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单词 hang¹
释义 hang¹ /hæŋ; hæŋ/v hung /hʌŋ; hʌŋ/ , hung, hanging 1. [i,t] to put something somewhere so that its top part is fixed but its bottom part is free to move, or to be in this position 悬挂,吊; 吊着:◇he hung his coat on the back of the door. 他把自己的外套挂在门后面。◇+ from/on etc her portrait was hanging on the wall. 墙上挂着她的肖像。 2. [i,t], past tense and past participle hanged to kill someone by dropping them with a rope around their neck, or to die in this way 吊死,绞死; 被吊死,被绞死:◇corey hanged himself in his prison cell. 科里在牢房里上吊自杀了。 3. [i always+adv/prep] to stay in the air in the same place for a long time [在空中]悬浮:◇dark clouds hung over the valley. 山谷上乌云弥漫。 4. hang your head to look ashamed and embarrassed [因羞愧、窘迫而]垂着头:◇lewis hung his head and refused to answer. 刘易斯垂着头,拒绝回答。 5. hang in the balance to be in a situation in which the result is not certain, and something bad may happen 悬而未决; 尚未定局,没着落:◇our whole future is hanging in the balance. 我们前途未卜。 6. leave sb/sth hanging to not finish something or not tell someone your decision about something 让某人心里没准儿/让某事悬而未决:◇the investigation should not be left hanging. 不应该让调查悬着没了下文。hang aroundinformal 【非正式】1 to stay in one place without doing very much, often because you are waiting for someone 逗留; 闲呆; 等待:◇we hung around for about an hour and then left. 我们等了一个小时左右,后来就走了。2 hang around with sb to spend a lot of time with someone 和某人混在一起:◇i don't like the people she hangs around with. 我不喜欢她交往的那些人。hang backto not want to move forward or speak, often because you are shy [常因害羞而]缩在后面,不愿意说话:◇joe tends to hang back and let the others do the talking. 乔总是缩在后面,让别人说话。hang on1 hang on! spoken used to tell someone to wait for you 【口】 等等!:◇hang on, i'll be with you in a minute! 等一下,我马上就来!2 [i] informal to hold something tightly 【非正式】 抓紧,抓牢:◇hang on everybody, the road's pretty bumpy. 请大家坐稳了,这条路很崎岖不平。hang onto sb/sthinformal to keep something 【非正式】 保留,保存:◇hang onto that letter — you might need it later. 把那封信放好 — 你以后可能用得着。hang outinformal to spend a lot of time at a particular place or with particular people 【非正式】 常逗留在[某处]; [常与某些人]来往,厮混:◇they hang out together. 他们经常在一起混。hang roundbre hang around 【英】 逗留; 闲呆; 等待hang up1 [i] to finish a telephone conversation by putting the telephone down 挂断电话,放下电话:◇she said good night and hung up. 她说了声晚安,就把电话挂了。hang up on sb (=put the phone down during a conversation because you are angry) [因生气而]挂某人的电话: don't hang up on me! 你别挂我电话!2 [t hang sth ↔ up] to put something such as clothes on a hook or hanger 把…挂起来




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