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单词 lurch
释义 lurch nounadjective | verb + lurch | preposition adjective➤sickening, sudden, violent令人恶心的/突然的/剧烈的摇晃verb + lurch➤give猛地一跳◆her heart gave a lurch when she saw him.她看到他时,心猛地一跳。➤feel感到震颤◆john felt a lurch of fear in his stomach.约翰感到胃部一阵痉挛。preposition➤with a lurch晃了一下◆the train stopped with a lurch.火车晃了一下停了下来。➤lurch into闯入⋯◆starting her own business was a lurch into the unknown.自己创业对她来说是闯入了未知的世界。lurch verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤violently剧烈地摇晃◆suddenly the train lurched violently.突然,火车剧烈地晃动起来。➤slightly轻微地晃动➤suddenly突然晃动➤backwards/backward, forward, sideways向后/向前/向一边倾斜◆she gave a little cry and lurched forward.她轻喊一声向前跌去。preposition➤along沿着⋯颠簸前进◆the bus lurched along the mountain road.公共汽车沿着山路颠簸前行。➤into跌跌撞撞地进入◆a man lurched into her office.一个男人跌跌撞撞地闯进她的办公室。➤towards/toward朝⋯蹒跚走去◆he lurched towards / toward the door.他蹒跚着朝门走去。phrases➤lurch to your feet突然站起来◆the drunk lurched to his feet and tried to follow us.那个醉汉猛地站起来,试图跟上我们。lurch /lɜːtʃ; name lɜːrtʃ/ [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition通常与副词或介词连用) to make a sudden unsteady movement forward or sideways突然前倾(或向一侧倾斜)◆a man lurched drunkenly along the street.一名男子醉醺醺地踉跄着走在街上。◆the car lurched forward.汽车突然猛地向前动了一下。lurch/lɜ:tʃ ||; lɝtʃ/noun [c] [usu.sing] a sudden movement forward or to one side 突然倾斜或倾侧 lurch verb [i] leave sb in the lurch→leave¹lurchsee ⇨ walk 6☞ lurch¹☞ lurch²




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