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单词 owe
释义 owe /əʊ; name oʊ/ verb [transitive] owe sth (to sb) (for sth) | owe (sb) sth (for sth) to have to pay sb for sth that you have already received or return money that you have borrowed 欠(债);欠(账)◆we still owe €5 000 to the bank. 我们还欠银行 5000 欧元。◆we still owe the bank €5 000. 我们还欠银行 5000 欧元。◆how much do i owe you for the tickets? 买这些票我该付你多少钱?◆nearly $1 billion is owed to foreign creditors. 欠外国债权人将近 10 亿元。◆(figurative) i'm still owed three days' leave. 还欠我三天假呢。☞ oweowe/əʊ ||; o/verb[t] 1. owe sth (to sb);owe sb for sth to have to pay money to sb for sth that he/she has done or given 欠(钱): ◇i owe katrina a lot of money. 我欠卡特里娜很多钱。◇i owe a lot of money to katrina. 我欠卡特里娜很多钱。◇i still owe you for that bread you bought yesterday. 你昨天给我买了面包,我现在还没有付钱给你呢。 ☞the money, etc that you owe is a debt. 欠的钱等叫做债(debt)。 2. to feel that you should do sth for sb or give sth to sb, especially because he/she has done sth for you 感到应该为某人做某事或给某人某物(尤其因为对方为你做了某事): ◇claudia owes me an explanation. 克劳迪娅应该给我一个解释。◇i owe you an apology. 我应当向你道歉。 3. owe sth (to sb/sth) to have sth (for the reason given) 把…归功于: ◇she said she owes her success to hard work and determination. 她说,她应当把自己的成功归因于努力工作和决心。 owe1 to owe money to someone2 to owe a lot of money3 to begin to owe money4 money that someone owes5 when debts have not been paid6 someone who owes money7 someone that money is owed to8 to not owe any money9 to agree that money that someone owes does not have to be paidrelated wordssee alsoborrow,lend,pay,money,1. to owe money to someone 欠某人钱 owe /əʊ/ [transitive verb] if you owe someone money, you have to pay them, either because you borrowed money from them or because you got something from them and have not yet paid for it 欠[钱] the business collapsed, owing $50 million. 公司破产了,欠下5,000万美元的债。 his job was to phone people who owed money and demand immediate payment. 他的工作是打电话给欠债人要求他们立即偿债。owe somebody something you still owe me $5. 你还欠我五美元。owe something to somebody we owe a lot of money to the bank. 我们欠了银行很多钱。owe somebody something for something how much do we owe you for the milk? 我们欠你多少买牛奶的钱? be in debt /biː ɪn ˈdet/ [verb phrase] if you are in debt, you owe a lot of money and you have difficulty paying it 欠债,负债 the helpline offers financial advice to people who are in debt. 这个求助热线为负债的人提供财务方面的建议。get into debt start being in debt 开始负债 we got into debt when my wife lost her job. 妻子失业后我们就开始负债了。be £1000/$2000 etc in debt owe that amount 欠下1,000英镑/2,000美元等 the report showed that most students were over £1000 in debt on leaving college. 这篇报告显示,大部分学生大学毕业的时候都负债超过1,000英镑。be heavily in debt owe a very large amount of money 债台高筑 karen was forced to give up her job to look after her daughter, and the family is now heavily in debt. 为了照顾女儿,卡伦不得不放弃工作,现在他们家已是负债累累。 be overdrawn /biː ˌəʊvəʳˈdrɔːn/ [verb phrase] to owe money to your bank because you have spent more than you had in your bank account 透支 i'm always overdrawn at the end of the month. 我月底总要透支。be $100/£200 etc overdrawn the bank wrote to tell us we were $500 overdrawn. 银行写信通知我们说,我们已经透支了500美元。 be in the red /biː ɪn ðə ˈred/ [verb phrase] to have spent more than you have earned 负债,有赤字 my son's bank account is usually in the red. 我儿子的银行账户经常出现赤字。 after five quarters in the red, the business will soon be profitable. 公司亏损了五个季度,很快就要赢利了。be deep in the red owe a lot more than you have 出现严重赤字 overseas payments could keep the country deep in the red for the next decade. 清偿海外债务会使这个国家在未来十年里出现严重赤字。 