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单词 pummel
释义 pummel /pʌml/ (-ll-, name -l-) [intransitive, transitive] to hit sb/sth a lot of times, especially with your fists (= tightly closed hands) 连续猛击;反复拳打;捶打◆her fists pummelled at his chest.她用拳头连连捶打他的胸膛。◆he pummelled the pillow with his fists.他用双拳不停地捶打枕头。pummel/pʌml ||; ˈpʌmḷ/verb [i,t] to keep hitting sb/sth hard, especially with your tightly closed hands (fists) 连续猛击;反复拳打;捶打: ◇he pummelled the pillow with his fists. 他用双拳不停地捶打枕头。 ◇her fists pummelled at his chest. 她用拳头连连捶打他的胸膛。 pum·mel /`pʌmḷ; ˈpʌməl/v [t]to hit someone or something many times with your fists (=closed hands) [用双拳]连续击打




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