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单词 so¹
释义 so¹ /so; səʊ/adv 1. so big/good/many etc used to emphasize what you are saying 这么大/好/多等[用于强调]:◇it was so embarrassing — everyone was looking at us! 多么尴尬 — 大家都看着我们呢!◇she drives so fast! 她车开得真快!◇so much/many i've never seen so many people in one place before! 我以前从未见过一个地方会有这么多人! 2. so tall/big etc (that) used to emphasize something and explain that this is the reason for something else 如此高/大等[以致…]:◇he was so fat that he couldn't get through the door. 他胖得无法通过这门。 3. used when you are giving a short answer to a question 如此,这样[用于简短的回答中]:◇"will i need my coat?" "i don't think so." “我需要穿外套吗?”“我想不必了。”◇are you going into town? if so, can i come? 你是要进城吗? 如果是的话,我也去好吗? 4. i told you so/i said so spoken used to say that something has happened in the way you said it would 【口】 我跟你说过的/我说过的[用于表示某事被你言中] 5. so do i/so is he/so is mine etc used to say that another person also does the same thing, or that the same thing is true about someone or something else 我也这样/他也这样/我的也这样等:◇if you're going to have a drink then so will i. 如果你要喝一杯,那我也喝。 6. used to get someone's attention, for example when you are going to ask a question or start talking about something different 那么[用于引起某人注意]:◇so, what do you think of your new school? 那么,你觉得你的新学校怎么样? 7. used with a movement of your hand to show how big, tall etc something or someone is, or how to do something 这样,这么[用于做手势表示某物[人]的大小、高度或表示如何做某事等]:◇it was about so big. 大概有这么大。◇then you fold the paper like so. 然后把纸像这样折起来。 8. or so used when you cannot be exact about a number, amount, or period of time 左右,上下[用于无法确定的数字、数量或时期]:◇he left a week or so ago. 他是一星期左右之前走的。 9. and so on/forth used after a list to show that there are other similar things that could be mentioned 等等:◇a room full of old furniture, paintings, and so forth 摆满旧家具、油画等的房间 10. so as (not) to do sth in order to do or not do something 为了(不)做某事,以便[以免]做某事:◇try to remain calm so as not to alarm anyone. 要尽量保持冷静以免惊动别人。 11. so?/so what? used to say that you do not think that something is important, especially in a way that seems impolite 那又怎么样?[尤用于不礼貌地表示某物不重要]:◇yes, i'm late. so what? 没错,我是迟到了。那又怎么样? 12. only so much/many used to say that there is a limit to something and it is not very large 只有这么多:◇the museum is tiny and only so many people are allowed in at one time. 博物馆非常小,一次只允许这么多人进入。




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