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单词 guarantee
释义 guarantee noun¹ 1written promise by a company厂家保证书adjective | verb + guarantee | preposition adjective➤full全面质保◆the company offers a full money-back guarantee.这家公司有全额退款保障。➤lifetime, three-year, two-year, etc.终生、三年、两年等担保▸➤money-back退款保证verb + guarantee➤carry, come with, have带有质保;附带质保◆all our products come with a two-year guarantee.我们的所有产品都保用两年。➤give (sb), offer (sb)(给某人)提供质保preposition➤under guarantee (bre) (under warranty in name) 处于质保期内◆the car is still under guarantee, so you should be able to get it repaired free of charge.汽车仍处于质保期内,你应该可以免费获得维修。➤guarantee against免受⋯影响的保证书◆the window frames carry a 20-year guarantee against rot or decay.这些窗框有 20 年之内不会腐烂的质量保证 。➤guarantee for给⋯的质保◆the garage gives a year's guarantee for all repair work.修车厂对所进行的维修提供 1 年的质保。➤guarantee on为⋯提供的保证书◆the contractors offer a full money-back guarantee on all their work.承包商对所有工程提供全额退款保证。guarantee noun² 2promise that sth will be done/will happen许诺adjective | verb + guarantee | preposition adjective➤absolute, firm (especially bre) 绝对的/可靠的保证▸➤cast-iron, ironclad (especially name) 板上钉钉的/万无一失的保证▸➤long-term长期的保证▸➤constitutional, federal, government, legal宪法/联邦政府的/政府/法律保证◆the country gives a constitutional guarantee of the rights of minorities.国家对少数族裔的权利提供宪法保障。➤personal个人担保➤loan贷款担保➤security安全保证verb + guarantee➤give (sb), offer (sb), provide (sb with)给予(某人)担保;(给某人)提供保证▸➤demand, want要求保证;需要担保▸➤get, receive得到/收到保证◆we didn't get any firm guarantee of a loan.我们没有得到关于贷款的明确保证。➤violate (especially name) 违背承诺preposition➤guarantee against免受⋯影响的保证◆there was no guarantee against misuse of the political power.没有什么可以保证政治权力不被滥用。➤guarantee for就⋯的担保◆the demonstrators were demanding guarantees for fair elections.示威者要求确保选举公正。➤guarantee of⋯的保证◆arriving early is no longer a guarantee of getting a place.早到已无法确保有位置。guarantee verb¹ 1promise to do sth/promise sth will happen许诺adverb | verb + guarantee | phrases adverb➤absolutely绝对保证◆i can absolutely guarantee that you will enjoy the show.我完全可以保证你会喜欢这场演出。➤personally私人担保◆i personally guarantee total and immediate support in all measures undertaken.对于所采取的一切措施,我个人保证将给予全面而及时的支持。➤constitutionally, federally (both especially name) 在宪法层面/在联邦政府层面保证verb + guarantee➤be able to, can能够/可以保证phrases➤be fully guaranteed全面质保◆all our electrical goods are fully guaranteed.我们所有的电器都有全面质保。guarantee verb² 2make sth certain to happen确保adverb➤absolutely完全保证▸➤almost, practically, virtually几乎可以保证;实际上可以保证▸➤effectively有效地保证◆the complicated electoral system effectively guarantees the president's re-election.复杂的选举制度有效地保证总统再次当选。➤automatically自动保证◆a degree does not automatically guarantee you a job.获得学位并不一定能保证你能找到工作。➤by no means, not necessarily完全不能保证;不一定保证◆the outcome is by no means guaranteed.结果完全无法保证。guarantee /gærəntiː/ noun (abbreviation guar.) 1. [countable, uncountable] a written promise given by a company that sth you buy will be replaced or repaired without payment if it goes wrong within a particular period 保修单;保用证书◆we provide a 5-year guarantee against manufacturing faults. 我们对生产缺陷提供 5 年保修。◆the watch is still under guarantee. 这只手表仍然在保修期内。◆the television comes with a year's guarantee. 这台电视机有一年的保修期。◆a money-back guarantee 退货保证 syn warranty ⨁ to offer / provide a guarantee提供保修 ⨁ sth carries / comes with / has a guarantee某物有保修单 (finance 金融; law 法律) [countable, uncountable] (also guaranty) money or sth valuable that you give or promise to a bank, for example, to make sure that you will pay back money that you borrow 保证金;抵押品◆we had to offer our house as a guarantee when getting the loan. 我们在贷款时不得不用房子作抵押。◆guarantees against bad loans 坏账保证金  ➡  collateral ⨁ to give / offer / provide (sth as) a guarantee拿出/提出/提供(某物作为)抵押品 (finance 金融; law 法律) (also guaranty) [countable] an agreement to be legally responsible for sth, especially for paying sb's debts if they cannot pay them 保证;担保◆the airline is seeking government loan guarantees of $1.8 billion to avoid bankruptcy. 这家航空公司正在寻求 18 亿元的政府贷款担保以避免破产。⨁ to give / provide a guarantee给予/提供担保 ⨁ to get / seek a guarantee获得/寻求担保 4. [countable] a firm promise that you will do sth or that sth will happen 保证;担保◆he wanted written guarantees of the package before accepting. 他要求得到这批货物的书面担保后才接收。◆they have given a guarantee that the business will not be sold. 他们已保证不会出售企业。