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单词 quicken
释义 quicken [intransitive, transitive] (written) to become faster; to make sth faster(使)加快,加速◆she felt her heartbeat quicken as he approached.他走过来时,她觉得心跳加速了。◆he quickened his pace to catch up with them.他加快脚步赶上他们。ⓘ quicken is often used to talk about sth that is connected with living and the body, such as sb's heartbeat, pulse, breathing or pace. * quicken 的对象常与生活和身体相关,常用的搭配词有 heartbeat、pulse、breathing、pace 等。 opp slacken ⓘ the opposite is slacken. * quicken 的反义词是 slacken◆she slackened her pace a little (= walked more slowly).她略微放慢了脚步。 quicken/ˈkwɪkən ||; ˈkwɪkən/verb [i,t] (written 书面语) 1. to become quicker or make sth quicker 加快: ◇she felt her heartbeat quicken as he approached. 她见他走过来,觉得心跳加快了。◇he quickened his pace to catch up with them. 他加快步子要赶上他们。 2. (written 书面语) to become more active; to make sth more active (使)变得更活跃: ◇his interest quickened as he heard more about the plan. 他听到计划的更详细内容时兴趣更浓了。 quick·en /`kwɪkən; ˈkwɪkən/v [i,t]to become quicker, or to make something quicker (使)变快,加快:◇her heartbeat quickened when she saw him. 她看到他的时候心跳加快。




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