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单词 loyalty
释义 loyalty nounadjective | verb + loyalty | loyalty + verb | loyalty + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤absolute, complete, total, undivided, undying, unswerving, unwavering绝对的效忠;全心全意的效忠;始终不渝的忠心◆he showed unswerving loyalty to his friends.他表现出了对朋友始终不渝的忠心。➤long-term长期的忠心➤fierce, great, intense, strong, tremendous忠心耿耿➤unquestioning不带一丝质疑的忠诚➤blind盲目的忠心;愚忠➤conflicting, divided, dual矛盾的/左右为难的/双重的忠诚◆disagreements with one's in-laws often create divided loyalties.与姻亲的不合常常让人左右为难。➤primary首要的忠诚◆his primary loyalty was to his family.他对家庭最为忠诚。➤family, personal, tribal对家庭的/对个人的/对部落的忠诚➤local, regional对地方的/对地区的忠心➤ethnic, religious对种族的/对宗教的忠诚➤party, political对政党的/政治上的忠诚➤brand, consumer, customer品牌忠诚度;消费者的忠诚;顾客的忠诚verb + loyalty➤command, earn, engender, inspire, win博得忠心◆he inspires great loyalty from all his employees.他赢得所有雇员的耿耿忠心。➤build, create建立忠诚◆attempts to build customer loyalty建立顾客忠诚的努力➤retain保持忠诚➤feel, have忠于▸➤demonstrate, display, express, prove, show表明忠心;显示忠心➤declare, pledge, swear宣布效忠;宣誓效忠◆they pledged their loyalty to the king.他们宣誓效忠国王。➤shift, switch, transfer (especially bre) 转移忠心◆some party members found it hard to switch their loyalty to the new leader.有些党员觉得难以转而支持新任领导人。➤demand, expect要求/期待忠诚➤buy收买忠心◆it was a blatant attempt to buy their loyalty.这是公然收买他们忠心的企图。➤reward回报忠心◆the company rewards customer loyalty by offering discounts.公司以打折的方式回馈顾客的忠诚。➤owe欠忠诚◆she owed no loyalty to him.她不用对他忠心。➤doubt, question怀疑/质疑忠诚➤test考验忠心loyalty + verb➤be, lie, remain忠诚是⋯;忠诚存在于⋯;忠心依旧◆his loyalties lay with people from the same background as himself.他效忠的是那些和他有相同背景的人。loyalty + noun➤oath效忠誓言➤test效忠考验➤card (= that gives benefits to regular customers of a shop/store, etc.) (bre) (商场的)会员积分卡➤points (bre) 忠诚积分◆customers earn loyalty points every time they shop in the store.顾客每次在店里购物都会获得忠诚积分。➤programme/program, scheme (bre) 忠诚计划➤bonus (bre) 忠诚奖金preposition➤out of loyalty出于忠心◆she stayed on at the school out of loyalty to her students.她是出于对学生的忠心才继续待在学校的。➤loyalty among⋯之间的忠心◆the town is the object of fierce loyalty among its inhabitants.居民对所居住的小镇有着强烈的眷恋之心。➤loyalty for对⋯的忠诚◆mass advertising creates brand loyalty for a product.大量的广告可以建立起人们对产品的品牌忠诚度。➤loyalty from来自⋯的忠心◆the company expects loyalty from its employees.公司希望员工能忠心耿耿。➤loyalty to忠于⋯◆men whose loyalty is to their political careers忠于自己的政治生涯的男人们➤loyalty towards/toward对⋯的忠诚◆the team members felt tremendous loyalty towards / toward one another.队员互相之间都非常忠诚。phrases➤a conflict of loyalties各种忠诚的冲突➤an oath of loyalty, a pledge of loyalty效忠誓言▸➤a sense of loyalty忠诚感 loyalty /lɔɪəlti/ noun [uncountable] the quality of being faithful to a particular product, company, etc. 忠诚;忠实 brand loyalty ◇ customer loyalty ☞ loyaltyloyaltynoun [uncountable, countable] ◆they swore their loyalty to the king.他们宣誓效忠国王。◆a case of divided loyalties (= with strong feelings of support for two different people or causes) 两面效忠 opp disloyalty → betrayal loyaltynoun [uncountable, countable] ◆they swore their loyalty to the king.他们宣誓效忠国王。◆a case of divided loyalties (= with strong feelings of support for two different people or causes) 两面效忠 opp disloyalty → betrayal loyaltysee ⇨ loyal/not loyal 2 loy·al·ty /`lɔɪəltɪ; ˈlɔɪəlti/n 1. [u] the quality of being loyal 忠诚,忠贞:◇the company demands loyalty from its workers. 该公司要求员工忠心耿耿。 2. [c usually plural 一般用复数] a feeling of friendship and support towards someone or something 忠于…的感情; 忠心:◇political loyalties 政治上的忠诚◇my loyalties lie with my family. 我忠于自己的家庭。




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