be in arrears /biː ɪn əˈrɪəʳz/ [verb phrase] to have not paid money, such as rent, that you should pay at a particular time every month, year etc - used especially in official or legal documents 拖欠[租金等,尤用于正式或法律文件] two out of three tenants are in arrears. 有三分之二的房客拖欠租金。be 6 months/3 weeks etc in arrears the number of mortgages over 12 months in arrears is rising. 拖欠按揭贷款超过12个月的现象越来越多了。be £1000/$200 etc in arrears the country is reported to be $6 billion in arrears on its $115 billion debt. 据报道,该国共有1,150亿美元的债务,其中有60亿美元到期未还。be in arrears with/on the courts can obtain payments for those in arrears with consumer credit agreements. 法院可以向拖欠消费信贷还款的人颁令还款。 be behind with /biː bɪˈhaɪnd wɪð/ [verb phrase] to have not paid an amount that you should pay regularly at the right time 拖欠[定期要偿还的钱] i have no money in my bank account, and i'm behind with my rent. 我银行账户里没有钱了,房租还欠着没交。fall behind with something unemployment is the major cause of people falling behind with their mortgage repayments. 失业是人们拖欠按揭贷款的主要原因。2. to owe a lot of money 欠大笔的钱 be deep/heavily in debt /biː ˌdiːp, ˌhevə̇li ɪn ˈdet/ [verb phrase] to owe a lot more money than you can pay 负债累累 when my father died we discovered that he was heavily in debt. 父亲死后,我们发现他负债累累。 a disastrous attempt to expand left the airline deep in debt. 这家航空公司试图扩展业务但未能成功,以致债台高筑。be deep/heavily in debt to the country is already heavily in debt to foreign banks. 该国已欠下了外国银行大笔的债务。 be up to your neck/ears in debt /biː ˌʌp tə jɔːʳ ˌnek, ˌɪəʳz ɪn ˈdet/ [verb phrase] informal to owe very large sums of money that you cannot pay 【非正式】欠了一身债 knowing that i was up to my ears in debt, edwin offered to help me out. 埃德温得知我欠了一屁股债,主动提出帮我一把。 when their business failed, they found themselves up to their necks in debt. 生意失败后,他们发现自己已债台高筑。3. to begin to owe money 开始欠债 get into debt /ˌget ɪntə ˈdet/ [verb phrase] the only way we could avoid getting into debt was to borrow money from our parents. 我们可免于负债的唯一办法就是向父母借钱。get heavily into debt begin to owe a lot of money 深陷债务之中 they got so heavily into debt that they couldn't even pay the interest on their loans. 他们债台高筑,连贷款的利息都付不出了。 run up a debt /ˌrʌn ʌp ə ˈdet/ [verb phrase] to allow your debts to increase quickly, especially by continuing to spend money that you do not really have 积欠债务 the government has run up an unrepayable debt of $6 billion. 政府积欠了60亿美元的债务无法偿还。run up debts i'm not in the habit of running up debts. 我没有欠债的习惯。 his son was wild and irresponsible and had run up debts that he expected his father to pay. 他的儿子放荡不羁,不负责任,欠了一身的债等他父亲去偿还。 default /dɪˈfɔːlt/ [intransitive verb] to not pay back a debt that you should pay according to the law 不偿还,拖欠[根据法律应该支付的债务] if the purchaser defaults, the house becomes the property of the savings and loan company. 如果买主拖欠借款,房屋就归储蓄贷款公司所有。default on in those days, anyone who defaulted on a loan was put in prison. 那时候,凡欠债不还的都要坐牢。 default [countable/uncountable noun] loans are often refused to poorer borrowers because the risk of default is greater. 人们通常不愿给穷人贷款,因为拖欠债款的风险较大。4. money that someone owes 所欠的钱款 debt /det/ [countable/uncountable noun] money that you owe, especially a large amount 债,债务,欠款 debt is one of the main social problems of our time. 债务问题是我们当今主要的社会问题之一。debt of the government now has debts of $2.5 billion. 政府目前负债25亿美元。pay off/repay a debt pay all the money that you owe 偿清债务 it took us three years to pay off all our debts. 我们花了三年的时间才偿清所有的债务。write off a debt agree that it will not and does not need to be repaid 取消债务 he protected less profitable state farms by writing off their debts. 他保护不怎么赢利的州立农场,取消他们的债务。foreign debt money owed by foreign countries 外债 to pay the interest on our foreign debt, we will have to import less. 为了支付外债利息,我们将不得不减少进口。