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单词 rough/not smooth
释义 rough/not smooth1 not smooth2 to make a surface roughrelated wordsrough behaviour 粗野的行为 violent,a rough guess or calculation 粗略的估计或计算 about/approximately,a rough voice 难听刺耳的嗓音 voice,see alsoflat/not flat,1. not smooth 不平滑的 rough /rʌf/ [adjective] a rough surface is not smooth because it has lumps or holes in it [表面]粗糙的,不平的 the car bumped up and down as we drove across the rough ground. 我们开车经过崎岖不平的路面时,汽车上下颠簸。 he fell, cutting his forehead on the rough edge of a rock. 他摔倒了,额头在粗糙的岩石边上割伤了。 hessian cloth provides a rough homespun texture that was popular in the 1950s. 麻布有一种粗糙的家庭织物的手感,在20世纪50年代很流行。 roughness [uncountable noun] friction caused by the roughness of the road surface 路面粗糙造成的摩擦力 coarse /kɔːʳs/ [adjective] something such as material or hair that is coarse feels rough and hard, especially because it is made of thick thread, hairs etc [布料或头发等]粗织的;粗的,粗糙的 all the hospital beds were covered with coarse cotton sheets. 医院里所有的床都铺着粗棉质床单。 her straight hair, once dark brown, was becoming grey and coarse. 她一度深褐色的直发越来越灰白粗硬了。 the fisherman's skin was dark and coarse, his hands big and strong. 渔夫的皮肤黝黑粗糙,双手又大又有力。 abrasive /əˈbreɪsɪv/ [adjective] an abrasive object or material has a hard rough surface that can damage other surfaces when it rubs against them [物体或物料]粗糙的;有研磨作用的 rub the table down with a fine abrasive paper before painting it. 油漆前,先用细砂纸把桌子打磨平整。 if your body skin looks dull, removing dead skin with an abrasive glove can make a big difference. 如果你的皮肤看上去没有光泽,用搓澡手套把死皮去掉,感觉就截然不同了。 scaly /ˈskeɪli/ [adjective] scaly skin is dry and rough [皮肤]多鳞的;干涩粗糙的 to relieve tight or scaly skin, add a teaspoon of fine oil to your bathwater. 要舒缓紧绷或干涩粗糙的皮肤,在洗澡水中加一茶匙精制油。 dandruff is characterized by a scaly and sometimes itchy scalp. 头皮屑的特征是头皮呈鳞片状,有时会发痒。 calloused /ˈkæləst/ [adjective] hands that are calloused are covered with thick hard areas of skin, especially because of hard physical work [皮肤]起老茧的,粗硬的[尤因干苦活造成的] his was a big, strong hand, roughly calloused from fieldwork. 他的手大而有力,因为干农活而长满了硬茧。 he ran a calloused finger around the rim of his glass. 他用长了茧的手指在眼镜框架上抹了一圈。2. to make a surface rough 把表面弄粗糙 roughen /ˈrʌfən/ [transitive verb usually in passive] her hands had been roughened by years of labouring. 多年来的劳动使她的双手变粗糙了。 the roughened old stump of a tree 粗糙的老树墩




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