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单词 sheet
释义 sheet noun¹ 1large piece of fabric used on a bed床单adjective | verb + sheet | sheet + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤clean, crisp, fresh干净的/挺括的/洁净的床单◆a pile of clean sheets一叠干净的床单➤crumpled, rumpled (especially name) 皱巴巴的/乱糟糟的床单◆she had slept in her bed-the sheets were crumpled.她在床上睡过,床单皱巴巴的。➤white白床单▸➤cool冷色调的床单➤soft柔软的床单▸➤cotton, linen, rubber, satin, silk棉布/亚麻/橡胶/缎子/丝绸床单▸➤bed床单▸➤double, single双人/单人床单▸➤fitted尺寸合适的床单▸➤bottom, top底层床单;上层被单verb + sheet➤change, fold, put on, tuck in更换/折叠/铺上/掖好床单◆she changed the sheets on all the beds.她给所有的床铺都换了床单。◆could you put some fresh sheets on the bed?你能在床上铺上新床单吗?➤climb between, climb under爬进被窝▸➤slide between, slide under, slip between, slip under钻进被窝◆i slipped under the sheets and was asleep in an instant.我钻进被窝,一会儿就睡着了。➤cover sb/sth with, wrap sb/sth in用被单盖住⋯/裹住⋯◆the police had covered the body with a sheet.警察已用被单盖住尸体。➤wrap裹上被单◆i simply wrapped the sheet around her.我只是帮她把被单掖好。➤pull back, pull over, pull up拉上被单◆i pulled the sheet up over my nose.我把被单拉上来盖住鼻子。➤throw, throw back盖上被单;掀开被单◆i threw a sheet over the sofa.我用被单盖住沙发。◆he threw back the sheets and rolled out of bed.他掀开被单,一骨碌起了床。sheet + verb➤cover床单盖住➤hang床单挂在◆sheets hung on a line挂在绳上的床单preposition➤beneath a/the sheet, under a/the sheet在被窝里▸➤between the sheets在被窝里◆she lay between the cool sheets.她躺在被窝里,被单和褥单都很清爽。phrases➤sheets and blankets被褥和毯子▸➤be white as a sheet (= look very pale) 脸色煞白sheet noun² 2piece of paper纸张adjective | verb + sheet | sheet + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤blank, clean白纸◆he grabbed a blank sheet of paper and began to write.他拿了张白纸开始写字。➤a3, a4, etc. (not in the us) * a3 纸、a4 纸等▸➤large大张纸▸➤printed打印好的纸张◆the advertisement was a single printed sheet.广告只是一张打印出来的纸。➤loose, separate, single散页;单页纸;一页纸➤folded折叠的纸➤cover封面◆a fax cover sheet传真封面➤answer, data, fact, information, instruction (especially name) , record, score (bre) , sign-up (name) , spec, stat (= statistics) (name) , time答题纸;数据表;资料页;说明书;记录单;记分单;签字表;标准清单;统计表;时间表◆i sent for the free fact sheet on the disease.我写信索要关于这种病的免费资料。◆they all wrote their names on a sign-up sheet.他们都在签字表上写下了自己的名字。➤balance (= record of company's finances) 资产负债表➤charge, rap (informal, especially name) 案件/犯罪记录➤news (usually news-sheet) , scandal小报;丑闻报➤cheat, crib备忘纸条;作弊纸条◆i need cheat sheets to help me cram for my exam.我需要准备些小纸条帮我应对考试。verb + sheet➤take, use拿纸;用纸◆take a clean sheet of paper and start again.拿一张白纸重新开始。➤rip, tear撕纸◆she tore a sheet out of her notebook.她从笔记本上撕下一张纸。sheet + noun➤music活页乐谱preposition➤sheet of一张⋯◆a sheet of blotting paper一张吸墨纸phrases➤a sheet of paper一张纸sheet noun³ 3flat thin piece of any material薄片adjective | sheet + noun | preposition adjective➤flat, large平展的薄片;大薄片➤thick, thin厚板;薄片▸➤baking, cookie (name) 烤盘▸➤dust (bre) 防尘罩◆the furniture was covered in dust sheets.家具用防尘罩盖着。➤canvas, plastic, polythene防水帆布;塑料板;聚乙烯板▸➤ice冰原◆the antarctic ice sheet南极冰原sheet + noun➤metal, steel, vinyl金属板;钢板;乙烯基塑料板◆sheet-metal workers钣金工➤rock (name) 石板◆a wall of sheet rock was placed down the middle.一堵石板墙置于中央。➤lightning片状闪电◆the sky was lit up by great flashes of sheet lightning.天空被片状闪电发出的强光照亮。preposition➤sheet of一片⋯◆a sheet of glass / plastic / metal一块玻璃/塑料/金属◆sheets of flame shot into the air. (figurative) 大片大片的火光直冲云霄。 sheet /ʃiːt/ noun [countable] 1.a piece of paper for writing or printing on, etc., usually in a standard size (通常指标准尺寸的)一张纸◆a sheet of a4 一张 a4 纸◆an information sheet 资料单2.a flat thin piece of any material, normally square or similar in shape (方形)薄片,薄板◆a sheet of glass/steel 一块玻璃;一张钢板◆sheet metal 金属板 ●sing from the same hymn sheet/song sheetto show that you are in agreement with each other by saying the same things in public 一个鼻孔出气;异口同声 balance sheet ◇ fact sheet ◇ off-balance-sheet ◇ time sheet ☞ sheetsheet [countable] a piece of paper for writing or printing on, usually in a standard size, but not one which is part of a book一张(通常指标准尺寸的纸,但不指书页)◆take a clean sheet of paper (= with no writing on it).拿一张白纸。◆start each answer on a fresh sheet.每题答案都分别写在一张白纸上。◆pick up one of our free information sheets at reception.请在接待处拿一张我们的免费传单。sheet/ʃi:t ||; ʃit/noun[c] 1. a large piece of material used on a bed 被单;床单 ☞picture at bed 见bed插图 2. a piece of paper that is used for writing, printing, etc on (书写、打印等用的)纸: ◇a sheet of notepaper 一张信纸◇write each answer on a separate sheet. 答一道题用一张纸。 ☞look at balance sheet. 参看balance sheet。 3. a flat, thin piece of any material, especially a square or rectangular one 薄片(尤指正方形或长方形的): ◇a sheet of metal/glass 一块金属薄板╱玻璃 4. a wide, flat area of sth 一大片: ◇the road was covered with a sheet of ice. 路上覆盖着一层冰。 sheetsee ⇨ piece 4 sheet /ʃit; ʃiːt/n [c] 1. a large piece of thin cloth that you put on a bed to lie on or under 被单,床单:◇have you changed the sheets? (=put clean sheets on the bed) 你换过被单了吗? 2. a thin flat piece of paper, metal, glass etc [纸、金属、玻璃等的]片,块,张:◇a sheet of paper 一张纸 ☞ sheet




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