a bad debt a debt that will never be repaid 坏账 lenders must try and protect themselves against bad debts. 放款人必须尽量保护自己,免得出现坏账。 overdraft /ˈəʊvəʳdrɑːftǁ-dræft/ [countable noun] an amount of money that you owe to your bank when you have spent more money that you had in your bank account 透支额 i've already got an enormous overdraft. 我已经大量透支了。a £100/$1500 etc overdraft when he left college, he had a $3000 overdraft. 他大学毕业时,已透支3,000美元。 liabilities /ˌlaɪəˈbɪlɪtiz, ˌlaɪəˈbɪlətiz/ [plural noun] the debts that a company, government etc is legally responsible to pay - used especially in legal and business contexts [公司、政府等的]债务[尤用于法律条文和商业场合] the chart shows the movements in the company's liabilities and assets during a particular trading period. 这张图表显示了公司在某一经营阶段负债与资产的变动情况。 us external net liabilities rose throughout the 1980s. 20世纪80年代美国的净外债一直在上升。 borrowings /ˈbɒrəʊɪŋzǁˈbɑː-, ˈbɔː-/ [plural noun] the total amount of money that a company has borrowed and owes - used in business contexts [公司的]借款,欠款总额[用于商业场合] borrowings at the end of the year amounted to nearly $27 million. 年末借款总额将近2,700万美元。 the company was now so large it could increase its borrowings to almost any figure it chose. 这家公司现在的规模已非常大,借款几乎要多少就可以有多少。 iou /ˌaɪ əʊ ˈjuː/ [countable noun] a note that you write saying that you owe someone money or that you will pay for something later - often used by journalists as an informal word for a legal agreement in which one business or organization owes another money 借条,借据[常为记者的非正式用语 essentially, a bond is an iou. 债券其实是一种借条。give somebody an iou there was anger among farmers, who were being given ious instead of cash for their crops. 农民们感到愤怒,他们卖了农作物拿到的不是钱,而是欠条。5. when debts have not been paid 债务未偿还的 unpaid /ˌʌnˈpeɪd◂/ [adjective] she left a number of unpaid bills when she went back home. 她回家时留下了一些未付的账单。 the card holder is liable for any unpaid debts. 持卡人有责任偿还任何未缴付的欠款。go/remain unpaid last month they owed £500. this went unpaid and the arrears will total £1000 by december. 上个月他们欠了500英镑,这笔钱一直未还,到12月逾期欠款的总数将达1,000英镑。 due /djuːǁduː/ [adjective not before noun] an amount of money that is due should be paid now 欠下的,应支付的,到期的 the computer printout shows the name and address of the buyer, the quantity ordered and the amount due. 电脑打印资料显示买主的姓名、地址、订购数量以及应付金额。 million dollar interest payments will be due in two years. 百万美元的利息将于两年后支付。 outstanding /aʊtˈstændɪŋ/ [adjective] an amount of money that is outstanding is still owed to someone 未支付的,未偿付的 the government plans to reduce its outstanding debt, freeing capital for investment. 政府计划减少未偿债务,腾出资金用作投资。 the amount outstanding on your house mortgage and any other loans will be counted as liabilities. 房子未还清的抵押贷款以及其他任何方式的贷款都算作债务。 owing /ˈəʊɪŋ/ [adjective not before noun] an amount of money that is owing is still left to be paid 未付的,欠着的 the total amount owing at the end of ten years will be over $20,000. 十年后的欠款总额将超过20,000美元。 most of the money has been repaid but there is still £5 owing. 大部分钱已经还了,但是还欠五英镑。6. someone who owes money 欠款的人 debtor /ˈdetəʳ/ [countable noun] some of the debtors cannot afford to pay these high interest rates. 有些债务人付不起这些高昂的利息。 usually, both creditors and debtors are excluded from the sale. 一般来说,债权人和债务人都不得参与拍卖。a debtor company/country debtor countries cannot develop to their full potential while continuing to pay off such massive foreign debts. 债务国在不断偿还巨额外债的同时,不可能充分发挥潜力发展经济。7. someone that money is owed to 债主 creditor /ˈkredɪtəʳ, ˈkredətəʳ/ [countable noun] when george inherited some money, the first thing he did was to pay his creditors. 乔治继承了一笔钱后,他做的第一件事就是还钱给债主。 the un warned creditors to ease brazil's debt burden or see the country go bankrupt. 