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单词 plunge
释义 plunge nounadjective | verb + plunge | preposition adjective➤cold跳入冷水◆bathers would go straight from the hot room to take a cold plunge.游泳者从闷热的房间里走出来就直接跳进冷水。➤downward, headlong (both figurative) 投身向下;一头扎进◆the economy's downward plunge经济的大幅下滑◆his headlong plunge into shame and hypocrisy他突然深陷于耻辱和虚伪之境地verb + plunge➤survive突然跌落后活下来◆how did he survive his icy plunge?突然落入冰冷的水中,他是如何活下来的?➤take (usually figurative) 跳下;(深思熟虑后)果断行事◆she prepared to take the plunge into the cold waters of lake ontario.她做好准备跳入安大略湖冰冷的水中。◆he finally took the plunge and gave in his notice.他终于毅然决然地递交了辞呈。preposition➤plunge into跳进⋯中◆a plunge into the icy water跳入冰冷的水中➤plunge to跌到⋯◆a plunge to the ground跌落到地面plunge verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤ahead (name, often figurative) , back, downwards/downward, forward, head first, headlong突然前冲;突然向后倒下;突然下落;向前猛冲;头朝前地冲;倒栽葱◆city officials are plunging ahead with plans for a new convention center.城市官员正纷纷投身于关于新会议中心的计划中。◆the car plunged headlong into the river.汽车一头冲进河中。➤in跳进去◆the pool was declared open and eager swimmers plunged in.泳池一宣布开放,迫不及待的游泳者便跳入水中。preposition➤down冲下⋯◆the bus came off the road and plunged down an embankment.公共汽车驶离了公路,冲下路堤。➤from从⋯跳下◆he plunged from a tenth floor window.他从 10 楼的窗户跳下。➤into (often figurative) 陷入◆she plunged straight into her story.她迳直讲起自己的故事来。➤off突然偏离◆the car had plunged off the road.汽车突然冲离了马路。phrases➤plunge to your death摔死◆a climber plunged 300 feet to his death.一名登山者从 300 英尺高处跌下来摔死了。 plunge /plʌndʒ/ verb [intransitive] to decrease suddenly and quickly 暴跌;骤降◆share prices have plunged in recent months. 最近几个月股价暴跌。◆the dollar plunged to its lowest level in six years. 美元骤跌至六年来的最低水平。 syn plummet  ➡  see note at increase ●plunge into sth ●plunge sb/sth into sthto experience sth unpleasant; to make sb/sth do this 经历;陷入;使经历;使陷入◆the country plunged deeper into recession. 这个国家陷入了更深的经济衰退之中。◆after losing the contract, the company was plunged into crisis. 失去这份合同之后,这家公司陷入了危机。 plunge /plʌndʒ/ noun [countable, usually singular] a sudden decrease in an amount or the value of sth (价格、数量的)暴跌,骤减◆the group has announced a plunge in annual profits. 这个集团已宣布年度利润锐减。◆this increase reversed an earlier price plunge. 这增长扭转了早些时候的价格暴跌。 syn drop ●take the plunge (informal) to decide to do sth important or difficult, especially after thinking about it for a long time (尤指深思熟虑后)果断行事,采取决定性步骤◆even when you're ready to take the plunge, setting up a business is not easy. 即使你准备放手一搏,创业也并非易事。☞ plunge☞ plunge☞ increases and decreasesplunge (especially business尤用于商业) to fall in price, value or level, suddenly and by a large amount(价格、价值或水平)骤降,猛跌,锐减◆stock markets plunged at the news of the coup.政变的消息一传来,股票市场就暴跌了。 opp leap → soar ▸ plunge noun [singular] ◆a dramatic plunge in profits利润锐减plungenoun [singular] ◆a dramatic plunge in profits利润锐减plungenoun [singular] ◆a dramatic plunge in profits利润锐减plunge¹/plʌndʒ ||; plʌndʒ/verb1. [i] plunge (into sth/in) to jump, drop or fall suddenly and with force 突然猛力跳进、掉落或跌进: ◇he ran to the river and plunged in. 他跑到河边,纵身跳进河里。 (figurative 比喻) ◇share prices plunged overnight. 股票价格一夜之间暴跌。 2. [t] plunge sth in/into sth to push sth suddenly and with force into sth (突然用力把某物)插入,刺进: ◇he plunged the knife into the table in anger. 他一怒之下把刀插入桌子。 3. [t] to cause sb/sth to suddenly be in the state mentioned 使突然陷入(某种状态): ◇the country has been plunged into chaos by the floods. 全国因洪水而陷入混乱之中。 4. [i] plunge into (doing) sth to start doing sth with energy and enthusiasm (劲头十足而热情洋溢地)投入(某工作): ◇think carefully before you plunge into buying a house. 买房子之前要三思,不要操之过急。 plunge²/plʌndʒ ||; plʌndʒ/noun [c] a sudden jump, drop or fall 纵身跃;猛然落下;暴跌: ◇i slipped and took a plunge in the river. 我摔了一跤,一屁股跌进河里。◇the plunge in house prices 房价的暴跌 take the plunge to decide to do sth difficult after thinking about it for quite a long time (经过颇长时间考虑后)决定做困难的事情: ◇after going out together for five years, they took the plunge and got married. 经过五年约会以后,他们终于决定结婚。 plungesee ⇨ down 4 ⇨ fall 4 ⇨ push 4     • • •• ⇨ plummet/plunge• ⇨ take the plunge☞ plunge¹☞ plunge²




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