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单词 comment
释义 comment nounadjective | verb + comment | preposition | phrases adjective➤brief短评➤fair合理的意见◆what she said was fair comment. (bre) 她的评论很合理。◆what she said was a fair comment. (name) 她的评论很合理。➤favourable/favorable, nice, positive正面的评论;中听的意见▸➤adverse, derogatory, disparaging, negative, unfavourable/unfavorable不利的评论;诽谤性的评论;贬损的评论;负面的评论▸➤critical批评意见◆highly critical comments have been made about the conduct of some politicians.一些政客的行为受到了十分严厉的批评。◆a book with critical comment on the various strands of feminism一本对形形色色女权主义进行批判的书➤hostile, snarky (name, informal) , snide, unfair不友善的/尖刻的/挖苦的/不公正的评论➤caustic, scathing刻薄的/尖刻的评论➤rude, sardonic, smart-ass (name, informal) , stupid粗鲁无礼的/嘲讽的/自作聪明的/愚蠢的评论▸➤ironic, sarcastic, wry挖苦的/讽刺的/嘲弄的评论➤witty妙趣横生的评论▸➤constructive, helpful, useful, valuable建设性的/有益的/有用的/有价值的意见▸➤incisive, insightful, interesting, perceptive, shrewd深刻的/有见解的/有意思的/犀利的/精明的评论▸➤cryptic含义隐晦的评论▸➤uninformed (especially bre) 无知的话语▸➤general一般性评论▸➤detailed详细评论▸➤casual, offhand, off-the-cuff, passing, throwaway非正式的评论;唐突的意见;即兴的评论;随便的评论;冲口而出的评语◆he made a few casual comments to her about her hair and now she's chopped it all off!他随便评论了几句她的头发,她就把头发都剪了!◆this idea deserves more than passing comment.这个想法值得慎重考虑。➤editorial, official, personal, press, public社论;官方评论;个人意见;新闻评论;公众评价◆editorial comment in the press tended to support the government in this matter.在这一问题上,报界的社论倾向于支持政府一方。➤written书面评论▸➤political, social政治/社会评论◆her novels were a vehicle for shrewd social comment.她的小说是传达她精辟的社会评论的媒介。➤sad令人遗憾的评论◆the attack is a sad comment on the public's understanding of mental illness.这种抨击反映出公众对精神疾病并不理解。verb + comment➤have, make, pass评论;进行评论;发表评论◆if you have any comments, please send them to the above address.如果有任何意见,请寄往上述地址。◆she made a cryptic comment about how the movie mirrored her life.她暗示这部电影是她人生的写照。◆i would prefer not to pass comment before i have more information on the case.在我没有得到更多关于这件事的信息之前,我宁愿不发表意见。➤give, offer给出/提出意见➤add, leave, post (= on the internet) , send, submit, write补充意见;留下评论;(在网上)发帖评论;发送意见;呈交意见;写评论◆feel free to post your comments if you have any.有意见欢迎随时发帖评论。➤read读评论➤hear听取意见▸➤attract, cause, draw, elicit, excite引来评论;激起评论◆the article attracted much adverse comment.这篇文章引来了众多非议。➤appreciate, invite, seek, welcome感谢评论;征求意见;寻求意见;欢迎评论◆the school has invited comments from parents about the new curriculum.学校向家长征求有关新课程设置的意见。➤get, receive收到意见◆we have received many helpful comments from fellow-sufferers.我们收到了病友的很多有益意见。➤decline (name) 谢绝评论◆kpj officials declined comment.南斯拉夫共产党的官员谢绝评论。➤disregard, ignore不理会评论➤direct把评论对准◆she directed all her comments at steve.她所有的意见都是针对史蒂夫的。preposition➤without comment未作评论地◆she accepted his diagnosis without comment.她默然接受了他的诊断结果。➤comment about, comment on关于⋯的评论◆a general comment on the weather天气概述➤comment from来自⋯的评论◆we welcome comments from readers.我们欢迎来自读者的意见。phrases➤be available for comment, be unavailable for comment有时间/无暇作出评论◆the spokesman was not available for comment last night.昨晚发言人无暇作出评论。➤no comment无可奉告◆when asked about the allegations, the chairman replied 'no comment'.当被问到有关传闻时,主席回答“无可奉告”。➤a source of comment引发意见的缘由◆his visits were the source of much comment.他的访问引发了大量评论。➤questions and comments问题与评论◆viewers are encouraged to phone in questions and comments.鼓励观众打电话提问和评论。comment verbadverb | verb + comment | preposition adverb➤favourably/favorably有利地评论▸➤adversely, critically, unfavourably/unfavorably不利地/批判地/负面地评论▸➤bitterly, sarcastically尖刻地/讽刺地评论▸➤drily, wryly冷淡地/挖苦地评论➤quietly, softly平静地/温和地评论▸➤publicly公开评论verb + comment➤decline to, refuse to拒绝评论◆the president refused to comment on the affair.总统拒绝评论此事。preposition➤about评论有关⋯的事◆people were commenting about her abilities.人们在评论她的能力。➤on评论⋯◆he refused to comment on the proposals.他拒绝对这些建议发表意见。➤to向⋯发表意见◆she commented to me that she liked it.她对我表示喜欢它。 