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单词 pointofview
释义 point of view nounadjective | verb + point of view | preposition adjective➤alternative, different另一种/不同的观点◆he listened patiently to what we all had to say before putting across an alternative point of view.他耐心地听完我们要说的话,然后向大家阐述了一个可供选择的观点。➤particular, unique特别的/独特的观点➤objective客观的看法◆we can count on him for an objective point of view.我们可以指望他提供一个客观的看法。➤personal, subjective个人/主观的观点➤aesthetic, moral, practical, technical, theoretical美学/道德/实用/技术/理论观点▸➤business, commercial, economic, historical, legal, medical, military, philosophical, political, psychological, religious, safety, scientific, security, strategic, etc.业务、商业、经济、历史、法律、医学、军事、哲学、政治、心理学、宗教、安全、科学、安保、战略等观点◆from a purely economic point of view, the reforms make a great deal of sense.从纯粹的经济角度来看,改革的意义很大。➤conservative, liberal, socialist, etc.保守、自由主义、社会主义等的观点➤buddhist, catholic, islamic, etc.佛教、天主教、伊斯兰教等的观点➤american, european, western, etc.美国、欧洲、西方等的观点verb + point of view➤have持有观点▸➤adopt, take采纳观点◆he always seems to take the opposite point of view to me.他似乎总是持有与我相反的观点。➤accept, appreciate, support接受/赏识/支持观点➤respect尊重观点◆i appreciate and respect your point of view.我欣赏并尊重你的观点。➤express, get across, present, put, put forward (especially bre) 表达看法;传达观点;提出观点◆we aren't shy about expressing our point of view.我们不会羞于表明我们的观点。◆a union representative was present to put the farmers' point of view.一名工会代表到场表达了农民的看法。➤speak from, tell sth from从⋯观点来说▸➤consider sth from, look at sth from, see (sth from), understand从⋯观点来考虑⋯;从⋯的观点来看⋯◆i can see your point of view, but i think we have to consider the long-term implications.我能理解你的看法,但是我认为我们必须考虑长期影响。◆try to see the situation from my point of view.尝试从我的角度看形势。➤agree with, share同意看法;有同样的观点▸➤come around to, come round to (especially bre) 改变立场并采纳观点◆if we can talk to her for an hour i'm sure she'll come around to our point of view.如果我们能与她谈一小时,我相信她会改变态度接受我们的观点。➤disagree with不同意观点◆i completely disagree with this point of view.我完全不同意这种观点。➤reflect, represent反映/代表观点◆i do not think the article reflects the point of view of the majority of the population.我认为文章没有反映大多数人的看法。preposition➤from a/sb's point of view从⋯角度看◆from a purely personal point of view, i'd like to see cars banned from the city.从纯粹个人的角度看,我希望能禁止汽车在市内行驶。➤from the point of view of从⋯角度◆the book tells the story of a murder investigation from the point of view of the chief suspect.本书从主要嫌疑犯的视角讲述了一起谋杀案的调查过程。◆from the point of view of safety, a lower speed limit would certainly be a good thing.从安全角度考虑,降低限速肯定是好事。➤point of view about对⋯的看法◆we may always have a different point of view about what happened.对发生的事情,我们也许总会有不同的看法。➤point of view on关于⋯的看法◆i don't have a point of view on this issue.我对这一问题没有看法。




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