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单词 religious
释义 religious adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be笃信宗教▸➤become变得笃信宗教adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常虔诚▸➤deeply, devoutly, highly, intensely, profoundly极虔诚;笃信宗教的;非常虔诚◆a deeply religious person笃信宗教的人➤strictly纯宗教的◆he distanced himself from the strictly religious aspects of the music.他避免使自己的音乐带有纯粹的宗教色彩。➤essentially, fundamentally, inherently本质上/根本上/天生就是宗教的◆yoga is essentially religious and not just physical.从本质上来讲,瑜伽并不仅仅与身体有关,而是具有宗教性质。➤specifically具有明确宗教色彩的◆the specifically religious goals of the college该学院明显带有宗教色彩的目标➤explicitly, overtly明明白白/明显是宗教的religious adjectivereligious ♦︎ holy ♦︎ sacred ♦︎ theologicalthese words all describe things which are connected with god or religion.这些词均表示神的、宗教的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆religious / sacred music / art◆a holy / sacred shrine / temple / relic / river / book / thing■ religious [only before noun] connected with religion or with a particular religion宗教信仰的;宗教的◆religious beliefs / faith宗教信仰/信念◆religious education (= education about religion) 宗教教育◆religious instruction (= instruction in a particular religion) 教义讲授◆religious groups / leaders宗教团体/领袖◆objects which have a religious significance圣物 opp secular ⓘ secular means 'not connected with religious matters'. * secular 指非宗教的、世俗的◆secular art / education / music世俗艺术/教育/音乐■ holy [usually before noun] special to believers in a particular religion; connected with god(对信教者)神圣的;与神有关的◆the holy bible / scriptures《圣经》◆holy ground圣地◆the holy city of mecca圣城麦加◆a holy war (= one fought to defend the beliefs of a particular religion) 圣战  ➡ see also holy → holy ■ sacred /seɪkrɪd/ connected with god or a god; considered to be holy上帝的;神的;神圣的◆a sacred image / grove圣像;神树林◆sacred music圣乐◆cows are sacred to hindus.印度教徒认为牛是神圣的。note 辨析 holy or sacred?there is very little difference in meaning between these words. however, holy is used especially in connection with the world religions that recognize only one god, that is christianity, judaism and islam. sacred is used more in connection with religions that worship, or at least recognize the existence of, more than one god, including hinduism and ancient pagan religions. (there are exceptions for particular collocations: music and art are always sacred, not holy.)这两个词含义差别很小。不过,holy 尤用于信奉单一的神的世界性宗教,即基督教、犹太教和伊斯兰教。sacred 多用于崇拜或至少承认存在一个以上的神的宗教,包括印度教和古代异教。(注意某些词有特定的搭配:music 和 art 总是与 sacred 搭配,不与 holy 搭配。)■ theological /θiːəlɒdʒɪkl; name θiːəlɑːdʒɪkl/ connected with the study of religion and beliefs神学的;宗教学的◆ (bre) a theological college神学院◆ (name) a theological seminary神学院religious [only before noun] connected with religion or with a particular religion宗教信仰的;宗教的◆religious beliefs / faith宗教信仰/信念◆religious education (= education about religion) 宗教教育◆religious instruction (= instruction in a particular religion) 教义讲授◆religious groups / leaders宗教团体/领袖◆objects which have a religious significance圣物 opp secular ⓘ secular means 'not connected with religious matters'. * secular 指非宗教的、世俗的◆secular art / education / music世俗艺术/教育/音乐religious/rɪˈlɪdʒəs ||; rɪˈlɪdʒəs/adj1. connected with religion 与宗教有关的: ◇religious faith 宗教信仰 2. having a strong belief in a religion 虔诚的;笃信的: ◇a deeply religious person 一个很虔诚的人 religioussee ⇨ religion 4,5 re·li·gious /rɪ`lɪdʒəs; rɪˈlɪdʒəs/adj 1. relating to religion 宗教的:◇religious beliefs 宗教信仰 2. believing strongly in your religion and obeying its rules 笃信宗教的; 虔诚的:◇a very religious woman 非常虔诚的女人 ☞ religious




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