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单词 label
释义 label noun¹ 1paper, etc. attached to sth签条adjective | verb + label | preposition adjective➤adhesive, sticky胶黏/不干胶标签➤package包裹标签➤product产品标签➤clothing, food, nutrition (especially name) 服装/食品/营养标签➤address, mailing (name) 地址/邮寄标签▸➤luggage (especially bre) 行李标签▸➤price价格标签▸➤warning警示标签➤care(衣服上的)使用须知标签◆the care label says 'dry-clean only'.使用须知标签上写着“只可干洗”。➤designer有设计师姓名的标签◆clothes with a designer label设计师品牌服装verb + label➤bear, carry, have带有标签◆it doesn't have a price label on it.这上面没有价格标签。➤attach, put on, stick on附上标签;贴上标签◆she stuck labels on all the jars.她在所有的罐子上都贴了标签。➤remove, take off去掉/取下标签▸➤check, consult, read查看/查阅/阅读标签◆always read the label before taking any medicine.服用任何药物之前都要先阅读标签说明。preposition➤on a/the label在标签上◆what does it say on the label?标签上写了些什么?➤label on⋯上的标签◆the label on the bottle瓶子上的标签label noun² 2description描述adjective | verb + label adjective➤ideological, party意识形态/政党标签verb + label➤apply, assign, attach, slap on, use用某种说法描述;冠以⋯标签◆why do we need to attach a label to these feelings?我们为什么要给这些感情贴上标签呢?◆one sometimes feels that the label 'classic' is applied to any book that is dull.人们有时候感觉任何沉闷的书都可以被冠以“古典”二字。➤reject拒绝标签化的描述label noun³ 3company; brand公司;品牌adjective | verb + label | preposition adjective➤music, record音乐/唱片公司▸➤major大唱片公司➤independent, indie独立(唱片)公司➤brand-name, private品牌标签;自有品牌➤designer设计师品牌◆designer labels grew by nearly 4% in 2007.2007 年设计师品牌增长了近 4%。verb + label➤launch推出品牌▸➤sign to, sign with与唱片公司签约◆the band is hoping to sign with a major label.乐队希望与一家大唱片公司签约。preposition➤under a/the label在品牌旗下◆the record was produced under the virgin label.该唱片由维珍唱片公司出品。label verb¹ 1put a label on sth贴标签adverb | preposition adverb➤appropriately, correctly, properly恰当地贴好标签;正确无误地贴标签▸➤incorrectly, wrongly贴错标签◆some of the plants were wrongly labelled / labeled.有些植物贴错了标签。➤carefully, clearly, neatly认真地/清楚地/整洁地标明◆a pile of small plastic bags, each carefully labelled / labeled一摞小塑料袋,每个都仔细地用标签标明preposition➤with标有◆the samples were all labelled / labeled with a date and place of origin.所有样品都标有日期和原产地。label verb² 2describe sb/sth as a particular thing描述adverb | preposition adverb➤falsely扣帽子◆she was falsely labelled / labeled a liar.她被错误地扣上了说谎者的帽子。➤automatically自动归类preposition➤as定性为⋯◆it would be easy to label the boys as troublemakers.把这些男孩定性为捣蛋鬼倒是很容易。label /leɪbl/ noun [countable] 1.a piece of paper, etc. that is attached to sth and gives information about it 标签;标记;签条◆price/address labels 价格标签;地址签条◆the washing instructions are on the label. 标签上有洗涤说明。◆foods containing the substance must carry a warning label. 含有这种物质的食品必须有警告标记。  ➡  tag noun (1) , ticket 2.a name that is used to sell a range of goods to the public, especially food, clothes or music; the goods themselves 商标;商品◆she sells the foods under the label zest. 她出售 zest 商标的食品。◆he only buys famous labels. 他只买名牌商品。  ➡  see note at brand 3.a company that produces and sells goods under a particular name (生产和销售某品牌产品的)公司◆one of the country's biggest labels has merged with an australian drinks giant. 这国最大的饮料品牌公司之一与澳大利亚饮料巨头合并了。 brand label ◇ designer label ◇ own label ◇ private label ◇ store label label /leɪbl/ verb [transitive] (-ll-, name -l-) (often be labelled) to fix a label on sth or write information on sth 贴标签于;用标签标明◆we carefully label each item with the contents and date. 我们小心地用标签标明每件商品的成分和日期。◆the document was labelled ‘confidential’. 这份文件已标明“保密”。 ▸ labelling (name spelling labeling) noun [uncountable] ◆new rules for food labelling 食品标签的新规则◆they were forced to change the labelling on their products. 他们被迫更换产品上的标签。◆labelling laws/regulations/requirements 标签法律/法规/要求☞ label☞ label☞ brand/label/make☞ brand/label/make label nounlabel ♦︎ tag ♦︎ stickerthese are all words for a piece of paper, fabric or plastic that is attached to sth and gives information about it.这些词均表示纸、布或塑料制的标签、签条、标牌。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a price label / tag / sticker◆a name label / tag◆to have a label / tag / sticker◆to attach / put on / stick on a label / tag / sticker◆the label / tag / sticker says...■ label [countable] a small piece of paper, fabric or plastic that is attached to sth in order to show what it is or give information about it标签;签条;标牌◆the washing instructions are on the label.洗涤说明在标签上。