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单词 perfectly
释义 perfectly (especially spoken) completely彻底;完全;非常◆to be perfectly honest i don't like the colour.说真心话,我不喜欢这颜色。◆it's perfectly ok as it is (= it doesn't need changing).现在这样已经非常不错了。◆you know perfectly well i can't help you.你十分清楚我帮不了你。◆'do you understand?' 'perfectly.'“你明白吗?”“完全明白。” ➡ see also perfect → complete perfectlyadverb◆the dress fitted perfectly.这件连衣裙很合身。perfectlyadverb◆the dress fitted perfectly.这件连衣裙很合身。perfectlysee ⇨ perfect 6     • • •• ⇨ know perfectly well per·fect·ly /`pɜfɪktlɪ; ˈpɜːfɪktli/adv 1. in a perfect way 完美地:◇she speaks english perfectly. 她的英语说得很完美。 2. used to emphasize what you are saying, especially when you are annoyed 完全地,十分地[用于强调,尤生气时用]:◇you know perfectly well what i'm talking about! 你完全明白我说的是什么意思!




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