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单词 freelance
释义 freelance adjective, adverbverbs | phrases verbs➤be, work (especially bre) 当自由职业者;做自由职业者◆he's been freelance for several years.他成为自由职业者已有好几年了。◆she works freelance from home.她是在家工作的自由职业者。➤go (especially bre) 成为自由职业者◆she decided to give in her notice and go freelance.她决定递交辞呈做自由职业者。phrases➤on a freelance basis以自由职业的方式◆she continued to work for the company on a freelance basis.她以自由职业者的身分继续为这家公司工作。 freelance /friːlɑːns; name -læns/ adjectiveused to describe a way of earning money by selling your work or services to several different organizations rather than being employed by one particular organization 自由职业(者)的◆a freelance writer/journalist/executive 自由撰稿人/新闻记者/行政人员◆freelance work/income 自由职业工作/收入◆i work for the company on a freelance basis. 我作为自由职业者为公司工作。 ▸ freelance adverb◆she went (= started to work) freelance in 2005. 她 2005 年开始从事自由职业。 freelance /friːlɑːns; name -læns/ noun (also freelancer /friːlɑːnsə(r); name -lænsər/) [countable] a person who works freelance 自由职业者◆they have two full-time employees and 100 freelances around the world. 他们在全世界有两名全职员工和 100 名自由职业者工作人员。 freelance /friːlɑːns; name -læns/ verb [intransitive] to earn money by selling your work to several different organizations 从事自由职业◆he freelances for several companies. 他为几家公司做自由职业工作。☞ freelance☞ freelance☞ freelance☞ freelancefreelance/ˈfri:lɑ:ns ||; ˈfriˈlæns/adj advearning money by selling your services or work to different organizations rather than being employed by a single company 自由职业(为不同的雇主工作,计件付酬): ◇a freelance journalist 以自由职业者身分工作的记者◇she works freelance. 她是自由职业者。 freelance(also freelancer) noun [c] freelance verb [i]: ◇i left my job because i can earn more by freelancing. 我离职是因为当自由职业者挣的钱更多。 freelancesee ⇨ work for sb 2 free·lance /`friˏlæns; ˈfriːlɑːns/adj, advworking independently for several different organizations 从事自由职业的[地]:◇a freelance journalist 自由撰稿记者◇how long have you been working freelance? 你做自由职业多久了?




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