◆this program produces address labels from your database.该程序可从你的数据库里调出地址签条。◆he'll only wear clothes with a designer label.他只穿名牌服装。  ➡ see also label → mark verb 1 ■ tag [countable] (often used in compounds常用于复合词) a label标签;签条;标牌◆everyone at the conference had to wear a name tag.每个与会者都必须佩戴姓名标牌。◆i attached a gift tag (= tied it to a present).我在上面系了个礼品签。◆the police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation.警方利用电子跟踪器监视缓刑期间的青少年犯。 ➡ see also tag → mark verb 1 note 辨析 label or tag? labels in clothes are usually made of fabric and sewn in. tags on clothes are usually made of cardboard and cut off before you wear the clothes. a name label/tag is sewn into a piece of clothing to show who it belongs to. a name tag can also be stuck or tied onto sb to show who they are.衣服上的 label 通常由织物做成并缝在衣服上,衣服上的 tag 通常指挂在衣服上的硬纸板标签,穿衣服前要将其剪下。name label/tag 指缝在衣服上表明物主的签条,name tag 也可指贴或挂在人身上表明佩戴者身分的名牌◆i had to sew name labels / tags into all my son's clothes for school.我得给儿子的所有校服缝上姓名签条。◆all babies in the hospital have name tags tied around their ankles.医院里所有新生儿的脚腕儿上都拴着个姓名签条。 price tag is much more frequent than price label and is used for both literal and figurative meanings. * price tag 指价格标签,比 price label 常用得多,而且兼有字面和比喻意义◆what does the price tag say?标价是多少? (figurative) ◆this wine is well worth its £8.95 price tag.这种标价为 8.95 英镑的葡萄酒很划算。a label can also be a sticker that you put on an envelope. * label 亦可指贴在信封上的粘贴标签 (sticker)。■ sticker [countable] a sticky label with a picture or message on it, that you stick on to sth粘贴标签;贴纸◆the pack will contain a membership card, car stickers and a newsletter.包里会有一张会员卡、一些汽车贴纸和一份内部通讯。label [countable] a company that produces and sells cds唱片公司◆the virgin record label维京唱片公司◆it's his first release for a major label.这是他在大唱片公司发行的第一张唱片。label(-ll-, name -l-) [transitive, often passive] (sometimes disapproving) to describe sb/sth in a particular way, especially in a negative way and often unfairly(尤指负面且常不公正地)把⋯称为◆he was labelled (as) a traitor by his former colleagues.他以前的同事称他为叛徒。◆it is unfair to label a small baby as naughty.说小婴儿淘气不公平。 ➡ see also label → name noun label [countable] a small piece of paper, fabric or plastic that is attached to sth in order to show what it is or give information about it标签;签条;标牌◆the washing instructions are on the label.洗涤说明在标签上。◆this program produces address labels from your database.该程序可从你的数据库里调出地址签条。◆he'll only wear clothes with a designer label.他只穿名牌服装。  ➡ see also label → mark verb 1 label(-ll-, name -l-) [transitive, often passive] to fix a label on sth or write information on sth贴标签于;用标签标明◆we carefully labelled each item with the contents and the date.我们仔细地把每件物品用标签标明成分和日期。 ➡ see also label → label noun note 辨析 mark or label?when you use mark, you usually have to say how sth is marked, for example with a cross, or particular words, or in a particular colour. when you say that sth is labelled, you mean that sb has written on it what it is, what is in it, or who it belongs to, and you do not need to give more details if the context is enough to give the meaning.用 mark 时通常要说明是如何做的标记,比如用十字记号、特定的文字或颜色等。sth is labelled 指已在标签上写明某物是什么、成分如何或归谁所有,若上下文足够明确则不必再给出更多的信息◆the path is marked in red.这条路线用红色标示。◆make sure that all your luggage is clearly labelled (= with your name and address).确保你的所有行李都清楚地用标签标明了你的名字和地址。label [countable] (disapproving) a word or phrase that is used to describe sb/sth in a way that seems too general, unfair or not correct(不恰当的)称谓,绰号,叫法◆i hated the label 'housewife'.我不喜欢“家庭主妇”这个称谓。◆he was cruelly given the label 'mr zero' by the press.新闻界刻薄地称他为“零蛋先生”。  ➡ see also label → call verb 1 label¹/ˈleɪbl ||; ˈlebḷ/noun[c] 1. a piece of paper, etc that is fixed to sth and which gives information about it 标签: ◇there is a list of all the ingredients on the label. 标签上面有个成分表。 2. record label a company that produces and sells records, cds, etc 生产及出售唱片、光盘等的公司 label²/ˈleɪbl ||; ˈlebḷ/verb [t] (labelling;labelled (us 美) labeling;labeled) 1. (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to fix a label or write information on sth 把标签贴在…上;在…写上说明 2. label sb/sth (as) sth to describe sb/sth in a particular way, especially unfairly 把…称为…(尤指不公正地)labelsee ⇨ call/describe as 1,3 ⇨ describe 2☞ label¹☞ label²




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