联合国提醒债权国减轻巴西的债务负担,不然他们会眼看着这个国家破产。8. to not owe any money 没有欠钱 be in credit /biː ɪn ˈkredə̇t/ [verb phrase] if your bank account is in credit, there is money in it and you do not owe the bank anything [银行账户]有余额,有存款 i can see from my monthly bank statements whether i'm in credit or not. 我可以从每个月的银行账单上看到我的账户里是否有钱。remain/stay in credit we offer free banking for customers whose accounts remain in credit. 我们向账户有存款的客户免费提供银行服务。 be in the black /biː ɪn ðə ˈblæk/ [verb phrase] if someone is in the black, they have earned more than they owe or have spent 有余额,有盈余 the newly reorganized company is now in the black. 这家近期重组的公司现在赢利了。 our oil and gas operations are comfortably in the black. 我们的石油和汽油业务相当赚钱。get something into the black we have to get our account into the black otherwise the bank will never give us a mortgage. 我们的账户必须有盈余,否则银行决不会给我们抵押贷款。 keep your head above water /kiːp jɔːʳ ˌhed əbʌv ˈwɔːtəʳ/ [verb phrase] informal to stay out of debt, although it is difficult to do this because you have very little money 【非正式】勉强应付,勉强不负债 although i've been out of a job for three months, i've managed to keep my head above water. 虽然我失业三个月了,但是还凑合着不用举债。 if i get this raise, we'll just about keep our heads above water until next year. 如果我这次加了工资,我们的生活直到明年还能勉强应付。 solvent /ˈsɒlvəntǁˈsɑːl-/ [adjective] earning enough money to not have to borrow or get into debt 有偿付能力的;收支平衡的 we've been financially solvent for the last 5 years. 我们过去五年都没有负债。 companies need to know that those with whom they are trading are solvent and can pay for goods and services supplied to them 公司需要知道,和自己有生意往来的商家是有能力为提供给他们的货物和服务支付款项的。 afloat /əˈfləʊt/ [adverb] if a company or organization stays or remains afloat, it manages to keep operating because its debts are not so bad that it has to close; if you keep a company or organization afloat, you stop it from getting into so much debt that it has to close [公司或组织]有偿债能力,经济上周转得开 it was the summer of 1991, and i was struggling hard to keep my business afloat. 那是1991年的夏天,我拼命地努力要让公司经营下去。 david henry lent the company $1bn out of his own personal fortune in order to help it stay afloat. 戴维·亨利从私人财产中拿出十亿美元借给公司,帮助公司支撑下去。 the organization remains afloat by renting out its skilled technicians to other companies. 这个机构靠外借高级技工给其他公司勉强维持下去。9. to agree that money that someone owes does not have to be paid 同意某人所欠的钱款无须偿还 write off /ˌraɪt ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to officially say that a company or country no longer has to pay a debt, especially because they will probably never be able to pay it 勾销,注销[某公司或国家的债务,尤因它们很可能无力偿还] write off something european governments were persuaded to write off the republic's largest debts. 欧洲各国政府被说服注销该共和国最大的几笔债务。 a number of the company's debts were written off even before they went bankrupt. 该公司有几笔债务在他们破产前就被注销了。write something off we'll never see that money again so we might as well write it off. 那笔钱我们再也收不回来了,所以倒不如一笔勾销算了。 write-off /ˈraɪt ɒf/ [countable noun] the corporation is still suffering from $350 million in losses and write-offs amounts of money written off. 公司还有3.5亿美元的亏损和注销的债项。 owe /o; əʊ/v [t] 1. to have to pay someone because they have let you borrow money from them 欠[钱]:◇owe sb sth bob owes me $20. 鲍勃欠我 20 美元。◇owe sth to sb we owe a lot of money to the bank. 我们欠银行许多钱。 2. to feel that you should do something for someone because they deserve it 应该做,应给予:◇i owe you an apology. 我应该向你道歉。 3. to have something or achieve something because of someone's help …是由于[某人的帮助],把…归功于:◇"you must be pleased you've won." "i owe it all to you." “你获胜了一定很高兴。”“这全亏了你。” ☞ owe




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