweɪ/ [verb phrase] if you say that something is a giveaway, you mean it clearly shows you the real truth about something, rather than what someone would like you to believe 暴露真相 those fake beams are a giveaway - it isn't really an old pub. 那些假的横梁暴露出这不是一家真的老酒吧。be a dead giveaway show very clearly 彻底暴露真相 that nervous twitching was always a dead giveaway that he'd done something wrong. 那种紧张的抽动往往彻底暴露出他干了坏事。☞ sign¹☞ sign²




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