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单词 luggage
释义 luggage noun (especially bre)  ➡ see also baggage adjective | ... of luggage | verb + luggage | luggage + noun | preposition adjective➤heavy沉重的行李▸➤carry-on, hand随身/手提行李➤checked, checked-in托运的行李➤lost丢失的行李... of luggage➤item, piece一件行李◆you are only allowed one piece of hand luggage.只准带一件手提行李。➤set (name) 一套行李◆a new set of luggage一套新行李verb + luggage➤carry携带行李➤drag, haul拖行李;拉行李▸➤claim, collect, retrieve领取/认领/领回行李▸➤check, check in托运行李◆they like you to check your luggage in an hour before the flight.他们希望大家在飞机起飞一小时前办理行李托运。➤load, pack, unload装载/收拾/卸载行李◆she packed all the luggage into the back of the car.她把所有行李塞进了汽车后备箱。➤screen, search检查/搜查行李➤lose丢失行李luggage + noun➤area, capacity, room, space行李区;行李容量;行李间;行李空间◆the car has a lot of luggage space.这款车行李空间很大。➤compartment, locker (bre) 行李隔间/寄存柜▸➤rack (bre, name) 行李架➤belt, carousel行李传送带/转盘▸➤cart, trolley行李车▸➤label, tag行李标签preposition➤in your luggage在行李里◆i always carry a first-aid kit in my luggage.我总是在行李里放一套急救用品。 luggage /lʌgɪdʒ/ noun [uncountable] bags, cases, etc. that you carry your clothes and things in when you are travelling 行李◆passengers are allowed to have up to three pieces of luggage. 旅客只允许携带三件行李。 syn baggage ◇ hand luggage ◇ left luggage ☞ luggageluggage [uncountable] the bags and cases that contain sb's clothes and other things when they are travelling行李◆can i leave my luggage here?我能把行李放在这儿吗?◆several items fell from the luggage rack.有几件东西从行李架上掉了下来。luggage/ˈlʌgɪdʒ ||; ˈlʌgɪdʒ/noun [u] bags, suitcases, etc used for carrying a person's clothes and things on a journey 行李: ◇‘how much luggage are you taking with you?’ ‘only one suitcase.’ “你带多少件行李?”“只带一只手提箱。”◇you're only allowed one piece of hand luggage (= a bag that you carry with you on the plane). 每人只准携带一件手提行李上飞机。 [syn] baggage 同义词为baggage lug·gage /`lʌgɪdʒ; ˈlʌɡɪdʒ/n [u]the bags etc that you carry when you are travelling 行李




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