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单词 guerrilla
释义 guerrilla nounadjective | guerrilla + noun adjective➤armed武装游击队▸➤urban城市游击队◆urban guerrillas detonated a car bomb in front of the company's headquarters.城市游击队在公司总部前引爆了一枚汽车炸弹。➤communist, right-wing, separatist共产党/右翼/分裂主义游击队guerrilla + noun➤army, band, force, group, movement, organization, unit游击队;游击小队;游击部队;游击小组;游击运动;游击组织;游击分队▸➤commander, fighter, leader游击队指挥官;游击队员;游击队长▸➤activity, attack, campaign, offensive, raid, resistance, struggle, war, warfare游击活动;游击进攻;游击斗争;游击袭击;游击抵抗;游击斗争;游击战◆ten years of guerrilla resistance followed the occupation.占领后随之而来的是 10 年的游击抵抗。➤tactics游击战术 guerrilla (also guerilla) noun  ➡ see also the entry for soldier另见 soldier 条guerrilla ♦︎ rebel ♦︎ terrorist ♦︎ insurgent ♦︎ revolutionary ♦︎ partisan ♦︎ bomber ♦︎ paramilitarythese are all words for a person who uses violence against a government or other authority.这些词均表示游击队员、革命者、造反者。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆armed guerrillas / rebels / terrorists / insurgents / revolutionaries◆to support the guerrillas / rebels / terrorists / insurgents / partisans / paramilitaries◆to join the guerrillas / rebels / insurgents / partisans◆to lead the guerrillas / rebels◆guerrillas / rebels / terrorists / insurgents / partisans / bombers attack / kill sb / sth◆a guerrilla / a rebel / a terrorist / an insurgent / a revolutionary / a paramilitary group◆guerrilla / rebel / terrorist / insurgent / revolutionary / paramilitary activity◆a guerrilla / a rebel / a terrorist / an insurgent / a paramilitary attack■ guerrilla (also guerilla) /gərɪlə/ [countable] a person who fights with weapons against the government of a country, as a member of an organized military force that is not an official army游击队员◆seven soldiers and two guerrillas were killed after an attack on a border post.一个边境哨点受到袭击,七名士兵和两名游击队员被杀。◆the peace talks have put an end to the 17-year guerrilla war.和谈为 17 年的游击战划上了句号。■ rebel /rebl/ [countable] a person who fights against the government of their own country反政府的人;叛乱者;造反者◆a group of armed rebels seized control of the national radio headquarters.一群武装叛乱分子控制了国家广播电台总部。◆rebel forces clashed with government troops.叛军与政府军发生了冲突。 ➡ see also rebel → rebel verb , rebellion → revolution 1 ■ terrorist /terərɪst/ [countable] (disapproving) a person who uses violent action in order to achieve political aims or to force a government to act恐怖分子;恐怖主义者◆international terrorists are threatening to blow up the plane.国际恐怖分子扬言要炸毁飞机。◆three suspected terrorists have been arrested.逮捕了三名恐怖分子嫌疑犯。▸ terrorism noun [uncountable] ◆an act of terrorism恐怖主义行动■ insurgent /ɪnsɜːdʒənt; name ɪnsɜːrdʒənt/ [countable, usually plural] (formal) a person who fights against the government or armed forces of their own country反政府的人;叛乱者;造反者◆government forces continue to face deadly attacks by armed insurgents.政府军仍面临武装叛乱分子的致命袭击。 ➡ see also insurgency → revolution 1 note 辨析 rebel or insurgent?people talk about insurgents in the early stages of a fight against a government or authority. rebel is the less formal and more frequent of the two words, and can be used in the early or later stages of a conflict.指反政府或反当局斗争初期的参与者时用 insurgent。rebel 没有 insurgent 那么正式且更常用,可指参与早期或后期抗争阶段的人。■ revolutionary [countable] a person who starts or supports a revolution, especially a political one(支持)改革者;(尤指)革命者,革命支持者◆the revolutionaries tried to encourage soldiers to mutiny or desert.革命者试图劝说士兵暴动或当逃兵。 ➡ see also revolution → revolution 1 , revolutionary → radical adj. ■ partisan /pɑːtɪzæn, pɑːtɪzæn; name pɑːrtəzn/ [countable] a member of an armed group that is fighting secretly against enemy soldiers who have taken control of its country游击队员;地下武装分子◆by the end of 1944 german forces had driven the italian partisans out of the region.到 1944 年末,德军已将意大利游击队员赶出该地区。ⓘ partisan is usually used to refer to a person involved in a war or conflict in history, especially the second world war, rather than in the present. * partisan 一般指历史上参与战争或冲突的人,尤其是第二次世界大战中的武装分子,并不指现今的游击队员。■ bomber [countable] a person who puts a bomb somewhere illegally非法放置炸弹者◆the suicide bomber blew himself up in a crowded restaurant, killing twelve people.自杀式炸弹袭击者在一家人多的餐馆将自己引爆,炸死了十二人。■ paramilitary /pærəmɪlətri; name pærəmɪləteri/ [countable, usually plural] a member of an armed group that is organized like an army but is not official, and may be opposed to the government准武装集团成员;非法武装集团成员◆the army has blamed paramilitaries for heavy civilian casualties in the area.军方谴责非法武装集团成员造成该地区重大平民伤亡。guerrilla (also guerilla) /gərɪlə/ [countable] a person who fights with weapons against the government of a country, as a member of an organized military force that is not an official army游击队员◆seven soldiers and two guerrillas were killed after an attack on a border post.一个边境哨点受到袭击,七名士兵和两名游击队员被杀。◆the peace talks have put an end to the 17-year guerrilla war.和谈为 17 年的游击战划上了句号。guerrilla/gəˈrɪlə ||; gəˈrɪlə/(also guerilla) noun [c] a member of a small military group who are not part of an official army and who make surprise attacks on the enemy 游击队员 guerrillasee ⇨ rebellion/revolution 4 guer·ril·la /gə`rɪlə; ɡəˈrɪlə/n [c]a member of an unofficial military group that is fighting for political reasons 游击队员:◇guerrilla warfare 游击战




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