⨁ to give / offer / provide a guarantee给出/提出/提供保证 ⨁ to ask for / get / want a guarantee要求/得到/想要保证 bank guarantee ◇ company limited by guarantee ◇ cross-guarantee ◇ export credit guarantee ◇ money-back guarantee guarantee /gærəntiː/ verb (abbreviation guar.) [transitive] promise to do sth; to promise that sth will happen 保证;担保;保障◆we guarantee to deliver your goods within a week. 我们保证在一周内向你交付货物。 give a written promise to replace or repair a product free if it goes wrong 给予书面保证;提供保修单◆the toaster is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship. 这种烤面包机若存在工艺缺陷可保修一年。 (finance 金融; law 法律) to agree to be legally responsible for sth or for doing sth such as paying back a loan 承诺对…负法律责任;为…作保◆the loan will be guaranteed by the german government. 这笔贷款将由德国政府作保。◆to guarantee to pay somebody's debts 为某人的债务作保☞ guarantee☞ guaranteeguarantee /gærəntiː/ [transitive] to make sth certain to happen保证;确保◆tonight's victory guarantees the team's place in the final.今晚的胜利确保了这个队能进入决赛。◆these days getting a degree doesn't guarantee you a job.如今获得学位并不保证你能找到工作。guarantee /gærəntiː/ [transitive] (finance金融) to agree to be legally responsible for repaying an amount of money if the person who owes it fails to repay it承诺为⋯作保◆his father agreed to guarantee the bank loan.他父亲同意为那笔银行贷款作保。guarantee /gærəntiː/ [transitive] to be certain that sth will happen肯定会;必然会◆the film is virtually guaranteed to do well at the box office.这部影片几乎可以肯定会大收旺场。guarantee /gærəntiː/ [countable] a firm promise that you will do sth or that sth will happen保证;担保◆the union wants cast-iron guarantees that there will be no job losses.工会想得到确实可靠的不裁员保证。note 辨析 promise, pledge or guarantee? promise is the most frequent and most general of these words, and the only one of these three to use in the context of personal relationships. * promise 在三个词中最常见、含义最宽泛,是唯一能在个人关系语境中使用的词◆she had obviously forgotten her pledge/guarantee to call me. pledge is used especially in the context of politics and the things that politicians promise in order to get elected. * pledge 尤用于政治语境,可指从政者为求当选而作的承诺◆election / campaign / manifesto pledges竞选承诺◆spending pledges given by the government政府就支出所作的保证 guarantee is used especially in matters of business involving companies or organizations. * guarantee 尤指公司或机构所作的业务担保。guarantee /gærəntiː/ [transitive] to tell sb that sth definitely will or will not happen, or that you defintely will or will not do sth保证;担保;保障◆basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed.包括言论自由在内的基本人权如今都有了保障。◆the ticket will guarantee you free entry.这张票将保证你免费入场。◆we guarantee to deliver your goods within a week.我们保证一周内交货。note 辨析 promise or guarantee?when you promise sth, you make a personal commitment to the person you are talking to, usually to do sth. guarantee is less personal: when you guarantee sth, you mean that you will make sure that it happens. you have a moral duty to do what you have promised, but no one can legally force you to do it. you may have a legal duty to do what you have guaranteed, but people often use the word guarantee without actually accepting a legal duty: they mean it as a stronger form of promise. * promise 指作出个人之间的承诺,通常指承诺做某事。guarantee 不那么个人化,表示保证某事会发生。promise 指作出道德上有义务兑现的承诺,但该承诺不具有法律约束力。guarantee 可以指作出法律上有履约义务的保证,但使用这个词时常常并不真的表示具有法律效力,只是一种比 promise 语义更强的保证。guarantee¹/ˌgærənˈti: ||; ˌgærənˈti/noun[c,u] 1. a firm promise that sth will be done or that sth will happen 保证: ◇the refugees are demanding guarantees about their safety before they return home. 难民要求有关方面在他们返国前保证他们的人身安全。 2. a written promise by a company that it will repair or replace a product if it breaks in a certain period of time 保证书 · ◇the watch comes with a year's guarantee. 这块手表保修一年。◇is the computer still under guarantee ? 这台计算机的保修期是不是还没有过? ☞look at warranty. 参看warranty。 3. something that makes sth else certain to happen 起保证作用的事物: ◇without a reservation there's no guarantee that you'll get a seat on the train. 不预订票的话,火车上不一定有座位。 guarantee²/ˌgærənˈti: ||; ˌgærənˈti/verb[t] 1. to promise that sth will be done or will happen 保证: ◇they have guaranteed delivery within one week. 他们保证一个星期内送到。 2. to give a written promise to repair or replace a product if anything is wrong with it 保修,保换(产品): ◇this washing machine is guaranteed for three years. 这台洗衣机的保修期为三年。 3. to make sth certain to happen 确保: ◇tonight's win guarantees the team a place in the final. 今晚的胜利确保该队进入决赛。 guaranteesee ⇨ promise 1,2☞ guarantee¹☞ guarantee²




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