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单词 oppose
释义 oppose verbadverb | verb + oppose adverb➤adamantly, bitterly, fiercely, firmly, resolutely, strenuously, strongly, vehemently, vigorously, violently坚决反对;强烈反对;激烈反对◆we would vigorously oppose such a policy.我们强烈反对这种政策。➤totally完全反对◆we totally oppose the use of gas to kill any animal.我们绝对反对使用毒气杀死任何动物。➤actively积极反对▸➤openly, publicly公开反对▸➤successfully, unsuccessfully (especially bre) 成功地反对;反对不成功◆environmental lobby groups successfully opposed the plan.向议员游说的环保团体成功地抵制了这一计划。➤initially首先反对◆the ban was initially opposed by the us.这一禁令首先遭到美国的反对。➤consistently一贯反对◆the president has consistently opposed any relaxation in the law.总统一向反对在法律上有任何放宽。verb + oppose➤vote to投票反对▸➤continue to继续反对 oppose /əpəʊz; name əpoʊz/ verb [transitive] to disagree strongly with sb's plan, policy, etc. and try to change it or prevent it from succeeding 反对;抵制;阻挠◆business leaders strongly oppose an increase in the minimum wage. 企业领导人强烈反对提高最低工资。◆the majority of shareholders have opposed the deal. 大多数股东反对这笔交易。☞ oppose oppose verboppose ♦︎ resist ♦︎ fight ♦︎ combat ♦︎ defy ♦︎ rebel ♦︎ go against sb/sth ♦︎ disobey ♦︎ stand up to sb ♦︎ floutthese words all mean to speak or act against things that you disagree with.这些词均表示反对、抵制、与⋯作斗争。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to fight / rebel against sb / sth◆to oppose / resist / fight a plan / proposal◆to oppose / fight / defy / flout a ban◆to oppose / fight / defy / stand up to the government◆to defy / disobey your parents◆to oppose / defy / disobey / flout the law◆to defy / rebel against / disobey / flout authority◆to oppose / defy / go against / flout sb's wishes◆to fight / combat crime / disease / pollution / inflation◆to defy / disobey / flout a / an rule / order◆to fiercely / bitterly / strongly oppose / resist sth■ oppose [transitive] to disagree strongly with a person, plan or policy, and to speak or act against them反对(人、计划或政策);抵制;阻挠◆this party would bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty.这个党会强烈反对恢复死刑。◆he found himself opposed by his own deputy.他发现遭到了自己副手的反对。◆i would oppose changing the law.我会反对改变这条法规。 opp support → support 1 , propose → propose  ➡ see also opposition → opposition , opponent → enemy ■ resist [transitive] to refuse to accept a change or what sb wants to do, and try to stop it from happening抵制;阻挡◆they are determined to resist pressure to change the law.他们决心顶住要求修改这项法律的压力。◆the bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.银行强烈反对降低利率。 ➡ see also resistance → opposition ■ fight (fought, fought) [transitive, intransitive] to use a lot of effort to oppose a decision or plan, or to stop or deal with sth bad极力反对(决定或计划);与(坏事)作斗争◆workers are fighting the decision to close the factory.工人在极力反对关闭工厂的决定。◆we are committed to fighting poverty.我们致力于消除贫困。◆we will fight for as long as it takes.我们要一直斗争到底。  ➡ see also battle → compete ■ combat /kɒmbæt; name kɑːmæt/ (-t- or -tt-) [transitive] (rather formal) to take action to stop or deal with sth bad与(坏事)作斗争◆he announced new measures to combat crime in the inner cities.他宣布了打击内城区犯罪活动的新措施。◆the country has appealed for aid to combat serious shortages of foodstuffs.该国已吁请援助以应付严重的食品短缺。note 辨析 fight or combat? fight has a wider range of collocates than combat, and is often used to talk about things that you oppose personally. * fight 常指站在个人立场上反对某事,搭配词的范围较 combat 广◆to fight a decision / plan / ban反对决定/计划/禁令◆to fight against sth反对某事◆to combat a decision/plan/ban ◆to combat against sth both fight and combat can be used to talk about official efforts to deal with economic and social conditions such as poverty, crime, unemployment and inflation. fight is not normally used with shortages. * fight 和 combat 均可指官方努力应对 poverty、crime、unemployment 和 inflation 等经济和社会问题。fight 通常不与 shortage 连用◆to fight serious shortages of foodstuffs ■ defy /dɪfaɪ/ [transitive] to refuse to obey or show respect for sb/sth in authority, a law, rule or decision违抗;反抗;蔑视◆i wouldn't have dared to defy my teachers.我可不敢不听老师的话。◆hundreds of people today defied the ban on political gatherings.今天有数百人违抗禁止政治集会的规定。  ➡ see also defiant → naughty ▸ defiance noun [uncountable] ◆nuclear testing was resumed in defiance of an international ban.尽管国际上明令禁止,核试验又在进行了。◆she held up a clenched fist in a gesture of defiance.她举起攥紧的拳头以示反抗。■ rebel /rɪbel/ [intransitive] to stop obeying sb/sth that has authority over you造反;反抗;背叛◆he later rebelled against his strict religious upbringing.他后来背叛了从小所受的严格宗教教育。◆most teenagers find something to rebel against.大多数青少年都会反抗这个反抗那个。  ➡ see also rebellious → naughty ▸ rebellion noun [uncountable, countable] ◆some members are in rebellion against proposed cuts in spending.有些成员反对削减开支的建议。◆teenage rebellion often starts in the home.青少年的叛逆常常始于家庭。■ go against sb/sth -->phrasal verb(goes, went, gone)to disagree with a rule or sb's wishes and do the opposite of what they say违反(规则);违背(意愿);与⋯相背◆he would not go against his parents' wishes.他不会违背父母的意愿。■ disobey /dɪsəbeɪ/ [transitive, intransitive] to refuse to do what a law, order or sb in authority tells you to do不服从;不顺从;违抗◆he was punished for disobeying orders.他因抗命而受罚。◆how dare you disobey me!你竟敢不听我的! opp obey → follow 3  ➡ see also disobedient → naughty ■ stand up to sb -->phrasal verb(stood, stood)to refuse to accept bad treatment from a more powerful person or organization without complaining勇敢地对抗;拒绝接受(有势力人士或机构的)不公正对待◆it was brave of her to stand up to those bullies.她不向那几个坏蛋屈服,真是勇敢。■ flout /flaʊt/ [transitive] to show that you have no respect for a law, rule or custom by openly not obeying it公然蔑视,无视(法律、规则或习俗)◆she likes flouting convention and doing her own thing.她就爱藐视习俗、我行我素。oppose [transitive] to disagree strongly with a person, plan or policy, and to speak or act against them反对(人、计划或政策);抵制;阻挠◆this party would bitterly oppose the re-introduction of the death penalty.这个党会强烈反对恢复死刑。◆he found himself opposed by his own deputy.他发现遭到了自己副手的反对。◆i would oppose changing the law.我会反对改变这条法规。 opp support → support 1 , propose → propose  ➡ see also opposition → opposition , opponent → enemy oppose/əˈpəʊz ||; əˈpoz/verb [t] to disagree with sb's beliefs, actions or plans and to try to change or stop them 反对;阻挡: ◇they opposed the plan to build a new road. 他们反对修建新路的计划。 ☞ against/oppose op·pose /ə`poz; əˈpəʊz/v [t]to disagree with something and try to stop it 反对; 阻止:◇they continue to oppose any changes to the present system. 他们继续反对现行制度的任何变革。




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