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单词 lump
释义 lump nounadjective | verb + lump | lump + verb adjective➤big, giant, great, huge, large大块◆a huge lump of cheese一大块奶酪➤hard, heavy, solid硬邦邦的块;沉甸甸的块;结实的块◆a heavy lump of clay一块沉甸甸的黏土➤little, small小块◆stir the sauce to remove any small lumps.把酱汁中的小块搅拌开。➤strange异样的肿块◆check your breasts for strange lumps.检查一下乳房有无异常肿块。➤painful疼痛的肿块◆he's developed a painful lump on his neck.他脖子上长了个肿块,很疼。➤breast乳房肿块◆she's just had a breast lump removed.她刚切除了乳房肿块。➤cancerous, malignant癌肿块;恶性肿块◆tests confirmed the lump was cancerous.化验确诊那个肿块是癌变。➤benign良性肿块verb + lump➤have有肿块➤detect, discover, feel, find, notice探测到/发现/摸到/找到/注意到肿块◆she felt a lump in her breast.她摸到乳房有一个肿块。➤remove去除肿块◆surgeons operated to remove the lump.外科医生动手术摘除肿块。➤form形成肿块lump + verb➤form肿块形成➤grow肿块长大 lump /lʌmp/ noun [countable] (informal) = lump sum ●take your lumps (name) (informal) to accept bad things that happen to you without complaining 毫无怨言地忍受◆if you can't solve the problem, take your lumps and figure out how to avoid it next time. 如果你解决不了这个问题,你得毫无怨言地忍受并想出怎样避免这种问题再次发生。☞ lumplump [countable] a piece of sth hard or solid, usually without a particular shape(通常为无固定形状的)块◆he put a few more lumps of coal on the fire.他又往火上加了几块煤。◆this sauce has lumps in it.这调味汁里有结块。◆ (bre) she gave the pony a sugar lump.她给那匹小马一块方糖。ⓘ in american english a 'sugar lump' is called a sugar cube.在美式英语中,方糖称为 sugar cube。lump [countable] a swelling under the skin, sometimes a sign of serious illness(皮下的)肿块,隆起◆he was unhurt except for a lump on his head.除了头上起了个包,他没有别的伤。◆check your breasts for lumps every month.每月要检查一次乳房是否有肿块。lump¹/lʌmp ||; lʌmp/noun[c] 1. a piece of sth solid of any size or shape (任何大小或形状的)一块(固体): ◇a lump of coal/cheese/wood 一块煤╱干酪╱木头◇the sauce was full of lumps. 这酱汁里满是结块。 2. a swelling under the skin 肿块: ◇you'll have a bit of a lump on your head where you banged it. 你头上给撞伤的地方将会有个小肿块。 ☞picture at bump 见bump插图 have/feel a lump in your throat to feel pressure in your throat because you are about to cry 喉咙哽住;哽咽欲泣 lump²/lʌmp ||; lʌmp/verb [t] lump a and b together;lump a (in) with b to put or consider different people or things together in the same group 把(不同的人或物)归在一起,混为一谈 lump it(informal 非正式) to accept sth unpleasant because you have no choice 勉强接受(令人不快的事物): ◇that's the deal -- like it or lump it. 情况就是那样─喜欢也罢,不喜欢也罢。 lumpsee ⇨ piece 3 ⇨ stick out 3     • • •• ⇨ bring tears to sb's eyes/bring a lump to sb's throat• ⇨ have a lump in your throat☞ lump¹☞ lump²




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