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单词 owner
释义 owner nounadjective | verb + owner adjective➤sole唯一所有权人▸➤part部份所有权人◆i'm part owner of the restaurant.这家餐馆有我的份额。➤joint共有人▸➤former, original, previous原所有权人;原业主;以前的物主▸➤current, present目前的所有权人;现时的物主▸➤new新主人▸➤future, prospective未来的主人;可能成为主人者▸➤lawful, legal, rightful合法的所有者◆the stolen painting has now been returned to its rightful owner.失窃的画已物归原主。➤private私人拥有者▸➤lucky, proud幸运的/得意的主人◆the proud owner of a new camera一部新相机的自豪的主人➤business, car, dog, factory, home, land, property企业主;车主;狗的主人;厂主;房主;土地所有者;业主verb + owner➤have有主人◆the car had only one previous owner.这部车以前只有过一位车主。➤find, trace找到/探查出物主◆the police have been unable to trace the owner of the vehicle.警察没能查到车主。➤become成为主人◆their daughter became the owner of the farm in 1892.他们的女儿于 1892 年成为这个农场的主人。owner /əʊnə(r); name oʊ-/ noun [countable] a person or an organization that owns sth 物主;业主;所有权人;主人◆the firm's owner 公司的所有者◆the group is the owner of the largest shopping mall in the country. 这个集团拥有国内最大的购物中心。◆the current owners have spent $100 000 on modernizing the hotel. 现业主花费 10 万元给旅馆配上了现代设备。◆75% of business owners questioned were optimistic about the economy. 接受调查的 75% 的企业主对经济持乐观态度。 ●at (the) owner's riskused in formal notices to say that the owner of sth and not anyone else is responsible for any loss or damage 业主自担风险◆cars are parked at the owner's risk. 停放车辆者风险自担。◆goods are carried at owner's risk (= the owner must insure them). 运输的货物由货主承担风险(货主必须对货物投保)。 beneficial owner ◇ part-owner ◇ process owner ☞ ownerowner/ˈəʊnə(r) ||; ˈonɚ/noun [c] a person who owns sth 物主;业主;所有人: ◇a house/dog owner 房子的业主;狗的主人 ownersee ⇨ own 3 own·er /`onə; ˈəʊnə/n [c]someone who owns something 物主,所有者,拥有者:◇the owner of the dog 这只狗的主人 ☞ owner




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