comment verbcomment ♦︎ note ♦︎ remark ♦︎ observethese words all mean to say or write a fact or opinion.这些词均表示说明事实或发表意见。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to comment / remark on sth◆to comment / remark / observe to sb◆to comment / note / remark / observe that...◆to comment on / note / remark / observe how...◆to comment / note / remark / observe drily / wryly◆to comment / remark / observe coolly / acidly / casually■ comment [intransitive, transitive] to express an opinion or give facts about sth发表意见;说明事实;议论说◆he refused to comment until after the trial.审判结束之前他拒绝发表评论。◆we were just commenting on how well you look.我们刚才正说你看起来多么健康。◆'not his best performance,' she commented to the woman sitting next to her.“这不是他的最佳表现。”她对坐在旁边的女士议论道。 ➡ see also comment → statement noun ■ note [transitive] (rather formal) to mention sth because it is important or interesting(因重要或有趣)特别提到,指出◆it is worth noting that the most successful companies had the lowest prices.值得指出的是最成功的公司价格最低。ⓘ note is often used to draw sb's attention to an important or interesting fact. * note 常表示提醒别人注意重要或有趣的事情◆visitors should note that the tower is not open to the public.游客请注意:该塔不对公众开放。◆there are two other points to note from this graph.这一图表有另外两点需要特别提一下。■ remark [intransitive, transitive] to say or write what you have noticed about a situation说起;谈论;评论◆the judges remarked on the high standard of entries for the competition.众评委说明了参赛作品的高水准。◆critics remarked that the play was not original.评论家指出这部戏剧缺乏创意。 ➡ see also remark → statement noun ■ observe /əbzɜːv; name əbzɜːrv/ [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) (formal) to say or write what you have noticed about a situation说起;谈论;评论◆she observed that it was getting late.她说天色晚了。  ➡ see also observation → statement noun note 辨析 comment, remark or observe?if you comment on sth you say sth about it; if you remark on sth or observe sth, you say sth about it that you have noticed: there is often not much difference between them. however, while you can refuse to comment, you cannot 'refuse to remark' or 'refuse to observe'. * comment on 表示谈论某事,remark on 或 observe 表示谈论或评论注意到的事物。这几个词通常无太大区别。不过,拒绝评论可以用 refuse to comment,不能用 refuse to remark 或 refuse to observe◆he refused to remark/observe until after the trial. comment [intransitive, transitive] to express an opinion or give facts about sth发表意见;说明事实;议论说◆he refused to comment until after the trial.审判结束之前他拒绝发表评论。◆we were just commenting on how well you look.我们刚才正说你看起来多么健康。◆'not his best performance,' she commented to the woman sitting next to her.“这不是他的最佳表现。”她对坐在旁边的女士议论道。 ➡ see also comment → statement noun comment [countable, uncountable] something that you say or write that gives an opinion on sth or is a response to a question about a particular situation议论;评论;解释◆she made helpful comments on my work.她对我的工作提了有益的意见。◆he handed me the document without comment.他未作任何解释就把文件交给了我。◆when asked about the rumours, the chairman replied, 'no comment.'当被问及那些谣言时,主席回答说:“无可奉告。” ➡ see also comment → comment verb comment¹/ˈkɒment ||; ˈkɑmɛnt/noun [c,u] comment (about/on sth) something that you say or write that gives your opinion or feeling about sth 评论: ◇the chancellor was not available for comment. 当时无法邀得总理发表评论。◇i heard someone make a rude commentabout my clothes. 我听到有人对我的衣着发表难听的议论。 ☞look at observation and remark. 参看observation及remark。 no comment used in reply to a question when you do not want to say anything at all (用于响应不愿置评的问题)无可奉告: ◇‘mr president, how do you feel about these latest developments?’ ‘no comment.’ “总统先生,您对事态的最新发展有什么看法?”“无可奉告。” comment²/ˈkɒment ||; ˈkɑmɛnt/verb [i,t] comment (on sth) to say what you think or feel about sth 评论: ◇several people commented on how ill david looked. 有几个人都说过戴维的脸色怎样难看,像是病了。 commentsee ⇨ say 1,11     • • •• ⇨ be a comment on☞ comment¹☞ comment²




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