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单词 search¹
释义 search¹ /sɜtʃ; sɜːtʃ/n 1. [c usually singular 一般用单数] an attempt to find someone or something 寻找; 搜查; 搜索:◇hundreds of local people are helping in the search for the missing girl. 许许多多当地人都在协助寻找这位失踪的女孩。◇in search of (=looking for) 寻找: we set off in search of somewhere to eat. 我们去找地方吃饭。◇call off a search (=stop looking for someone) 停止寻找: after three days, rescue workers have called off the search for survivors. 三天之后,营救人员停止搜救幸存者。 2. [singular 单数] an attempt to find the explanation of a difficult problem 探求,探索:◇the search for the meaning of life 寻求生命的意义




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